-- Taken from https://github.com/grahamc/system-configurations/blob/9e38ebea2a40c497d7d3fe0f05d8ef6a072d238c/dotfiles/neovim/lua/base/mini.lua --- ai {{{ local ai = require('mini.ai'); local spec_treesitter = ai.gen_spec.treesitter; local spec_pair = ai.gen_spec.pair; ai.setup({ custom_textobjects = { d = spec_treesitter({ a = '@function.outer', i = '@function.inner' }), f = spec_treesitter({ a = '@call.outer', i = '@call.inner' }), a = spec_treesitter({ a = '@parameter.outer', i = '@parameter.inner' }), C = spec_treesitter({ a = '@conditional.outer', i = '@conditional.inner' }), s = spec_treesitter({ a = '@assignment.lhs', i = '@assignment.rhs' }), -- Whole buffer g = function() local from = { line = 1, col = 1 }; local to = { line = vim.fn.line('$'), col = math.max(vim.fn.getline('$'):len(), 1), }; return { from = from, to = to }; end, -- For markdown ['*'] = spec_pair('*', '*', { type = 'greedy' }), ['_'] = spec_pair('_', '_', { type = 'greedy' }), -- For lua [']'] = spec_pair('[', ']', { type = 'greedy' }), -- For Nix ["'"] = spec_pair("'", "'", { type = 'greedy' }), }, silent = true, -- If I still want to select next/last I can use around_{next,last} textobjects search_method = 'cover', -- Number of lines within which textobject is searched n_lines = 100, }); --}}} -- surround {{{ local open_braces = { ['['] = ']', ['('] = ')', ['<'] = '>', ['{'] = '}', ["'"] = "'", ['"'] = '"', }; local close_braces = { [']'] = '[', [')'] = '(', ['>'] = '<', ['}'] = '{', }; local function get_braces(char) if open_braces[char] then return { char, open_braces[char] }; elseif close_braces[char] then return { close_braces[char], char }; else return nil; end; end; local function get_char() local ret_val, char_num = pcall(vim.fn.getchar); -- Return nil if error (e.g. <C-c>) or for control characters if not ret_val or char_num < 32 then return nil; end; local char = vim.fn.nr2char(char_num); return char; end; require('mini.surround').setup({ n_lines = 50, search_method = 'cover', silent = true, custom_surroundings = { -- Search for two of the input char, d for double. Helpful for lua and Nix ['d'] = { input = function() local char = get_char(); if char == nil or char == '' then return nil; end; local braces = get_braces(char); if braces == nil then return nil; end; return { string.rep(braces[1], 2) .. '().-()' .. string.rep(braces[2], 2), }; end, output = function() local char = get_char(); if char == nil or char == '' then return nil; end; local braces = get_braces(char); if braces == nil then return nil; end; return { left = string.rep(braces[1], 2), right = string.rep(braces[2], 2), }; end, }, }, }); -- }}}