import { execAsync, subprocess } from 'astal'; import GObject, { register, property, signal } from 'astal/gobject'; import { hyprMessage } from '../lib'; /* Types */ import AstalIO from 'gi://AstalIO'; type RotationName = 'normal' | 'right-up' | 'bottom-up' | 'left-up'; const ROTATION_MAP: Record<RotationName, 0 | 1 | 2 | 3> = { 'normal': 0, 'right-up': 3, 'bottom-up': 2, 'left-up': 1, }; const SCREEN = 'desc:BOE 0x0964'; const DEVICES = [ 'wacom-hid-52eb-finger', 'wacom-hid-52eb-pen', ]; @register() export default class Tablet extends GObject.Object { @signal(Boolean) declare autorotateChanged: (running: boolean) => void; @signal(Boolean) declare inputsChanged: (blocked: boolean) => void; private _currentMode: 'laptop' | 'tablet' = 'laptop'; @property(String) get currentMode() { return this._currentMode; } set currentMode(val) { this._currentMode = val; if (this._currentMode === 'tablet') { execAsync(['brightnessctl', '-d', 'tpacpi::kbd_backlight', 's', '0']).catch(print); this.startAutorotate(); this._blockInputs(); this._startInputDetection(); } else if (this._currentMode === 'laptop') { execAsync(['brightnessctl', '-d', 'tpacpi::kbd_backlight', 's', '2']).catch(print); this.killAutorotate(); this._unblockInputs(); this._stopInputDetection(); this.oskState = false; } this.notify('current-mode'); } private _oskState = false; @property(Boolean) get oskState() { return this._oskState; } set oskState(val) { this._oskState = val; // this is set to true after this setter in the request. this.oskAutoChanged = false; this.notify('osk-state'); } public toggleOsk() { this.oskState = !this.oskState; } private _oskAutoChanged = false; @property(Boolean) get oskAutoChanged() { return this._oskAutoChanged; } set oskAutoChanged(val) { this._oskAutoChanged = val; } private _inputDetection = null as AstalIO.Process | null; private _startInputDetection() { if (this._inputDetection) { return; } this._inputDetection = subprocess(['fcitx5', '--disable', 'all', '--enable', 'keyboard,virtualkeyboardadapter,wayland,waylandim'], () => { /**/ }, () => { /**/ }); } private _stopInputDetection() { if (this._inputDetection) { this._inputDetection.kill(); this._inputDetection = null; } } private _autorotate = null as AstalIO.Process | null; get autorotateState() { return this._autorotate !== null; } private _blockedInputs = null as AstalIO.Process | null; private _blockInputs() { if (this._blockedInputs) { return; } this._blockedInputs = subprocess(['libinput', 'debug-events', '--grab', '--device', '/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd', '--device', '/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-1-event-mouse', '--device', '/dev/input/by-path/platform-AMDI0010:02-event-mouse', '--device', '/dev/input/by-path/platform-thinkpad_acpi-event', '--device', '/dev/video-bus'], () => { /**/ }); this.emit('inputs-changed', true); } private _unblockInputs() { if (this._blockedInputs) { this._blockedInputs.kill(); this._blockedInputs = null; this.emit('inputs-changed', false); } } public toggleMode() { if (this.currentMode === 'laptop') { this.currentMode = 'tablet'; } else if (this.currentMode === 'tablet') { this.currentMode = 'laptop'; } } public startAutorotate() { if (this._autorotate) { return; } this._autorotate = subprocess( ['monitor-sensor'], (output) => { if (output.includes('orientation changed')) { const index = output.split(' ').at(-1) as RotationName | undefined; if (!index) { return; } const orientation = ROTATION_MAP[index]; hyprMessage( `keyword monitor ${SCREEN},transform,${orientation}`, ).catch(print); const batchRotate = => `keyword device:${dev}:transform ${orientation}; `); hyprMessage(`[[BATCH]] ${batchRotate.flat()}`); } }, ); this.emit('autorotate-changed', true); } public killAutorotate() { if (this._autorotate) { this._autorotate.kill(); this._autorotate = null; this.emit('autorotate-changed', false); } } private static _default: InstanceType<typeof Tablet> | undefined; public static get_default() { if (!Tablet._default) { Tablet._default = new Tablet(); } return Tablet._default; } }