self: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) attrNames escapeShellArgs flatten filterAttrs listToAttrs map mkEnableOption mkForce mkIf mkOption nameValuePair optionals splitString types ; flatMap = f: list: flatten (map f list); cfg =; in { imports = [self.nixosModules.docker]; = { enable = mkEnableOption "Wyoming openWakeWord server"; image = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.dockerTools.pullImage { imageName = ""; imageDigest = "sha256:88df83cfdaa5a0dd068f79662d06b81479ec7b59a4bea59751ff5d6f68bad24a"; sha256 = "1c2yhrhhj1wpd5bcc3zaz1gv8mw8dw5m76cjf42nhf2sgwp2hsjl"; finalImageName = ""; finalImageTag = "latest"; }; description = '' The image that docker will use. ''; }; uri = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; example = ""; description = '' URI to bind the wyoming server to. ''; }; customModelsDirectories = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.path; default = []; description = '' Paths to directories with custom wake word models (*.tflite model files). ''; }; preloadModels = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; default = [ "ok_nabu" ]; example = [ # wyoming_openwakeword/models/*.tflite "alexa" "hey_jarvis" "hey_mycroft" "hey_rhasspy" "ok_nabu" ]; description = '' List of wake word models to preload after startup. ''; }; threshold = mkOption { type = types.float; default = 0.5; description = '' Activation threshold (0-1), where higher means fewer activations. See trigger level for the relationship between activations and wake word detections. ''; apply = toString; }; triggerLevel = mkOption { type =; default = 1; description = '' Number of activations before a detection is registered. A higher trigger level means fewer detections. ''; apply = toString; }; extraArgs = mkOption { type = with types; listOf str; default = []; description = '' Extra arguments to pass to the server commandline. ''; apply = escapeShellArgs; }; }; config = { = let unitNames = attrNames ( filterAttrs (_: v: v.device == "cpu") ); in listToAttrs (map (x: nameValuePair "wyoming-faster-whisper-${x}" { serviceConfig.ProcSubset = mkForce "all"; }) unitNames); khepri = mkIf cfg.enable { compositions."openwakeword" = { networks.default = {}; services."openwakeword" = { image = cfg.image; restart = "always"; networks = ["default"]; volumes = map (dir: "${toString dir}:${toString dir}") cfg.customModelsDirectories; cmd = (flatMap (model: ["--preload-model" model]) cfg.preloadModels) ++ (flatMap (dir: ["--custom-model-dir" (toString dir)]) cfg.customModelsDirectories) ++ ["--threshold" cfg.threshold] ++ ["--trigger-level" cfg.triggerLevel] ++ optionals (cfg.extraArgs != "") (splitString " " cfg.extraArgs); ports = ["${cfg.uri}:10400"]; }; }; }; }; # For accurate stack trace _file = ./default.nix; }