import { Gdk, Gtk } from 'astal/gtk3'; import Cairo from 'cairo'; import { Bezier, BezierPoints, Point } from '../../lib'; /* Types */ type Side = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left'; const SIDES: Side[] = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']; export default ({ css = 'background-color: black;', allocation = { width: 0, height: 0 }, }) => ( <box> <drawingarea css={css} setup={(widget) => { widget.set_size_request(allocation.width, allocation.height); widget.connect('draw', (_, cairoContext: Cairo.Context) => { widget.set_size_request(allocation.width, allocation.height); const styleContext = widget.get_style_context(); const bgColor = styleContext.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL); const borderWidth = styleContext.get_border(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL); const borderColor = Object.fromEntries( => [ side, styleContext.get_property( `border-${side}-color`, Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, ) as Gdk.RGBA, ])) as Record<Side, Gdk.RGBA>; /* * Draws a cubic bezier curve from the current point * of the cairo context. * * @param dest the destination point of the curve * @param curve the cubic bezier's control points. this * is the same as a CSS easing function */ const drawBezier = (dest: Point, curve: BezierPoints): void => { const start = new Point(cairoContext.getCurrentPoint()); // Converts the ratios to absolute coordinates curve[0] = curve[0] * (dest.x - start.x) + start.x; curve[1] = curve[1] * (dest.y - start.y) + start.y; curve[2] = curve[2] * (dest.x - start.x) + start.x; curve[3] = curve[3] * (dest.y - start.y) + start.y; cairoContext.curveTo(...curve, dest.x, dest.y); }; const colorBorder = ( side: Side, start: Point, dest: Point, curve?: BezierPoints, ) => { cairoContext.moveTo(...start.values); if (curve) { drawBezier(dest, curve); } else { cairoContext.lineTo(...dest.values); } cairoContext.setLineWidth(borderWidth[side]); cairoContext.setSourceRGBA( borderColor[side].red, borderColor[side].green, borderColor[side].blue, borderColor[side].alpha, ); cairoContext.stroke(); }; const bottomLeft = new Point({ x: 0, y: allocation.height, }); const topLeft = new Point({ x: 0, y: 0, }); const middleLeft = new Point({ x: allocation.width / 3, y: allocation.height * 0.8, }); const middleRight = new Point({ x: (allocation.width / 3) * 2, y: allocation.height * 0.8, }); const topRight = new Point({ x: allocation.width, y: 0, }); const bottomRight = new Point({ x: allocation.width, y: allocation.height, }); const bezier = new Bezier(0.76, 0, 0.24, 1); // bottom left to top left cairoContext.moveTo(...bottomLeft.values); cairoContext.lineTo(...topLeft.values); // top left to middle left drawBezier(middleLeft, bezier.points); // middle left to middle right cairoContext.lineTo(...middleRight.values); // middle right to top right drawBezier(topRight, bezier.points); // top right to bottom right cairoContext.lineTo(...bottomRight.values); // bottom right to bottom left cairoContext.closePath(); // Add color cairoContext.setSourceRGBA(,,, bgColor.alpha); cairoContext.fill(); colorBorder('left', bottomLeft, topLeft); colorBorder('top', topLeft, middleLeft, bezier.points); colorBorder('top', middleLeft, middleRight); colorBorder('top', middleRight, topRight, bezier.points); colorBorder('right', topRight, bottomRight); colorBorder('bottom', bottomLeft, bottomRight); }); }} /> </box> );