const Notifications = await Service.import('notifications'); const { Box, EventBox } = Widget; const { timeout } = Utils; import { HasNotifs } from './base.ts'; const { Gdk, Gtk } =; const display = Gdk.Display.get_default(); // Types import { BoxGeneric } from 'global-types'; const MAX_OFFSET = 200; const OFFSCREEN = 300; const ANIM_DURATION = 500; const SLIDE_MIN_THRESHOLD = 10; const TRANSITION = 'transition: margin 0.5s ease, opacity 0.5s ease;'; const SQUEEZED = 'margin-bottom: -70px; margin-top: -70px;'; const MAX_LEFT = ` margin-left: -${Number(MAX_OFFSET + OFFSCREEN)}px; margin-right: ${Number(MAX_OFFSET + OFFSCREEN)}px; `; const MAX_RIGHT = ` margin-left: ${Number(MAX_OFFSET + OFFSCREEN)}px; margin-right: -${Number(MAX_OFFSET + OFFSCREEN)}px; `; const slideLeft = `${TRANSITION} ${MAX_LEFT} margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; opacity: 0;`; const squeezeLeft = `${TRANSITION} ${MAX_LEFT} ${SQUEEZED} opacity: 0;`; const slideRight = `${TRANSITION} ${MAX_RIGHT} margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; opacity: 0;`; const squeezeRight = `${TRANSITION} ${MAX_RIGHT} ${SQUEEZED} opacity: 0;`; const defaultStyle = `${TRANSITION} margin: unset; opacity: 1;`; export default ({ id, slideIn = 'Left', command = () => {/**/}, ...props }) => { const widget = EventBox({ ...props, setup: (self) => { self // OnClick .on('button-press-event', () => { if (!display) { return; } self.window.set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name( display, 'grabbing', )); }) // OnRelease .on('button-release-event', () => { if (!display) { return; } self.window.set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name( display, 'grab', )); }) // OnHover .on('enter-notify-event', () => { if (!display) { return; } self.window.set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name( display, 'grab', )); self.toggleClassName('hover', true); if (!self.attribute.hovered) { self.attribute.hovered = true; } }) // OnHoverLost .on('leave-notify-event', () => { self.window.set_cursor(null); self.toggleClassName('hover', false); if (self.attribute.hovered) { self.attribute.hovered = false; } }); }, attribute: { dragging: false, hovered: false, ready: false, id, slideAway: (side: 'Left' | 'Right') => { (widget.child as BoxGeneric) .setCss(side === 'Left' ? slideLeft : slideRight); // Make it uninteractable widget.sensitive = false; timeout(ANIM_DURATION - 100, () => { // Reduce height after sliding away (widget.child as BoxGeneric)?.setCss(side === 'Left' ? squeezeLeft : squeezeRight); timeout(ANIM_DURATION, () => { // Kill notif and update HasNotifs after anim is done command(); HasNotifs.setValue(Notifications .notifications.length > 0); (widget.get_parent() as BoxGeneric)?.remove(widget); }); }); }, }, }); const gesture =; widget.add(Box({ css: squeezeLeft, setup: (self) => { self // When dragging .hook(gesture, () => { let offset = gesture.get_offset()[1]; if (!offset || offset === 0) { return; } // Slide right if (offset > 0) { self.setCss(` margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; opacity: 1; transition: none; margin-left: ${offset}px; margin-right: -${offset}px; `); } // Slide left else { offset = Math.abs(offset); self.setCss(` margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; opacity: 1; transition: none; margin-right: ${offset}px; margin-left: -${offset}px; `); } // Put a threshold on if a click is actually dragging widget.attribute.dragging = Math.abs(offset) > SLIDE_MIN_THRESHOLD; widget.cursor = 'grabbing'; }, 'drag-update') // On drag end .hook(gesture, () => { // Make it slide in on init if (!widget.attribute.ready) { // Reverse of slideAway, so it started at squeeze, then we go to slide self.setCss(slideIn === 'Left' ? slideLeft : slideRight); timeout(ANIM_DURATION, () => { // Then we go to center self.setCss(defaultStyle); timeout(ANIM_DURATION, () => { widget.attribute.ready = true; }); }); return; } const offset = gesture.get_offset()[1]; if (!offset) { return; } // If crosses threshold after letting go, slide away if (Math.abs(offset) > MAX_OFFSET) { if (offset > 0) { widget.attribute.slideAway('Right'); } else { widget.attribute.slideAway('Left'); } } else { self.setCss(defaultStyle); widget.cursor = 'grab'; widget.attribute.dragging = false; } }, 'drag-end'); }, })); return widget; };