import { execAsync, subprocess } from 'astal'; import GObject, { register } from 'astal/gobject'; import { notifySend } from '../lib'; const APP_NAME = 'gpu-screen-recorder'; const ICON_NAME = 'nvidia'; @register() export default class GpuScreenRecorder extends GObject.Object { private _lastNotifID: number | undefined; public constructor() { super(); try { subprocess( ['gsr-start'], (path) => { if (!this._lastNotifID) { console.error('[GpuScreenRecorder] ID of warning notif not found'); setTimeout(() => { this._onSaved(path); }, 1000); } else { this._onSaved(path); } }, () => { /**/ }, ); } catch (_e) { console.error('Missing dependency for gpu-screen-recorder'); } } private static _default: InstanceType<typeof GpuScreenRecorder> | undefined; public static get_default() { if (!GpuScreenRecorder._default) { GpuScreenRecorder._default = new GpuScreenRecorder(); } return GpuScreenRecorder._default; } public saveReplay() { execAsync(['gpu-save-replay']) .then(async() => { this._lastNotifID = await notifySend({ appName: APP_NAME, iconName: ICON_NAME, title: 'Saving Replay', body: 'Last 20 minutes', }); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(`[GpuScreenRecorder save-replay] ${err}`); }); } private _onSaved(path: string) { notifySend({ appName: APP_NAME, iconName: ICON_NAME, replaceId: this._lastNotifID, title: 'Replay Saved', body: `Saved to ${path}`, actions: [ { id: 'folder', label: 'Open Folder', callback: () => execAsync([ 'xdg-open', path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/')), ]).catch(print), }, { id: 'video', label: 'Open Video', callback: () => execAsync(['xdg-open', path]).catch(print), }, { id: 'kdenlive', label: 'Edit in kdenlive', callback: () => execAsync([ 'bash', '-c', `kdenlive -i ${path}`, ]).catch(print), }, ], }); } }