import { App, Applications, Widget } from '../../imports.js'; const { Label, Box, Icon, Button, Scrollable, Entry, Window, EventBox } = Widget; import { Separator } from '../misc/separator.js'; import { PopUp } from '../misc/popup.js'; const icons = { apps: { apps: 'view-app-grid-symbolic', search: 'preferences-system-search-symbolic', } }; const AppItem = (app, window) => { if ('Icon') == 'Nextcloud') return; return Button({ className: 'app', connections: [['clicked', () => { App.closeWindow(window); app.launch(); }]], child: Box({ children: [ Icon({ icon:'Icon'), size: 42, }), Box({ vertical: true, children: [ Label({ className: 'title', label:, xalign: 0, valign: 'center', ellipsize: 3, }), Label({ className: 'description', label: app.description || '', wrap: true, xalign: 0, justification: 'left', valign: 'center', }), ], }), ], }), }); }; const Applauncher = ({ windowName = 'applauncher' } = {}) => { const list = Box({ vertical: true }); const placeholder = Label({ label: " Couldn't find a match", className: 'placeholder', }); const entry = Entry({ hexpand: true, placeholderText: 'Search', onAccept: ({ text }) => { const list = Applications.query(text); if (list[0]) { App.toggleWindow(windowName); list[0].launch(); } }, onChange: ({ text }) => { list.children = Applications.query(text).map(app => [ Separator(4), AppItem(app, windowName), ]).flat(); list.add(Separator(4)); list.show_all(); placeholder.visible = list.children.length === 1; }, }); return Box({ className: 'applauncher', properties: [['list', list]], vertical: true, children: [ Box({ className: 'header', children: [ Icon(, entry, ], }), Scrollable({ hscroll: 'never', child: Box({ vertical: true, children: [list, placeholder], }), }), ], connections: [[App, (_b, name, visible) => { if (name !== windowName) return; entry.set_text('-'); // force onChange entry.set_text(''); if (visible) entry.grab_focus(); }]], }); }; // FIXME: make it so I don't have to click to trigger onHoverLost export default Window({ name: 'applauncher', popup: true, focusable: true, layer: 'overlay', child: EventBox({ onHover: box => { box.get_parent().focusable = true }, onHoverLost: box => { box.get_parent().focusable = false }, child: PopUp({ name: 'applauncher', child: Applauncher(), }), }), });