{ pkgs, nixpkgs-wayland, ... }: let waypkgs = nixpkgs-wayland.packages.x86_64-linux; in { programs = { obs-studio = { enable = true; plugins = with waypkgs; [ obs-wlrobs ]; }; btop.enable = true; }; home.packages = (with pkgs; [ # FIXME: vlc stutters mpv nextcloud-client libreoffice-fresh photoqt hunspell hunspellDicts.en_CA jellyfin-media-player spotifywm thunderbird prismlauncher-qt5 (pkgs.discord.override { withOpenASAR = true; withVencord = true; }) # School virt-manager bluej xournalpp ]) ++ (with pkgs.plasma5Packages; [ ark kcharselect kdenlive okular # Dolphin & co dolphin dolphin-plugins kdegraphics-thumbnailers ffmpegthumbs kio kio-admin # needs to be both here and in system pkgs kio-extras kmime ]) ++ (with pkgs.gnome; [ gnome-calculator ]); # TODO: add mic sound xdg.configFile."gsr.sh" = { executable = true; text = '' export WINDOW=DP-5 export CONTAINER=mkv export QUALITY=very_high export CODEC=auto export AUDIO_CODEC=aac export FRAMERATE=60 export REPLAYDURATION=1200 export OUTPUTDIR=/home/matt/Videos/Replay export MAKEFOLDERS=yes # export ADDITIONAL_ARGS= # Disable compositor in X11 for best performance exec /bin/sh -c 'AUDIO="''${AUDIO_DEVICE:-$(pactl get-default-sink).monitor}"; gpu-screen-recorder -v no -w $WINDOW -c $CONTAINER -q $QUALITY -k $CODEC -ac $AUDIO_CODEC -a "$AUDIO" -f $FRAMERATE -r $REPLAYDURATION -o "$OUTPUTDIR" -mf $MAKEFOLDERS $ADDITIONAL_ARGS' ''; }; xdg.desktopEntries."com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player" = { name = "Jellyfin Media Player"; comment = "Desktop client for Jellyfin"; exec = "jellyfinmediaplayer --platform xcb"; icon = "com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player"; terminal = false; type = "Application"; categories = ["AudioVideo" "Video" "Player" "TV"]; settings = { Version = "1.0"; StartupWMClass = "jellyfin-media-player"; }; actions = { "DesktopF" = { name = "Desktop [Fullscreen]"; exec = "jellyfinmediaplayer --fullscreen --desktop --platform xcb"; }; "DesktopW" = { name = "Desktop [Windowed]"; exec = "jellyfinmediaplayer --windowed --desktop --platform xcb"; }; "TVF" = { name = "TV [Fullscreen]"; exec = "jellyfinmediaplayer --fullscreen --tv --platform xcb"; }; "TVW" = { name = "TV [Windowed]"; exec = "jellyfinmediaplayer --windowed --tv --platform xcb"; }; }; }; }