# I use nix2yaml from ../default.nix to convert this to YAML and place it in the functions of extended_ollama_conversation let inherit (import ../../../../../lib {}) lib; inherit (lib) concatStrings concatStringsSep splitString; in [ { spec = { name = "get_attributes"; description = "Get attributes of any home assistant entity"; parameters = { type = "object"; properties = { entity_id = { type = "string"; description = "entity_id"; }; }; required = ["entity_id"]; }; }; function = { type = "template"; value_template = "{{ states[entity_id] }}"; }; } { spec = { name = "timer_start"; description = "Use this function to start a timer in Home Assistant whose ID defaults to 1."; parameters = { type = "object"; properties = { hours = { type = "string"; description = "The amount of hours the timer should run for."; }; minutes = { type = "string"; description = "The amount of minutes the timer should run for."; }; seconds = { type = "string"; description = "The amount of seconds the timer should run for."; }; }; required = []; }; }; function = { type = "script"; sequence = [ { service = "script.assist_timerstart"; # dummy ID that won't be used by the script target.entity_id = "timer.assist_timer1"; data = { duration = concatStrings [ ''{% if not hours %} {% set hours = "0" %} {% endif %}'' ''{% if not minutes %} {% set minutes = "0" %} {% endif %}'' ''{% if not seconds %} {% set seconds = "0" %} {% endif %}'' ''{{ hours | int(default=0) }}:{{ minutes | int(default=0) }}:{{ seconds | int(default=0) }}'' ]; }; } ]; }; } { spec = { name = "timer_stop"; description = "Use this function to stop a timer in Home Assistant."; parameters = { type = "object"; properties = { timer_number = { type = "string"; description = "The number of the timer"; enum = ["1" "2" "3"]; }; }; required = ["timer_number"]; }; }; function = { type = "script"; sequence = [ { service = "script.assist_timerstop"; target.entity_id = ''{{ "timer.assist_timer" ~ timer_number }}''; } ]; }; } { spec = { name = "timer_pause"; description = "Use this function to pause a timer in Home Assistant."; parameters = { type = "object"; properties = { timer_number = { type = "string"; description = "The number of the timer"; enum = ["1" "2" "3"]; }; }; required = ["timer_number"]; }; }; function = { type = "script"; sequence = [ { service = "script.assist_timerpause"; target.entity_id = ''{{ "timer.assist_timer" ~ timer_number }}''; data = { timer_action = "pause"; }; } ]; }; } { spec = { name = "timer_unpause"; description = "Use this function to unpause or resume a timer in Home Assistant."; parameters = { type = "object"; properties = { timer_number = { type = "string"; description = "The number of the timer"; enum = ["1" "2" "3"]; }; }; required = ["timer_number"]; }; }; function = { type = "script"; sequence = [ { service = "script.assist_timerpause"; target.entity_id = ''{{ "timer.assist_timer" ~ timer_number }}''; data = { timer_action = "resume"; }; } ]; }; } { spec = { name = "timer_duration"; description = "Use this function to get the remaining duration of a timer in Home Assistant."; parameters = { type = "object"; properties = { timer_number = { type = "string"; description = "The number of the timer"; enum = ["1" "2" "3"]; }; }; required = ["timer_number"]; }; }; function = { type = "template"; value_template = concatStringsSep " " (splitString "\n" '' {%- set entity_id = "timer.assist_timer" ~ timer_number %} {%- set timer_amount = states.timer | selectattr("state","eq","active") | selectattr("entity_id","match","timer.assist_timer*") | map(attribute="entity_id") | list | length -%} {% if timer_amount == 0 %} There are no timers active. {% else %} {%- if entity_id != "all" and entity_id != "null" %} {%- set active_timers = states.timer | selectattr("state","eq","active") | selectattr("entity_id","match",entity_id) | list -%} {%- else%} {%- set active_timers = states.timer | selectattr("state","eq","active") | selectattr("entity_id","match","timer.assist_timer*") | list -%} {%- endif %} {% if active_timers|length == 0 %} {%- if entity_id != "all" and entity_id != "null" %} This timer is not active. {%- else %} There are no timers active. {%- endif %} {% elif active_timers | length > 1 %} There are {{active_timers|length }} timers active. {% endif %} {% for timer in active_timers %} {% set timer_id = timer.entity_id %} {% set timer_finishes_at = state_attr(timer_id, "finishes_at") %} {% set time_remaining = as_datetime(timer_finishes_at) - now() %} {% set hours_remaining = time_remaining.total_seconds() // 3600 %} {% set minutes_remaining = (time_remaining.total_seconds() % 3600) // 60 %} {% set seconds_remaining = time_remaining.total_seconds() % 60 %} {% if timer.state == "active" or timer.state == "paused" %} {% if entity_id != timer_id %} {{ state_attr(timer_id, "friendly_name")[9:] }} {% if timer.state == "paused" %} is paused and {% endif %} has {% else %} There are {% endif %} {% if hours_remaining > 0 %}{{ hours_remaining | round }} hours {% endif %} {% if minutes_remaining == 1 %}1 minute {% endif %} {% if minutes_remaining > 1 %}{{ minutes_remaining | round }} minutes {% endif %} {% if seconds_remaining == 1 and hours_remaining == 0%}1 seconde {% endif %} {% if seconds_remaining > 1 and hours_remaining == 0 %}{{ seconds_remaining | round }} seconds {% endif %}remaining. {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} ''); }; } { spec = { name = "play_artist"; description = "Use this function to play music from an artist"; parameters = { type = "object"; properties.query = { type = "string"; description = "The query"; }; required = ["query"]; }; }; function = { type = "script"; sequence = [ { service = "netdaemon.spotify_play_artist"; data = { criteria = "{{ query }}"; }; } ]; }; } ]