const Hyprland = await Service.import('hyprland'); const { Box, Entry, Icon, Label, ListBox, Revealer, Scrollable } = Widget; /* Types */ import { PopupWindow, PopupWindowProps } from '../misc/popup.ts'; import type { Widget as AgsWidget } from 'types/widgets/widget'; import { ListBoxRow } from 'types/@girs/gtk-3.0/gtk-3.0.cjs'; import { Monitor } from 'types/service/hyprland'; import { Binding } from 'types/service'; type MakeChild = ReturnType; type SortedListProps> = PopupWindowProps & { on_select: (row: ListBoxRow) => void; init_rows: (list: MakeChild['list']) => void; set_sort: ( text: string, list: MakeChild['list'], placeholder: MakeChild['placeholder'], ) => void; }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars export interface SortedList extends AgsWidget { } const centerCursor = async(): Promise => { let x: number; let y: number; const monitor = (JSON.parse(await Hyprland.messageAsync('j/monitors')) as Monitor[]) .find((m) => m.focused) as Monitor; switch (monitor.transform) { case 1: x = monitor.x - (monitor.height / 2); y = monitor.y - (monitor.width / 2); break; case 2: x = monitor.x - (monitor.width / 2); y = monitor.y - (monitor.height / 2); break; case 3: x = monitor.x + (monitor.height / 2); y = monitor.y + (monitor.width / 2); break; default: x = monitor.x + (monitor.width / 2); y = monitor.y + (monitor.height / 2); break; } await Hyprland.messageAsync(`dispatch movecursor ${x} ${y}`); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const makeChild = (class_name: string | Binding) => { const list = ListBox(); const placeholder = Revealer({ child: Label({ label: " Couldn't find a match", class_name: 'placeholder', }), }); const entry = Entry({ // Set some text so on-change works the first time text: '-', hexpand: true, }); const scrollable = Scrollable({ hscroll: 'never', vscroll: 'automatic', child: Box({ vertical: true, children: [list, placeholder], }), }); return { list, entry, placeholder, scrollable, child: Box({ class_name, vertical: true, children: [ Box({ class_name: 'header', children: [ Icon('preferences-system-search-symbolic'), entry, ], }), scrollable, ], }), }; }; export class SortedList< Attr, > extends PopupWindow { static { Widget.register(this, { properties: { }, }); } private _list: MakeChild['list']; private _entry: MakeChild['entry']; private _placeholder: MakeChild['placeholder']; private _scrollable: MakeChild['scrollable']; private _on_select: (row: ListBoxRow) => void; private _init_rows: (list: MakeChild['list']) => void; private _set_sort: ( text: string, list: MakeChild['list'], placeholder: MakeChild['placeholder'], ) => void; set on_open(fun: (self: PopupWindow) => void) { this._on_open = () => { this._entry.text = ''; fun(this); this._init_rows(this._list); centerCursor(); const adjustScroll = this._scrollable.vadjustment; this._scrollable.vadjustment.set_value(adjustScroll.lower); this._entry.grab_focus(); }; } constructor({ on_select, init_rows, set_sort, on_open = () => { /**/ }, class_name = '', keymode = 'on-demand', }: SortedListProps>) { const makeChildResult = makeChild(class_name); // PopupWindow super({ child: makeChildResult.child, keymode,, }); this.on_open = on_open; // SortedList this._on_select = on_select; this._init_rows = init_rows; this._set_sort = set_sort; this._placeholder = makeChildResult.placeholder; this._scrollable = makeChildResult.scrollable; this._list = makeChildResult.list; this._list.on('row-activated', (_, row) => { this._on_select(row); }); this._entry = makeChildResult.entry; this._entry.on_change = ({ text }) => { if (text !== null || typeof text === 'string') { this._set_sort(text, this._list, this._placeholder); (this._list.get_children() as ListBoxRow[]).forEach((r) => { r.changed(); }); } }; // TODO: add on_accept where it just selects the first visible one this._init_rows(this._list); this._set_sort('', this._list, this._placeholder); } } export default ( props: SortedListProps>, ) => new SortedList(props);