import { timeout } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/utils.js'; import { Box, EventBox, Overlay } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widget.js'; import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk'; const MAX_OFFSET = 200; const OFFSCREEN = 500; const ANIM_DURATION = 500; const TRANSITION = `transition: margin ${ANIM_DURATION}ms ease, opacity 3s ease;`; export default ({ properties, connections, props, } = {}) => { const widget = EventBox(); const gesture =; // Have empty PlayerBox to define the size of the widget const emptyPlayer = Box({ className: 'player' }); // Set this prop to differentiate it easily emptyPlayer.empty = true; widget.add(Overlay({ ...props, properties: [, ['dragging', false], ['showTopOnly', (overlay) => overlay.list() .forEach((over) => { if (over === overlay.list().at(-1)) { over.visible = true; } else { over.visible = false; } })], ], child: emptyPlayer, connections: [ ...connections, [gesture, (overlay, realGesture) => { // Don't allow gesture when only one player if (overlay.list().length <= 1) { return; } overlay._dragging = true; let offset = gesture.get_offset()[1]; const playerBox = overlay.list().at(-1); if (realGesture) { overlay.list().forEach((over) => { over.visible = true; }); } else { overlay._showTopOnly(overlay); } // Slide right if (offset >= 0) { playerBox.setCss(` margin-left: ${offset}px; margin-right: -${offset}px; ${playerBox._bgStyle} `); } // Slide left else { offset = Math.abs(offset); playerBox.setCss(` margin-left: -${offset}px; margin-right: ${offset}px; ${playerBox._bgStyle} `); } }, 'drag-update'], [gesture, (overlay) => { // Don't allow gesture when only one player if (overlay.list().length <= 1) { return; } overlay._dragging = false; const offset = gesture.get_offset()[1]; const playerBox = overlay.list().at(-1); // If crosses threshold after letting go, slide away if (Math.abs(offset) > MAX_OFFSET) { // Disable inputs during animation widget.sensitive = false; // Slide away right if (offset >= 0) { playerBox.setCss(` ${TRANSITION} margin-left: ${OFFSCREEN}px; margin-right: -${OFFSCREEN}px; opacity: 0; ${playerBox._bgStyle} `); } // Slide away left else { playerBox.setCss(` ${TRANSITION} margin-left: -${OFFSCREEN}px; margin-right: ${OFFSCREEN}px; opacity: 0; ${playerBox._bgStyle}`); } timeout(ANIM_DURATION, () => { // Put the player in the back after anim overlay.reorder_overlay(playerBox, 0); // Recenter player playerBox.setCss(playerBox._bgStyle); widget.sensitive = true; overlay._showTopOnly(overlay); }); } else { // Recenter with transition for animation playerBox.setCss(`${TRANSITION} ${playerBox._bgStyle}`); } }, 'drag-end'], ], })); widget.child.list = () => widget.child.get_children() .filter((ch) => !ch.empty); return widget; };