-- Modified from https://github.com/lauranaujokat/nvim/blob/4102c789d05667f636107e3dae4ac589053ee88d/lua/setups/heirline.lua#L4 local conditions = require('heirline.conditions'); local utils = require('heirline.utils'); ---@class Palette ---@field [string] any local dracula = require('dracula').colors(); local colors = { bright_bg = dracula.selection, dark_bg = dracula.menu, bright_fg = dracula.fg, red = dracula.red, dark_red = utils.get_highlight('DiffDelete').bg, green = dracula.green, blue = dracula.blue, gray = utils.get_highlight('NonText').fg, orange = utils.get_highlight('Constant').fg, purple = utils.get_highlight('Statement').fg, cyan = dracula.cyan, diag_warn = utils.get_highlight('DiagnosticWarn').fg, diag_error = utils.get_highlight('DiagnosticError').fg, diag_hint = utils.get_highlight('DiagnosticHint').fg, diag_info = utils.get_highlight('DiagnosticInfo').fg, git_del = utils.get_highlight('GitSignsDelete').fg, git_add = utils.get_highlight('GitSignsAdd').fg, git_change = utils.get_highlight('GitSignsChange').fg, }; require('heirline').load_colors(colors); local ViMode = { -- get vim current mode, this information will be required by the provider -- and the highlight functions, so we compute it only once per component -- evaluation and store it as a component attribute init = function(self) self.mode = vim.fn.mode(1); -- execute this only once, this is required if you want the ViMode -- component to be updated on operator pending mode if not self.once then vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('ModeChanged', { pattern = '*:*o', command = 'redrawstatus', }); self.once = true; end; end, static = { mode_names = { n = 'N', no = 'N?', nov = 'N?', noV = 'N?', ['no\22'] = 'N?', niI = 'Ni', niR = 'Nr', niV = 'Nv', nt = 'Nt', v = 'V', vs = 'Vs', V = 'V_', Vs = 'Vs', ['\22'] = '^V', ['\22s'] = '^V', s = 'S', S = 'S_', ['\19'] = '^S', i = 'I', ic = 'Ic', ix = 'Ix', R = 'R', Rc = 'Rc', Rx = 'Rx', Rv = 'Rv', Rvc = 'Rv', Rvx = 'Rv', c = 'C', cv = 'Ex', r = '...', rm = 'M', ['r?'] = '?', ['!'] = '!', t = 'T', }, mode_colors = { n = 'red', i = 'green', v = 'cyan', V = 'cyan', ['\22'] = 'cyan', c = 'orange', s = 'purple', S = 'purple', ['\19'] = 'purple', R = 'orange', r = 'orange', ['!'] = 'red', t = 'red', }, }, -- To be extra meticulous, we can also add some vim statusline syntax to -- control the padding and make sure our string is always at least 2 -- characters long. Plus a nice Icon. provider = function(self) return ' ' .. self.mode_names[self.mode] .. '%)'; end, -- Same goes for the highlight. Now the foreground will change according to the current mode. hl = function(self) local mode = self.mode:sub(1, 1); -- get only the first mode character return { fg = self.mode_colors[mode], bold = true }; end, -- Re-evaluate the component only on ModeChanged event update = { 'ModeChanged', }, }; local FileNameBlock = { init = function(self) self.filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0); end, }; -- FileNameBlock children local FileIcon = { init = function(self) local filename = self.filename; local extension = vim.fn.fnamemodify(filename, ':e'); self.icon, self.icon_color = require('nvim-web-devicons').get_icon_color(filename, extension, { default = true }); end, provider = function(self) return self.icon and (self.icon .. ' '); end, hl = function(self) return { fg = self.icon_color }; end, }; local FileName = { provider = function(self) -- first, trim the pattern relative to the current directory. For other -- options, see :h filename-modifers local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(self.filename, ':.'); if filename == '' then return '[No Name]'; end; -- now, if the filename would occupy more than 1/4th of the available -- space, we trim the file path to its initials -- See Flexible Components section below for dynamic truncation if not conditions.width_percent_below(#filename, 0.25) then filename = vim.fn.pathshorten(filename); end; return filename; end, hl = { fg = utils.get_highlight('Directory').fg }, }; local FileFlags = { { condition = function() return vim.bo.modified; end, provider = '[+]', hl = { fg = 'green' }, }, { condition = function() return not vim.bo.modifiable or vim.bo.readonly; end, provider = '', hl = { fg = 'orange' }, }, }; local FileNameModifer = { hl = function() if vim.bo.modified then -- use `force` because we need to override the child's hl foreground return { fg = 'cyan', bold = true, force = true }; end; end, }; -- let's add the children to our FileNameBlock component FileNameBlock = utils.insert( FileNameBlock, FileIcon, utils.insert(FileNameModifer, FileName), -- a new table where FileName is a child of FileNameModifier unpack(FileFlags), -- A small optimisation, since their parent does nothing { provider = '%<' } -- this means that the statusline is cut here when there's not enough space ); local Ruler = { provider = ' line: %l col: %c', hl = { fg = 'green', bold = false }, }; local ScrollRuler = { -- %l = current line number -- %L = number of lines in the buffer -- %c = column number -- %P = percentage through file of displayed window provider = '%P', }; local ScrollBar = { static = { sbar = { '▁', '▂', '▃', '▄', '▅', '▆', '▇', '█' }, -- sbar = { '🭶', '🭷', '🭸', '🭹', '🭺', '🭻' } }, provider = function(self) local curr_line = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]; local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0); local i = math.floor((curr_line - 1) / lines * #self.sbar) + 1; return string.rep(self.sbar[i], 2); end, hl = { fg = 'cyan', bg = 'bright_bg' }, }; local LSPActive = { condition = conditions.lsp_attached, update = { 'LspAttach', 'LspDetach' }, provider = function() local names = {}; for _, server in pairs(vim.lsp.get_clients()) do table.insert(names, server.name); end; return ' [' .. table.concat(names, ' ') .. '] '; end, hl = { fg = 'green', bold = false }, }; local spinner_frames = { '⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏' }; -- From https://github.com/mhartington/dotfiles/blob/5961460e3a492f7815259a692fca5ca2a1df924a/config/nvim/lua/mh/statusline/lsp_status.lua#L4 local function get_lsp_progress() local messages = require('lsp-status/messaging').messages; local buf_messages = messages(); local msgs = {}; for _, msg in ipairs(buf_messages) do local contents; if msg.progress then contents = msg.title; if msg.spinner then contents = spinner_frames[(msg.spinner % #spinner_frames) + 1] .. ' ' .. contents; end; elseif msg.status then contents = msg.content; if msg.uri then local space = math.min(60, math.floor(0.6 * vim.fn.winwidth(0))); local filename = vim.uri_to_fname(msg.uri); filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(filename, ':~:.'); if #filename > space then filename = vim.fn.pathshorten(filename); end; contents = '(' .. filename .. ') ' .. contents; end; else contents = msg.content; end; table.insert(msgs, contents); end; return table.concat(msgs, ' '); end; local LSPMessages = { provider = function() local progress = get_lsp_progress(); if progress == '' then return ''; else return ' ' .. progress; end; end, hl = { fg = 'purple' }, }; local Diagnostics = { condition = conditions.has_diagnostics, static = { error_icon = ' ', warn_icon = ' ', info_icon = ' ', hint_icon = ' ', }, init = function(self) self.errors = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR }); self.warnings = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN }); self.hints = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT }); self.info = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO }); end, update = { 'DiagnosticChanged', 'BufEnter' }, { provider = function(self) -- 0 is just another output, we can decide to print it or not! return self.errors > 0 and (self.error_icon .. self.errors); end, hl = { fg = 'diag_error' }, }, { provider = function(self) return self.warnings > 0 and (self.warn_icon .. self.warnings); end, hl = { fg = 'diag_warn' }, }, { provider = function(self) return self.info > 0 and (self.info_icon .. self.info); end, hl = { fg = 'diag_info' }, }, { provider = function(self) return self.hints > 0 and (self.hint_icon .. self.hints); end, hl = { fg = 'diag_hint' }, }, }; local Git = { condition = conditions.is_git_repo, init = function(self) self.status_dict = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict; self.has_changes = self.status_dict.added ~= 0 or self.status_dict.removed ~= 0 or self.status_dict.changed ~= 0; end, hl = { fg = 'orange' }, { -- git branch name provider = function(self) return ' ' .. self.status_dict.head; end, hl = { bold = true }, }, -- You could handle delimiters, icons and counts similar to Diagnostics { condition = function(self) return self.has_changes; end, provider = '(', }, { provider = function(self) local count = self.status_dict.added or 0; return count > 0 and ('+' .. count); end, hl = { fg = 'git_add' }, }, { provider = function(self) local count = self.status_dict.removed or 0; return count > 0 and ('-' .. count); end, hl = { fg = 'git_del' }, }, { provider = function(self) local count = self.status_dict.changed or 0; return count > 0 and ('~' .. count); end, hl = { fg = 'git_change' }, }, { condition = function(self) return self.has_changes; end, provider = ')', }, }; local Align = { provider = '%=' }; local Space = { provider = ' ' }; Left = utils.surround({ '', '' }, 'bright_bg', { ViMode, Diagnostics, LSPMessages }); Middle = utils.surround({ '', '' }, 'bright_bg', { LSPActive, FileNameBlock, Ruler }); Right = utils.surround({ '', '' }, 'bright_bg', { Git, Space, ScrollRuler, Space, ScrollBar }); local DefaultStatusline = { hl = { bg = 'dark_bg' }, condition = function() return true; end, Left, Align, Middle, Align, Right, }; local StatusLines = { hl = function() if conditions.is_active() then return 'StatusLine'; else return 'StatusLineNC'; end; end, -- the first statusline with no condition, or which condition returns true is used. -- think of it as a switch case with breaks to stop fallthrough. fallthrough = false, DefaultStatusline, }; -- Make it global vim.opt.laststatus = 3; require('heirline').setup({ statusline = StatusLines, });