import { bind, timeout } from 'astal'; import { App, Gtk, Widget } from 'astal/gtk3'; import AstalNotifd from 'gi://AstalNotifd'; import { Notification, HasNotifs } from './notification'; import NotifGestureWrapper from './gesture'; const addNotif = (box: Widget.Box, notifObj: AstalNotifd.Notification) => { if (notifObj) { const NewNotif = Notification({ id:, slide_in_from: 'Right', }); if (NewNotif) { box.pack_end(NewNotif, false, false, 0); box.show_all(); } } }; const NotificationList = () => { const notifications = AstalNotifd.get_default(); return ( <box vertical vexpand valign={Gtk.Align.START} visible={bind(HasNotifs)} // It needs to be bigger than the notifs to not jiggle css="min-width: 550px;" setup={(self) => { notifications.get_notifications().forEach((n) => { addNotif(self, n); }); self .hook(notifications, 'notified', (_, id) => { if (id) { const notifObj = notifications.get_notification(id); if (notifObj) { addNotif(self, notifObj); } } }) .hook(notifications, 'resolved', (_, id) => { const notif = (self.get_children() as NotifGestureWrapper[]) .find((ch) => === id); if (notif?.get_sensitive()) { notif.slideAway('Right'); } }); }} /> ); }; const ClearButton = () => { const notifications = AstalNotifd.get_default(); return ( <eventbox cursor={bind(HasNotifs).as((hasNotifs) => hasNotifs ? 'pointer' : 'not-allowed')} > <button className="clear" sensitive={bind(HasNotifs)} onButtonReleaseEvent={() => { notifications.get_notifications().forEach((notif) => { notif.dismiss(); }); timeout(1000, () => { App.get_window('win-notif-center')?.set_visible(false); }); }} > <box> <label label="Clear " /> <icon icon={bind(notifications, 'notifications') .as((notifs) => notifs.length > 0 ? 'user-trash-full-symbolic' : 'user-trash-symbolic')} /> </box> </button> </eventbox> ); }; const Header = () => ( <box className="header"> <label label="Notifications" hexpand xalign={0} /> <ClearButton /> </box> ); const Placeholder = () => ( <revealer transitionType={Gtk.RevealerTransitionType.CROSSFADE} revealChild={bind(HasNotifs).as((v) => !v)} > <box className="placeholder" vertical valign={Gtk.Align.CENTER} halign={Gtk.Align.CENTER} vexpand hexpand > <icon icon="notification-disabled-symbolic" /> <label label="Your inbox is empty" /> </box> </revealer> ); export default () => ( <box className="notification-center widget" vertical > <Header /> <box className="notification-wallpaper-box"> <scrollable className="notification-list-box" hscroll={Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER} vscroll={Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC} > <box className="notification-list" vertical > <NotificationList /> <Placeholder /> </box> </scrollable> </box> </box> );