using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using FuzzySharp;
using FuzzySharp.Extractor;

using HomeAssistantGenerated;

using NetDaemon.AppModel;
using NetDaemon.HassModel;
using NetDaemon.HassModel.Integration;

using NetDaemonConfig.Apps.Spotify.Types;

namespace NetDaemonConfig.Apps.Spotify.PlayAlbum
    public record PlayAlbumData(string? artist, string? album);

    public class PlayAlbum
        private readonly CultureInfo _cultureInfo = new("fr-CA", false);

        // Snake-case json options
        private readonly JsonSerializerOptions _jsonOptions = new()
            PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower

        private async Task CallBack(PlayAlbumData e, Services services)
            string uri;

            if (e.artist is not null && e.artist != "")
                SpotifyplusSearchArtistsResponse? artistResult = (
                    await services.Spotifyplus.SearchArtistsAsync(
                        criteria: e?.artist ??
                            throw new TargetException($"The artist {e?.artist} could not be found."),
                        limitTotal: 1,
                        entityId: Globals.DefaultEntityId,
                        // My Defaults
                        market: "CA",
                        includeExternal: "audio"

                string artistId = artistResult?.Result?.Items?[0]?.Id ??
                    throw new TargetException($"The artist {e?.artist} could not be found.");

                SpotifyPlusGetArtistAlbumsResponse? result = (
                    await services.Spotifyplus.GetArtistAlbumsAsync(
                        artistId: artistId,
                        entityId: Globals.DefaultEntityId,
                        market: "CA"

                List<ArtistAlbumItem> albums = result?.Result?.Items ??
                    throw new TargetException($"No albums found for artist {e.artist}");

                ExtractedResult<ArtistAlbumItem> match = Process.ExtractOne(
                    new ArtistAlbumItem { Name = e.album?.ToLower(_cultureInfo) },
                    new Func<ArtistAlbumItem, string>((item) =>
                        (item.Name ?? "").ToLower(_cultureInfo))

                uri = match.Value?.Uri ??
                    throw new TargetException($"No matches found for album {e.album}");
                SpotifyplusSearchAlbumsResponse? result = (
                    await services.Spotifyplus.SearchAlbumsAsync(
                        criteria: $"{e?.album}",
                        limitTotal: 1,
                        entityId: Globals.DefaultEntityId,
                        // My Defaults
                        market: "CA",
                        includeExternal: "audio"

                uri = result?.Result?.Items?[0]?.Uri ??
                    throw new TargetException(
                        $"The album {e?.album}{(e?.artist is null ? "" : $" by {e?.artist}")} could not be found."

                contextUri: uri,
                entityId: Globals.DefaultEntityId,
                deviceId: Globals.DefaultDevId,
                // My Defaults
                positionMs: 0,
                delay: 0.50

        public PlayAlbum(IHaContext ha, Services services)
                (e) => Globals.RunAsyncSpotifyCallback(services, e, CallBack)