import Ffmpeg from 'fluent-ffmpeg'; import { spawnSync as spawn } from 'child_process'; import { ISO6393To1 } from './lang-codes'; const SPAWN_OPTS = { shell: true, stdio: [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr], }; /** * These are the cli arguments * * @param videoPath the directory in which we want to sync the subtitles * @param languages a comma-separated list of languages (3 letters) to sync the subtitles */ const video = process.argv[2]; const languages = process.argv[3]?.split(','); const escapePath = (p: string): string => p.replaceAll("'", "'\\''"); // Check if there are 2 params if (video && languages) { main(escapePath(video)); } else { console.error('Error: no argument passed'); process.exit(1); } function getSubPath(baseName: string, sub: Ffmpeg.FfprobeStream): string { const language = ISO6393To1.get(sub.tags.language); const forced = sub.disposition?.forced === 0 ? '' : '.forced'; const hearingImpaired = sub.disposition?.hearing_impaired === 0 ? '' : '.sdh'; return `${baseName}${forced}.${language}${hearingImpaired}.srt`; } function main(videoPath: string) { const subIndexes: number[] = []; const baseName = videoPath.split('/').at(-1)!.replace(/\.[^.]*$/, ''); // ffprobe the video file to see available sub tracks Ffmpeg.ffprobe(videoPath, (_e, data) => { if (!data?.streams) { console.error('Couldn\'t find streams in video file'); return; } languages.forEach((lang) => { let subs = data.streams.filter((s) => { return s['tags'] && s['tags']['language'] && s['tags']['language'] === lang && s.codec_type === 'subtitle'; }); const pgs = subs.filter((s) => s.codec_name === 'hdmv_pgs_subtitle'); // If we only have PGS subs, warn user if (pgs.length === subs.length) { console.warn(`No SRT subtitle tracks were found for ${lang}`); } // Remove PGS streams from subs subs = subs.filter((s) => s.codec_name !== 'hdmv_pgs_subtitle'); if (subs.length === 0) { console.warn(`No subtitle tracks were found for ${lang}`); return; } subs.forEach((sub) => { const subFile = getSubPath(baseName, sub); // Extract subtitle spawn('ffmpeg', [ '-i', `'${videoPath}'`, '-map', `"0:${sub.index}"`, `'${subFile}'`, ], SPAWN_OPTS); subIndexes.push(sub.index); }); }); // Delete subtitles from video spawn('mv', [ `'${videoPath}'`, `'${videoPath}.bak'`, ], SPAWN_OPTS); spawn('ffmpeg', [ '-i', `'${videoPath}.bak'`, '-map', '0', => [ '-map', `-0:${i}`, ]).flat(), '-c', 'copy', `'${videoPath}'`, ], SPAWN_OPTS); spawn('rm', [ `'${videoPath}.bak'`, ], SPAWN_OPTS); }); }