const { timeout } = Utils; const { Stack } = Widget; import PopupWindow from '../misc/popup.ts'; // Types import { BoxGeneric, StackGeneric } from 'global-types'; // Import all the OSDs as an array const OSDList = [] as Array<(stack: StackGeneric) => BoxGeneric>; import * as Modules from './osds.ts'; for (const osd in Modules) { OSDList.push(Modules[osd]); } // Array const HIDE_DELAY = 2000; const transition_duration = 300; const OSDs = () => { const stack = Stack({ transition: 'over_up_down', transition_duration, attribute: { popup: (osd: BoxGeneric) => { if (!osd) { console.log(); } } }, }); // Send reference of stack to all items stack.items =, i) => [`${i}`, osd(stack)]); // Delay popup method so it // doesn't show any OSDs at launch timeout(1000, () => { let count = 0; stack.attribute.popup = (osd: BoxGeneric) => { ++count; stack.set_visible_child(osd); App.openWindow('osd'); timeout(HIDE_DELAY, () => { --count; if (count === 0) { App.closeWindow('osd'); } }); }; }); return stack; }; export default () => PopupWindow({ name: 'osd', anchor: ['bottom'], exclusivity: 'ignore', close_on_unfocus: 'stay', transition: 'slide_up', transition_duration, bezier: 'ease', content: OSDs(), });