const { SystemTray } = ags.Service; const { Box, Button, Icon, MenuItem } = ags.Widget; const { Gtk } =; // this one uses a MenuBar and shouldn't throw that destroyed widget warning const SysTrayItem = item => MenuItem({ className: 'tray-item', child: Icon({ size: 24, }), submenu:, connections: [[item, btn => { btn.child.icon = item.icon; btn.tooltipMarkup = item.tooltipMarkup; }]] }); export const SysTrayModule = () => ags.Widget({ type: Gtk.MenuBar, className: 'sys-tray', properties: [ ['items', new Map()], ['onAdded', (box, id) => { const item = SystemTray.getItem(id); if (box._items.has(id) || !item) return; const widget = SysTrayItem(item); box._items.set(id, widget); box.add(widget); box.show_all(); }], ['onRemoved', (box, id) => { if (!box._items.has(id)) return; box._items.get(id).destroy(); box._items.delete(id); }], ], connections: [ [SystemTray, (box, id) => box._onAdded(box, id), 'added'], [SystemTray, (box, id) => box._onRemoved(box, id), 'removed'], ], }); export const SysTray = SysTrayModule();