import App from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/app.js'; import Bluetooth from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/bluetooth.js'; import Network from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/network.js'; import Variable from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/variable.js'; import { Box, Icon, Label, Revealer } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widget.js'; import { execAsync } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/utils.js'; import { SpeakerIcon, MicIcon } from '../misc/audio-icons.ts'; import CursorBox from '../misc/cursorbox.ts'; import Separator from '../misc/separator.ts'; import { NetworkMenu } from './network.ts'; import { BluetoothMenu } from './bluetooth.ts'; // Types import { GObject } from 'gi://GObject'; import AgsBox from 'types/widgets/box.ts'; import AgsIcon from 'types/widgets/icon.ts'; import AgsLabel from 'types/widgets/label.ts'; import AgsRevealer from 'types/widgets/revealer.ts'; import { Variable as Var } from 'types/variable.ts'; type IconTuple = [ GObject.Object, (self: AgsIcon) => void, signal?: string, ]; type IndicatorTuple = [ GObject.Object, (self: AgsLabel) => void, signal?: string, ]; type GridButtonType = { command?(): void secondary_command?(): void on_open?(menu: AgsRevealer): void icon: string | IconTuple indicator?: IndicatorTuple menu?: any }; const SPACING = 28; const ButtonStates = [] as Array>; const GridButton = ({ command = () => {/**/}, secondary_command = () => {/**/}, on_open = () => {/**/}, icon, indicator, menu, }: GridButtonType) => { const Activated = Variable(false); ButtonStates.push(Activated); let iconWidget = Icon(); let indicatorWidget = Label(); // Allow setting icon dynamically or statically if (typeof icon === 'string') { iconWidget = Icon({ class_name: 'grid-label', icon, setup: (self) => { self.hook(Activated, () => { self.setCss(`color: ${Activated.value ? 'rgba(189, 147, 249, 0.8)' : 'unset'};`); }); }, }); } else if (Array.isArray(icon)) { iconWidget = Icon({ class_name: 'grid-label', setup: (self) => { self .hook(...icon) .hook(Activated, () => { self.setCss(`color: ${Activated.value ? 'rgba(189, 147, 249, 0.8)' : 'unset'};`); }); }, }); } if (indicator) { indicatorWidget = Label({ class_name: 'sub-label', justification: 'left', truncate: 'end', max_width_chars: 12, setup: (self) => { self.hook(...indicator); }, }); } if (menu) { menu = Revealer({ transition: 'slide_down', child: menu, reveal_child: Activated.bind(), }); } const widget = Box({ vertical: true, children: [ Box({ class_name: 'grid-button', children: [ CursorBox({ class_name: 'left-part', on_primary_click_release: () => { if (Activated.value) { secondary_command(); } else { command(); } }, child: iconWidget, }), CursorBox({ class_name: 'right-part', on_primary_click_release: () => { ButtonStates.forEach((state) => { if (state !== Activated) { state.value = false; } }); Activated.value = !Activated.value; }, on_hover: (self) => { if (menu) { const rowMenu = ((((self.get_parent() as AgsBox) ?.get_parent() as AgsBox) ?.get_parent() as AgsBox) ?.get_parent() as AgsBox) ?.children[1] as AgsBox; const isSetup = (rowMenu .get_children() as Array) .find((ch) => ch === menu); if (!isSetup) { rowMenu.add(menu); rowMenu.show_all(); } } }, child: Icon({ icon: `${App.configDir }/icons/down-large.svg`, class_name: 'grid-chev', setup: (self) => { self.hook(Activated, () => { let deg = 270; if (Activated.value) { deg = menu ? 360 : 450; on_open(menu); } self.setCss(` -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(${deg}deg); `); }); }, }), }), ], }), indicatorWidget, ], }); return widget; }; const Row = ({ buttons }) => { const child = Box({ class_name: 'button-row', hpack: 'center', }); const widget = Box({ vertical: true, children: [ child, Box({ vertical: true }), ], }); for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { if (i === buttons.length - 1) { child.add(buttons[i]); } else { child.add(buttons[i]); child.add(Separator(SPACING)); } } return widget; }; const FirstRow = () => Row({ buttons: [ GridButton({ command: () => Network.toggleWifi(), secondary_command: () => { // TODO: connection editor }, icon: [Network, (self) => { self.icon = Network.wifi?.icon_name; }], indicator: [Network, (self) => { self.label = Network.wifi?.ssid || Network.wired?.internet; }], menu: NetworkMenu(), on_open: () => Network.wifi.scan(), }), // TODO: do vpn GridButton({ command: () => { // }, secondary_command: () => { // }, icon: 'airplane-mode-disabled-symbolic', }), GridButton({ command: () => Bluetooth.toggle(), secondary_command: () => { // TODO: bluetooth connection editor }, icon: [Bluetooth, (self) => { if (Bluetooth.enabled) { self.icon = Bluetooth.connected_devices[0] ? Bluetooth.connected_devices[0].icon_name : 'bluetooth-active-symbolic'; } else { self.icon = 'bluetooth-disabled-symbolic'; } }], indicator: [Bluetooth, (self) => { self.label = Bluetooth.connected_devices[0] ? `${Bluetooth.connected_devices[0]}` : 'Disconnected'; }, 'notify::connected-devices'], menu: BluetoothMenu(), on_open: (menu) => { execAsync(`bluetoothctl scan ${menu.reveal_child ? 'on' : 'off'}`).catch(print); }, }), ], }); const SecondRow = () => Row({ buttons: [ GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['pactl', 'set-sink-mute', '@DEFAULT_SINK@', 'toggle']).catch(print); }, secondary_command: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'pavucontrol']) .catch(print); }, icon: [SpeakerIcon, (self) => { self.icon = SpeakerIcon.value; }], }), GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['pactl', 'set-source-mute', '@DEFAULT_SOURCE@', 'toggle']).catch(print); }, secondary_command: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'pavucontrol']) .catch(print); }, icon: [MicIcon, (self) => { self.icon = MicIcon.value; }], }), // TODO: replace this with Rotation Toggle and move lock to a separate section GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['lock']).catch(print); }, secondary_command: () => App.openWindow('powermenu'), icon: 'system-lock-screen-symbolic', }), ], }); export default () => Box({ class_name: 'button-grid', vertical: true, hpack: 'center', children: [ FirstRow(), Separator(10, { vertical: true }), SecondRow(), ], });