self: { lib, osConfig, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (self.scopedPackages.${pkgs.system}) mpvScripts; inherit (lib) attrValues mkIf; cfg = osConfig.roles.desktop; in { config = mkIf cfg.enable { # For kdialog-open-files home.packages = [ pkgs.kdePackages.kdialog ]; programs.mpv = { enable = true; # scripts = attrValues { inherit (mpvScripts) modernz persist-properties undo-redo ; # touch-gestures & deps inherit (mpvScripts) pointer-event touch-gestures ; # Ctrl + o inherit (mpvScripts) kdialog-open-files; }; scriptOpts = { persist_properties = { properties = "volume,sub-scale"; }; # Touch gestures default pointer-event = { margin_left = 0; margin_right = 80; margin_top = 50; margin_bottom = 130; ignore_left_single_long_while_window_dragging = true; left_single = "cycle pause"; left_double = "script-message-to touch_gestures double"; left_long = "script-binding uosc/menu-blurred"; left_drag_start = "script-message-to touch_gestures drag_start"; left_drag_end = "script-message-to touch_gestures drag_end"; left_drag = "script-message-to touch_gestures drag"; }; touch-gestures = { # valid options are: # 'playlist' for changing the playlist item by swiping # 'seek' for seeking by dragging horizontal_drag = "seek"; # scale seeking based on the duration of the video proportional_seek = true; # scale factor for seeking seek_scale = 1; }; }; }; }; # For accurate stack trace _file = ./mpv.nix; }