{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { hardware.bluetooth = { enable = true; powerOnBoot = true; settings = { General = { DiscoverableTimeout = 0; Experimental = true; KernelExperimental = true; }; Policy.AutoEnable = "true"; }; }; # Have pulseaudio.service itself start at boot but after bluetooth # so bluetooth accepts sound connections from the start. systemd.user.services.pulseaudio.after = ["bluetooth.service"]; systemd.user.targets.default.wants = ["pulseaudio.service"]; # Allow pulseaudio to be managed by MPD hardware.pulseaudio = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= ''; }; services = { mpd = { enable = true; network = { listenAddress = ""; port = 6600; }; extraConfig = '' audio_output { type "pulse" name "UE Boom 2" sink "bluez_sink.88_C6_26_93_4B_77.a2dp_sink" server "" } ''; }; spotifyd = { enable = true; settings.global = let cacheDir = "/etc/spotifyd"; in { device_name = config.networking.hostName; device_type = "speaker"; zeroconf_port = 33797; cache_path = cacheDir; username_cmd = "${lib.getExe pkgs.jq} -r .username ${cacheDir}/credentials.json"; autoplay = false; backend = "pulseaudio"; bitrate = 320; no_audio_cache = true; volume_normalisation = false; }; }; }; environment.etc."spotifyd/credentials.json" = { source = config.sops.secrets.spotifyd.path; }; }