}: let
  inherit (lib) concatStrings fileContents;
  inherit (config.vars) promptColors;
in {
  imports = [./programs.nix];

  programs = {
    starship = {
      enable = true;
      enableBashIntegration = true;

      settings = {
        format = concatStrings [
          "[   ](bg:${promptColors.firstColor} fg:#090c0c)"
          "[](bg:${promptColors.secondColor} fg:${promptColors.firstColor})"
          "[](fg:${promptColors.secondColor} bg:${promptColors.thirdColor})"
          "[](fg:${promptColors.thirdColor} bg:${promptColors.fourthColor})"

        username = {
          show_always = true;
          style_user = "fg:${promptColors.textColor} bg:${promptColors.secondColor}";
          style_root = "fg:red bg:${promptColors.secondColor} blink";
          format = "[ $user]($style)";

        hostname = {
          ssh_only = false;
          style = "fg:${promptColors.textColor} bg:${promptColors.secondColor}";
          format = "[@$hostname ]($style)";

        directory = {
          style = "fg:${promptColors.firstColor} bg:${promptColors.thirdColor}";
          format = "[ $path ]($style)";
          truncate_to_repo = false;
          truncation_length = 0;

          substitutions = {
            "Documents" = "󰈙 ";
            "Downloads" = " ";
            "Music" = " ";
            "Pictures" = " ";

        git_branch = {
          style = "fg:${promptColors.secondColor} bg:${promptColors.fourthColor}";
          symbol = "";
          format = "[ $symbol $branch ]($style)";

        shlvl = {
          disabled = false;
          repeat = true;
          symbol = "󰔳 ";
          format = "[ $symbol]($style)";
          threshold = 1;

        nix_shell = {
          symbol = "❄️ ";
          format = "[ $symbol]($style)";

        character = {
          success_symbol = "[\\$](bold green)";
          error_symbol = "[\\$](bold red)";

    bash = {
      enable = true;
      enableCompletion = true;

      historyFile = "\$HOME/.cache/.bash_history";
      historyFileSize = 100000; # default
      historySize = 10000; # default
      historyControl = [
      historyIgnore = [

      shellOptions = [

      shellAliases = {
        # Add whitespace after, to allow
        # sudo to inherit all other aliases
        sudo = "sudo ";

        ls = "ls -lah --color=auto";
        tree = "tree -a -I node_modules";
        cp = "cp -r";

      #profileExtra = ''
      bashrcExtra =
        # bash
          # Check if shell is interactive
          [[ $- == *i* ]] || return 0

          ${fileContents ./config/dracula/less.sh}
          ${fileContents ./config/dracula/fzf.sh}

          ${fileContents ./config/colorgrid.sh}
          ${fileContents ./config/bashrc}
      #initExtra = ''
      #logoutExtra = ''