{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) getExe; turnOnUE = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "turnOnUE"; runtimeInputs = [config.hardware.bluetooth.package]; text = '' cmd=0x0003 bt_device_addr=88:C6:26:93:4B:77 # This is the MAC address on the first line of `bluetootctl show` # without the `:` and with `01` added at the end bt_controller_addr=E848B8C8200001 exec gatttool -b $bt_device_addr --char-write-req --handle=$cmd --value=$bt_controller_addr ''; }; in { environment.systemPackages = [turnOnUE]; services.home-assistant = { extraComponents = [ "mpd" # BT components "ibeacon" "led_ble" "kegtron" "xiaomi_ble" ]; # Turn On the speaker automatically when openwakeword is used config = { shell_command.turn_on_ue = getExe turnOnUE; script.turn_on_ue = { alias = "Music - TurnOnUE"; description = "Script for turning on the UE Boom 2 speaker."; icon = "mdi:music"; mode = "single"; sequence = [ { alias = "Run shell command"; service = "shell_command.turn_on_ue"; } ]; }; automation = [ { alias = "Turn On UE"; mode = "single"; trigger = [ { platform = "state"; entity_id = "wake_word.openwakeword"; } ]; condition = []; action = [ { action = "shell_command.turn_on_ue"; metadata = {}; data = {}; } ]; } ]; }; }; }