// Has to be a traditional function for 'this' scope Array.prototype.remove = function (el) { this.splice(this.indexOf(el), 1); }; import App from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/app.js'; import { exec, execAsync } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/utils.js'; import Tablet from './services/tablet.js'; globalThis.Tablet = Tablet; import Pointers from './services/pointers.js'; globalThis.Pointers = Pointers; import closeAll from './js/misc/closer.js'; globalThis.closeAll = closeAll; import Powermenu from './js/powermenu.js'; import * as Bar from './js/bar/main.js'; import NotifCenter from './js/notifications/center.js'; import NotifPopups from './js/notifications/popup.js'; import Calendar from './js/date.js'; import QuickSettings from './js/quick-settings/main.js'; import Overview from './js/overview/main.js'; import AppLauncher from './js/applauncher/main.js'; import * as Corners from './js/screen-corners.js'; const scss = App.configDir + '/scss/main.scss'; const css = App.configDir + '/style.css'; exec(`sassc ${scss} ${css}`); execAsync(['bash', '-c', '$AGS_PATH/startup.sh']).catch(print); export default { style: css, notificationPopupTimeout: 5000, cacheNotificationActions: true, closeWindowDelay: { 'applauncher': 500, 'calendar': 500, 'notification-center': 500, 'overview': 500, 'powermenu': 500, 'quick-settings': 500, }, windows: [ AppLauncher(), Calendar(), NotifCenter(), Overview(), Powermenu(), QuickSettings(), Bar.Bar(), Bar.BgGradient(), Corners.Bottomleft(), Corners.Bottomright(), NotifPopups(), ], };