# see https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle
# [basic]
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
quote_style = single

max_line_length = 120
end_of_line = lf

table_separator_style = comma
trailing_table_separator = smart

call_arg_parentheses = keep

# [space]
space_around_table_field_list = true
space_before_attribute = true
space_before_function_open_parenthesis = false
space_before_function_call_open_parenthesis = false
space_before_closure_open_parenthesis = false
space_before_function_call_single_arg = false
space_before_open_square_bracket = false
space_inside_function_call_parentheses = false
space_inside_function_param_list_parentheses = false
space_inside_square_brackets = false

# like t[#t+1] = 1
space_around_table_append_operator = false
ignore_spaces_inside_function_call = false

# detail number or 'keep'
space_before_inline_comment = 1

# convert '---' to '--- ' or '--' to '-- '
space_after_comment_dash = false

# [operator space]
space_around_math_operator = true
space_around_math_operator.exponent = false
space_around_concat_operator = true
space_around_logical_operator = true
space_around_assign_operator = true

space_after_comma = true
space_after_comma_in_for_statement = true

# [align]
align_call_args = false
align_function_params = true
align_continuous_assign_statement = true
align_continuous_rect_table_field = true
align_continuous_line_space = 2
align_if_branch = false

# option none / always / contain_curly/
align_array_table = true

align_continuous_similar_call_args = false

align_continuous_inline_comment = true
# option none / always / only_call_stmt
align_chain_expr = none

# [indent]
never_indent_before_if_condition = false
never_indent_comment_on_if_branch = false
keep_indents_on_empty_lines = false
allow_non_indented_comments = false

# [line space]

# The following configuration supports four expressions
# keep
# fixed(n)
# min(n)
# max(n)
# for eg. min(2)

line_space_after_if_statement = keep

line_space_after_do_statement = keep

line_space_after_while_statement = keep

line_space_after_repeat_statement = keep

line_space_after_for_statement = keep

line_space_after_local_or_assign_statement = keep

line_space_after_function_statement = fixed(2)

line_space_after_expression_statement = keep

line_space_after_comment = keep

line_space_around_block = fixed(1)

# [line break]
break_all_list_when_line_exceed = false
auto_collapse_lines = false
break_before_braces = false

# [preference]
ignore_space_after_colon = false
end_statement_with_semicolon = always