import Brightness from '../../services/brightness.ts'; const { Box, EventBox, Label } = Widget; const { execAsync } = Utils; const { Gdk, Gtk } =; const display = Gdk.Display.get_default(); import Separator from '../misc/separator.ts'; // Keep track of when a non modifier key // is clicked to release all modifiers const NormalClick = Variable(false); // Keep track of modifier statuses const Super = Variable(false); const LAlt = Variable(false); const LCtrl = Variable(false); const AltGr = Variable(false); const RCtrl = Variable(false); const Caps = Variable(false); Brightness.connect('caps', (_, state) => { Caps.setValue(state); }); // Assume both shifts are the same for key.labelShift const LShift = Variable(false); const RShift = Variable(false); const Shift = Variable(false); LShift.connect('changed', () => { Shift.setValue(LShift.value || RShift.value); }); RShift.connect('changed', () => { Shift.setValue(LShift.value || RShift.value); }); const SPACING = 4; const LSHIFT_CODE = 42; const LALT_CODE = 56; const LCTRL_CODE = 29; // Types import { Variable as Var } from 'types/variable.ts'; type Key = { keytype: string, label: string, labelShift?: string, labelAltGr?: string, shape: string, keycode: number }; const ModKey = (key: Key) => { let Mod: Var; if (key.label === 'Super') { Mod = Super; } // Differentiate left and right mods else if (key.label === 'Shift' && key.keycode === LSHIFT_CODE) { Mod = LShift; } else if (key.label === 'Alt' && key.keycode === LALT_CODE) { Mod = LAlt; } else if (key.label === 'Ctrl' && key.keycode === LCTRL_CODE) { Mod = LCtrl; } else if (key.label === 'Shift') { Mod = RShift; } else if (key.label === 'AltGr') { Mod = AltGr; } else if (key.label === 'Ctrl') { Mod = RCtrl; } const label = Label({ class_name: `mod ${key.label}`, label: key.label, }); const button = EventBox({ class_name: 'key', on_primary_click_release: () => { console.log('mod toggled'); execAsync(`ydotool key ${key.keycode}:${Mod.value ? 0 : 1}`); label.toggleClassName('active', !Mod.value); Mod.setValue(!Mod.value); }, setup: (self) => { self .hook(NormalClick, () => { Mod.setValue(false); label.toggleClassName('active', false); execAsync(`ydotool key ${key.keycode}:0`); }) // OnHover .on('enter-notify-event', () => { if (!display) { return; } self.window.set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name( display, 'pointer', )); self.toggleClassName('hover', true); }) // OnHoverLost .on('leave-notify-event', () => { self.window.set_cursor(null); self.toggleClassName('hover', false); }); }, child: label, }); return Box({ children: [ button, Separator(SPACING), ], }); }; const RegularKey = (key: Key) => { const widget = EventBox({ class_name: 'key', child: Label({ class_name: `normal ${key.label}`, label: key.label, setup: (self) => { self .hook(Shift, () => { if (!key.labelShift) { return; } self.label = Shift.value ? key.labelShift : key.label; }) .hook(Caps, () => { if (key.label === 'Caps') { self.toggleClassName('active', Caps.value); return; } if (!key.labelShift) { return; } if (key.label.match(/[A-Za-z]/)) { self.label = Caps.value ? key.labelShift : key.label; } }) .hook(AltGr, () => { if (!key.labelAltGr) { return; } self.toggleClassName('altgr', AltGr.value); self.label = AltGr.value ? key.labelAltGr : key.label; }) // OnHover .on('enter-notify-event', () => { if (!display) { return; } self.window.set_cursor(Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name( display, 'pointer', )); self.toggleClassName('hover', true); }) // OnHoverLost .on('leave-notify-event', () => { self.window.set_cursor(null); self.toggleClassName('hover', false); }); }, }), }); const gesture =; gesture.delay_factor = 1.0; // Long press widget.hook(gesture, () => { const pointer = gesture.get_point(null); const x = pointer[1]; const y = pointer[2]; if ((!x || !y) || (x === 0 && y === 0)) { return; } console.log('Not implemented yet'); // TODO: popup menu for accents }, 'pressed'); // OnPrimaryClickRelease widget.hook(gesture, () => { const pointer = gesture.get_point(null); const x = pointer[1]; const y = pointer[2]; if ((!x || !y) || (x === 0 && y === 0)) { return; } console.log('key clicked'); execAsync(`ydotool key ${key.keycode}:1`); execAsync(`ydotool key ${key.keycode}:0`); NormalClick.setValue(true); }, 'cancelled'); return Box({ children: [ widget, Separator(SPACING), ], }); }; export default (key: Key) => key.keytype === 'normal' ? RegularKey(key) : ModKey(key);