const { Audio } = ags.Service; const { Label, Box, Icon, Stack, Button, Slider } = ags.Widget; import { Separator } from '../common.js'; const iconSubstitute = item => { const substitues = [ { from: 'audio-headset-bluetooth', to: 'audio-headphones-symbolic' }, { from: 'audio-card-analog-usb', to: 'audio-speakers-symbolic' }, { from: 'audio-card-analog-pci', to: 'audio-card-symbolic' }, ]; for (const { from, to } of substitues) { if (from === item) return to; } return item; }; export const SpeakerIndicator = ({ items = [ ['101', Icon('audio-volume-overamplified-symbolic')], ['67', Icon('audio-volume-high-symbolic')], ['34', Icon('audio-volume-medium-symbolic')], ['1', Icon('audio-volume-low-symbolic')], ['0', Icon('audio-volume-muted-symbolic')], ], ...props } = {}) => Stack({ ...props, items, connections: [[Audio, stack => { if (!Audio.speaker) return; if (Audio.speaker.isMuted) return stack.shown = '0'; const vol = Audio.speaker.volume * 100; for (const threshold of [100, 66, 33, 0, -1]) { if (vol > threshold + 1) return stack.shown = `${threshold + 1}`; } }, 'speaker-changed']], }); export const SpeakerTypeIndicator = props => Icon({ ...props, connections: [[Audio, icon => { if (Audio.speaker) icon.icon = iconSubstitute(Audio.speaker.iconName); }]], }); export const SpeakerPercentLabel = props => Label({ ...props, connections: [[Audio, label => { if (!Audio.speaker) return; label.label = `${Math.floor(Audio.speaker.volume * 100)}%`; }, 'speaker-changed']], }); const AudioModule = () => Box({ className: 'toggle-off audio', children: [ SpeakerIndicator(), Separator(5), SpeakerPercentLabel(), ], }); export const AudioIndicator = AudioModule();