import Hyprland from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/hyprland.js'; import { timeout } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/utils.js'; import { Box, Overlay, Revealer } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widget.js'; import EventBox from '../../misc/cursorbox.js'; const URGENT_DURATION = 1000; const Workspace = ({ i } = {}) => { return Revealer({ transition: 'slide_right', properties: [['id', i]], child: EventBox({ tooltipText: `${i}`, onPrimaryClickRelease: () => { Hyprland.sendMessage(`dispatch workspace ${i}`); }, child: Box({ vpack: 'center', className: 'button', setup: (self) => { self.update = (addr) => { const occupied = Hyprland.getWorkspace(i)?.windows > 0; self.toggleClassName('occupied', occupied); self.toggleClassName('empty', !occupied); // Deal with urgent windows if (Hyprland.getClient(addr)? === i) { self.toggleClassName('urgent', true); // Only show for a sec when urgent is current workspace if ( === i) { timeout(URGENT_DURATION, () => { self.toggleClassName('urgent', false); }); } } }; }, connections: [ [Hyprland, (self) => self.update()], // Deal with urgent windows [Hyprland, (self, a) => self.update(a), 'urgent-window'], [, (self) => { if ( === i) { self.toggleClassName('urgent', false); } }], ], }), }), }); }; export default () => { const L_PADDING = 16; const WS_WIDTH = 30; const updateHighlight = (self) => { const currentId =; const indicators = self.get_parent().get_children()[0].child.children; const currentIndex = indicators.findIndex((w) => w._id === currentId); if (currentIndex < 0) { return; } self.setCss(`margin-left: ${L_PADDING + (currentIndex * WS_WIDTH)}px`); }; const highlight = Box({ vpack: 'center', hpack: 'start', className: 'button active', connections: [[, updateHighlight]], }); const widget = Overlay({ pass_through: true, overlays: [highlight], child: EventBox({ child: Box({ className: 'workspaces', properties: [ ['workspaces'], ['refresh', (self) => { self.children.forEach((rev) => { rev.reveal_child = false; }); self._workspaces.forEach((ws) => { ws.revealChild = true; }); }], ['updateWorkspaces', (self) => { Hyprland.workspaces.forEach((ws) => { const currentWs = self.children.find((ch) => { return ch._id ===; }); if (!currentWs && > 0) { self.add(Workspace({ i: })); } }); self.show_all(); // Make sure the order is correct self._workspaces.forEach((workspace, i) => { workspace.get_parent().reorder_child(workspace, i); }); }], ], connections: [[Hyprland, (self) => { self._workspaces = self.children.filter((ch) => { return Hyprland.workspaces.find((ws) => { return === ch._id; }); }).sort((a, b) => a._id - b._id); self._updateWorkspaces(self); self._refresh(self); // Make sure the highlight doesn't go too far const TEMP_TIMEOUT = 10; timeout(TEMP_TIMEOUT, () => updateHighlight(highlight)); }]], }), }), }); return widget; };