import { execAsync } from 'astal'; import { type Gtk, type ConstructProps } from 'astal/gtk4'; import { Binding, kebabify, snakeify } from 'astal/binding'; import { mergeBindings } from './bindings'; import { type EventController } from './controller'; import { type AstalifyProps, type BindableProps, type GenericWidget, setChildren } from './generics'; export default < Self extends GenericWidget, Props extends Gtk.Widget.ConstructorProps, >( widget: Self, props: Omit< ConstructProps<Self, Props> & Partial<BindableProps<AstalifyProps>>, keyof EventController<Self> >, ) => { type Key = keyof typeof props; const keys = Object.keys(props) as Key[]; const entries = Object.entries(props) as [Key, unknown][]; const setProp = (prop: Key, value: Self[keyof Self]) => { try { const setter = `set_${snakeify(prop.toString())}` as keyof Self; if (typeof widget[setter] === 'function') { return widget[setter](value); } return (widget[prop as keyof Self] = value); } catch (error) { console.error(`could not set property "${prop.toString()}" on ${widget}:`, error); } }; const children = props.children ? props.children instanceof Binding ? [props.children] as (Binding<Gtk.Widget[]> | Binding<Gtk.Widget> | Gtk.Widget)[] : props.children as Gtk.Widget[] : []; if (props.child) { children.unshift(props.child); } // remove undefined values for (const [key, value] of entries) { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { delete props[key]; } } // collect bindings const bindings: [Key, Binding<unknown>][] = []; for (const key of keys) { if (props[key] instanceof Binding) { bindings.push([key, props[key]]); delete props[key]; } } // collect signal handlers const onHandlers: [string, string | (() => void)][] = []; for (const key of keys) { if (key.toString().startsWith('on')) { const sig = kebabify(key.toString()).split('-').slice(1).join('-'); onHandlers.push([sig, props[key] as string | (() => void)]); delete props[key]; } } // set children const mergedChildren = mergeBindings<Gtk.Widget>(children.flat(Infinity)); if (mergedChildren instanceof Binding) { widget[setChildren](mergedChildren.get()); widget.connect('destroy', mergedChildren.subscribe((v) => { widget[setChildren](v); })); } else if (mergedChildren.length > 0) { widget[setChildren](mergedChildren); } // setup signal handlers for (const [signal, callback] of onHandlers) { const sig = signal.startsWith('notify') ? signal.replace('-', '::') : signal; if (typeof callback === 'function') { widget.connect(sig, callback); } else { widget.connect(sig, () => execAsync(callback) .then(print).catch(console.error)); } } // setup bindings handlers for (const [prop, binding] of bindings) { if (prop === 'child' || prop === 'children') { widget.connect('destroy', (binding as Binding<Gtk.Widget[]>).subscribe((v: Gtk.Widget[]) => { widget[setChildren](v); })); } widget.connect('destroy', binding.subscribe((v: unknown) => { setProp(prop, v as Self[keyof Self]); })); setProp(prop, binding.get() as Self[keyof Self]); } // filter undefined values for (const [key, value] of entries) { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { delete props[key]; } } Object.assign(widget, props); props.setup?.(widget); return widget; };