const { execAsync, monitorFile } = Utils; /** * @param {string} host the name of the machine/user who's running ags */ const watchAndCompileSass = (host) => { const reloadCss = () => { const scss = `${App.configDir}/scss/${host}.scss`; const css = `/tmp/ags-${host}/style.css`; execAsync(`sass ${scss} ${css}`).then(() => { App.resetCss(); App.applyCss(css); }).catch(print); }; monitorFile( `${App.configDir}/scss`, reloadCss, ); reloadCss(); }; /** * @param {string} host the name of the machine/user who's running ags * @returns the config */ export const transpileTypeScript = async(host) => { const outPath = `/tmp/ags-${host}/index.js`; await execAsync([ 'bash', '-c', // Create the dir if it doesn't exist `mkdir -p /tmp/ags-${host}; ` + // Let bun see tsconfig.json `cd ${App.configDir};` + `bun build ${App.configDir}/${host === 'lockscreen' ? 'ts/lockscreen/main' : host}.ts ` + '--external resource:///* ' + '--external gi://* ' + '--external cairo ' + // Since bun wants to write in cwd, we just redirect stdin instead `> ${outPath}`, ]).catch(print); watchAndCompileSass(host); return await import(`file://${outPath}`); };