self: { config, lib, osConfig, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (builtins) toJSON; inherit (lib) attrValues getExe hasPrefix mkIf removePrefix; inherit (osConfig.networking) hostName; cfg = config.programs.neovim; mainHmCfg = osConfig.home-manager.users.${cfg.user} or config; defaultFormatter = self.formatter.${pkgs.system}; formatCmd = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "nix-fmt-cmd"; runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [jq]; text = '' if info="$(nix flake show --json 2> /dev/null)" && [[ "$(jq -r .formatter <<< "$info")" != "null" ]]; then exec nix fmt -- -- else exec ${getExe defaultFormatter} fi ''; }; nixdPkg = pkgs.nixd; flakeEnv = config.programs.bash.sessionVariables.FLAKE; flakeDir = "${removePrefix "${mainHmCfg.home.homeDirectory}/" flakeEnv}"; optionsAttr = if osConfig != null then "nixosConfigurations.${hostName}.options" else "nixOnDroidConfigurations.default"; in { config = mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.ideConfig.enableNix) { assertions = [ { assertion = hasPrefix "${mainHmCfg.home.homeDirectory}/" flakeEnv; message = '' Your $FLAKE environment variable needs to point to a directory in the main users' home to use the neovim module. ''; } ]; # We keep the packages here home.packages = attrValues { inherit defaultFormatter nixdPkg ; }; # nixd by default kinda spams LspLog home.sessionVariables.NIXD_FLAGS = "-log=error"; xdg.dataFile."${flakeDir}/.nixd.json".text = toJSON { nixpkgs = { expr = "import (builtins.getFlake \"${flakeDir}\").inputs.nixpkgs {}"; }; options.nixos = { expr = "(builtins.getFlake \"${flakeDir}\").${optionsAttr}"; }; }; programs = { neovim = { extraPackages = attrValues { inherit nixdPkg; }; extraLuaConfig = # lua '' require('lspconfig').nixd.setup({ capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities(), filetypes = { 'nix', 'in.nix' }, settings = { nixd = { formatting = { command = { '${getExe formatCmd}' }, }, }, }, }); ''; }; }; }; # For accurate stack trace _file = ./default.nix; }