/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import Gdk from 'gi://Gdk?version=4.0'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk?version=4.0'; import Binding, { type Connectable, type Subscribable } from 'astal/binding'; import { hook, noImplicitDestroy, setChildren, construct, } from './_astal'; export type BindableChild = Gtk.Widget | Binding; export const filter = (children: any[]) => { return children.flat(Infinity).map((ch) => ch instanceof Gtk.Widget ? ch : new Gtk.Label({ visible: true, label: String(ch) })); }; export const type = Symbol('child type'); const dummyBuilder = new Gtk.Builder(); interface EventController { onFocusEnter?: (self: Self) => void onFocusLeave?: (self: Self) => void onKeyPressed?: (self: Self, keyval: number, keycode: number, state: Gdk.ModifierType) => void onKeyReleased?: (self: Self, keyval: number, keycode: number, state: Gdk.ModifierType) => void onKeyModifier?: (self: Self, state: Gdk.ModifierType) => void onLegacy?: (self: Self, event: Gdk.Event) => void onButtonPressed?: (self: Self, state: Gdk.ButtonEvent) => void onButtonReleased?: (self: Self, state: Gdk.ButtonEvent) => void onHoverEnter?: (self: Self, x: number, y: number) => void onHoverLeave?: (self: Self) => void onMotion?: (self: Self, x: number, y: number) => void onScroll?: (self: Self, dx: number, dy: number) => void onScrollDecelerate?: (self: Self, vel_x: number, vel_y: number) => void } const setupControllers = (widget: Gtk.Widget, { onFocusEnter, onFocusLeave, onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onKeyModifier, onLegacy, onButtonPressed, onButtonReleased, onHoverEnter, onHoverLeave, onMotion, onScroll, onScrollDecelerate, ...props }: EventController & T) => { if (onFocusEnter || onFocusLeave) { const focus = new Gtk.EventControllerFocus(); widget.add_controller(focus); if (onFocusEnter) { focus.connect('focus-enter', () => onFocusEnter(widget)); } if (onFocusLeave) { focus.connect('focus-leave', () => onFocusLeave(widget)); } } if (onKeyPressed || onKeyReleased || onKeyModifier) { const key = new Gtk.EventControllerKey(); widget.add_controller(key); if (onKeyPressed) { key.connect('key-pressed', (_, val, code, state) => onKeyPressed(widget, val, code, state)); } if (onKeyReleased) { key.connect('key-released', (_, val, code, state) => onKeyReleased(widget, val, code, state)); } if (onKeyModifier) { key.connect('modifiers', (_, state) => onKeyModifier(widget, state)); } } if (onLegacy || onButtonPressed || onButtonReleased) { const legacy = new Gtk.EventControllerLegacy(); widget.add_controller(legacy); legacy.connect('event', (_, event) => { if (event.get_event_type() === Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS) { onButtonPressed?.(widget, event as Gdk.ButtonEvent); } if (event.get_event_type() === Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE) { onButtonReleased?.(widget, event as Gdk.ButtonEvent); } onLegacy?.(widget, event); }); } if (onMotion || onHoverEnter || onHoverLeave) { const hover = new Gtk.EventControllerMotion(); widget.add_controller(hover); if (onHoverEnter) { hover.connect('enter', (_, x, y) => onHoverEnter(widget, x, y)); } if (onHoverLeave) { hover.connect('leave', () => onHoverLeave(widget)); } if (onMotion) { hover.connect('motion', (_, x, y) => onMotion(widget, x, y)); } } if (onScroll || onScrollDecelerate) { const scroll = new Gtk.EventControllerScroll(); widget.add_controller(scroll); if (onScroll) { scroll.connect('scroll', (_, x, y) => onScroll(widget, x, y)); } if (onScrollDecelerate) { scroll.connect('decelerate', (_, x, y) => onScrollDecelerate(widget, x, y)); } } return props; }; export default < C extends new(...args: any[]) => Gtk.Widget, >(cls: C, clsName = cls.name) => { class Widget extends cls { declare private _css: string | undefined; declare private _provider: Gtk.CssProvider | undefined; get css(): string | undefined { return this._css; } set css(value: string) { if (!this._provider) { this._provider = new Gtk.CssProvider(); this.get_style_context().add_provider( this._provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER, ); } this._css = value; this._provider.load_from_string(value); } declare private [type]: string; get type(): string { return this[type]; } set type(value: string) { this[type] = value; } get children(): Gtk.Widget[] { return this.getChildren(this); } set children(value: Gtk.Widget[]) { this.setChildren(this, value); } declare private [noImplicitDestroy]: boolean; get noImplicitDestroy(): boolean { return this[noImplicitDestroy]; } set noImplicitDestroy(value: boolean) { this[noImplicitDestroy] = value; } protected getChildren(widget: Gtk.Widget): Gtk.Widget[] { if ('get_child' in widget && typeof widget.get_child == 'function') { return widget.get_child() ? [widget.get_child()] : []; } const children: Gtk.Widget[] = []; let ch = widget.get_first_child(); while (ch !== null) { children.push(ch); ch = ch.get_next_sibling(); } return children; } protected setChildren(widget: Gtk.Widget, children: any[]) { children = children.flat(Infinity).map((ch) => ch instanceof Gtk.Widget ? ch : new Gtk.Label({ visible: true, label: String(ch) })); for (const child of children) { widget.vfunc_add_child( dummyBuilder, child, type in widget ? widget[type] as string : null, ); } } [setChildren](children: any[]) { const w = this as unknown as Widget; for (const child of (this.getChildren(w))) { if (child instanceof Gtk.Widget) { child.unparent(); if (!children.includes(child) && noImplicitDestroy in this) { child.run_dispose(); } } } this.setChildren(w, children); } hook( object: Connectable, signal: string, callback: (self: this, ...args: any[]) => void, ): this; hook( object: Subscribable, callback: (self: this, ...args: any[]) => void, ): this; hook( object: Connectable | Subscribable, signalOrCallback: string | ((self: this, ...args: any[]) => void), callback?: (self: this, ...args: any[]) => void, ) { hook(this, object, signalOrCallback, callback); return this; } constructor(...params: any[]) { const props = params[0] || {}; super('cssName' in props ? { cssName: props.cssName } : {}); if ('cssName' in props) { delete props.cssName; } if (props.noImplicitDestroy) { this.noImplicitDestroy = true; delete props.noImplicitDestroy; } if (props.type) { this.type = props.type; delete props.type; } construct(this as any, setupControllers(this, props)); } } GObject.registerClass({ GTypeName: `RealClass_${clsName}`, Properties: { 'css': GObject.ParamSpec.string( 'css', '', '', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, '', ), 'type': GObject.ParamSpec.string( 'type', '', '', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, '', ), 'no-implicit-destroy': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean( 'no-implicit-destroy', '', '', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE, false, ), }, }, Widget); return Widget; };