import { Network, Bluetooth, Audio, App, Utils, Widget } from '../../imports.js'; const { Box, CenterBox, Label, Icon } = Widget; const { execAsync } = Utils; import EventBox from '../misc/cursorbox.js'; const GridButton = ({ command = () => {}, secondaryCommand = () => {}, icon } = {}) => Box({ className: 'grid-button', children: [ EventBox({ className: 'left-part', onPrimaryClickRelease: () => command(), child: icon, }), EventBox({ className: 'right-part', onPrimaryClickRelease: () => secondaryCommand(), child: Label({ label: " ", className: 'grid-chev', }), }), ], }); const FirstRow = () => Box({ className: 'button-row', halign: 'center', style: 'margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 7px;', children: [ GridButton({ command: () => Network.toggleWifi(), secondaryCommand: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'nm-connection-editor']) .catch(print); }, icon: Icon({ className: 'grid-label', connections: [[Network, icon => { if (Network.wifi.enabled) { icon.icon = 'network-wireless-connected-symbolic'; } else { icon.icon = 'network-wireless-offline-symbolic'; } }, 'changed']], }), }), GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', '$AGS_PATH/ blue-toggle']) .catch(print); }, secondaryCommand: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'blueberry']) .catch(print) }, icon: Icon({ className: 'grid-label', connections: [[Bluetooth, self => { if (Bluetooth.enabled) { self.icon = 'bluetooth-active-symbolic'; execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'echo 󰂯 > $HOME/.config/.bluetooth']) .catch(print); } else { self.icon = 'bluetooth-disabled-symbolic'; execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'echo 󰂲 > $HOME/.config/.bluetooth']) .catch(print); } }, 'changed']], }) }), GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', '$AGS_PATH/ toggle-radio']) .catch(print); }, secondaryCommand: () => { execAsync(['notify-send', 'set this up moron']) .catch(print); }, icon: Icon({ className: 'grid-label', connections: [[Network, self => { if (Network.wifi.enabled) self.icon = 'airplane-mode-disabled-symbolic'; else self.icon = 'airplane-mode-symbolic'; }, 'changed']], }), }), ], }); const SubRow = () => CenterBox({ halign: 'start', children: [ Label({ className: 'sub-label', truncate: 'end', maxWidthChars: 12, connections: [[Network, self => { // TODO: handle ethernet too self.label = Network.wifi.ssid; }, 'changed']], }), Label({ className: 'sub-label', truncate: 'end', maxWidthChars: 12, connections: [[Bluetooth, self => { if (Bluetooth.connectedDevices[0]) self.label = String(Bluetooth.connectedDevices[0]) else self.label = 'Disconnected'; }, 'changed']], }), null, ], }); const items = { 101: 'audio-volume-overamplified-symbolic', 67: 'audio-volume-high-symbolic', 34: 'audio-volume-medium-symbolic', 1: 'audio-volume-low-symbolic', 0: 'audio-volume-muted-symbolic', }; const itemsMic = { 2: 'audio-input-microphone-high-symbolic', 1: 'audio-input-microphone-muted-symbolic', 0: 'audio-input-microphone-muted-symbolic', }; const SecondRow = () => Box({ className: 'button-row', halign: 'center', style: 'margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 15px;', children: [ GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['swayosd-client', '--output-volume', 'mute-toggle']) .catch(print); }, secondaryCommand: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'pavucontrol']) .catch(print); }, icon: Icon({ className: 'grid-label', connections: [[Audio, icon => { if (Audio.speaker) { if ( { icon.icon = items[0]; } else { const vol = Audio.speaker.volume * 100; for (const threshold of [-1, 0, 33, 66, 100]) { if (vol > threshold + 1) { icon.icon = items[threshold + 1]; } } } } }, 'speaker-changed']], }), }), GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['swayosd-client', '--input-volume', 'mute-toggle']) .catch(print); }, secondaryCommand: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', 'pavucontrol']) .catch(print); }, icon: Icon({ className: 'grid-label', connections: [[Audio, icon => { if (Audio.microphone) { if ( { icon.icon = itemsMic[0]; } else { const vol = Audio.microphone.volume * 100; for (const threshold of [-1, 0, 1]) { if (vol > threshold + 1) { icon.icon = itemsMic[threshold + 1]; } } } } }, 'microphone-changed']], }) }), GridButton({ command: () => { execAsync(['bash', '-c', '$LOCK_PATH/']) .catch(print); }, secondaryCommand: () => App.openWindow('powermenu'), icon: Label({ className: 'grid-label', label: " 󰌾 ", }), }), ], }); export default () => Box({ className: 'button-grid', vertical: true, halign: 'center', children: [ FirstRow(), SubRow(), SecondRow(), ], });