self: { config, lib, osConfig, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (self.inputs) kompass; inherit (lib) attrValues boolToString filter getExe mkIf optionalAttrs optionals; inherit (osConfig.networking) hostName; cfg = config.programs.ags; cfgDesktop = osConfig.roles.desktop; gtk4ConfigDir = "${cfg.configDir}/../gtk4"; mainPkg = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "ags"; runtimeInputs = [cfg.package]; text = '' if [ "$#" == 0 ]; then exec ags run ~/${cfg.configDir} -a ${hostName} else exec ags "$@" fi ''; }; in { config = mkIf cfgDesktop.ags.enable { # Make these accessible outside these files programs.ags = { package = pkgs.ags.override { extraPackages = cfg.astalLibs; }; astalLibs = attrValues { inherit (pkgs.astalLibs) io astal3 astal4 apps auth battery bluetooth greet hyprland mpris network notifd powerprofiles tray wireplumber ; # TODO: add overlays to upstream flake libKompass = kompass.packages.${pkgs.system}.libkompass; # libkompass dependencies inherit (pkgs.astalLibs) cava river ; inherit (pkgs) libadwaita gtk4-layer-shell gtk4 # Needed to build types ; }; lockPkg = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "lock"; runtimeInputs = [cfg.package]; text = '' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 30 if [ "$#" == 0 ]; then exec ags run ~/${gtk4ConfigDir}/app.ts -a lock --gtk4 else exec ags "$@" -i lock fi ''; }; }; home = { packages = [ mainPkg (pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "ags4"; runtimeInputs = [cfg.package]; text = '' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 30 if [ "$#" == 0 ]; then exec ags run ~/${gtk4ConfigDir}/app.ts --gtk4 -a ${hostName} else exec ags "$@" fi ''; }) ] ++ (attrValues { inherit (pkgs) networkmanagerapplet playerctl wayfreeze ; inherit (pkgs.selfPackages) coloryou ; }) ++ (optionals cfgDesktop.isTouchscreen (attrValues { inherit (pkgs) ydotool ; })); file = let inherit (self.lib.${pkgs.system}) buildNodeModules buildGirTypes ; lockscreenVars = # javascript '' export default { mainMonitor: '${cfgDesktop.mainMonitor}', dupeLockscreen: ${boolToString cfgDesktop.displayManager.duplicateScreen}, hasFprintd: ${boolToString (hostName == "wim")}, }; ''; in ( (import ./icons.nix { inherit pkgs; agsConfigDir = cfg.configDir; }) // (import ./icons.nix { inherit pkgs; agsConfigDir = gtk4ConfigDir; }) // (buildGirTypes { pname = "ags"; configPath = "${cfg.configDir}/@girs"; packages = filter (x: true && x.pname != "libadwaita" && x.pname != "libkompass" && x.pname != "gtk4-layer-shell" && x.pname != "gtk4-session-lock") cfg.astalLibs; }) // (buildGirTypes { pname = "ags"; configPath = "${gtk4ConfigDir}/@girs"; packages = filter (x: true) cfg.astalLibs; }) // { "${cfg.configDir}/node_modules" = { force = true; source = buildNodeModules ./config (import ./config).npmDepsHash; }; "${gtk4ConfigDir}/node_modules" = { force = true; source = buildNodeModules ./config (import ./config).npmDepsHash; }; "${gtk4ConfigDir}/widgets/lockscreen/vars.ts".text = lockscreenVars; } // optionalAttrs cfgDesktop.isTouchscreen { ".config/fcitx5/conf/virtualkeyboardadapter.conf".text = '' ActivateCmd="${getExe mainPkg} request 'show-osk'" DeactivateCmd="${getExe mainPkg} request 'hide-osk'" ''; } ); }; }; # For accurate stack trace _file = ./default.nix; }