/* This package uses a `wyoming-openwakeword` fork that makes use of the upstream `openwakeword` instead of a fork: https://github.com/rhasspy/wyoming-openwakeword/pull/27 It also enforces the python version to 3.11, because tensorflow cannot be used with 3.12 yet. */ pkgs: let pyPkgs = pkgs.python311Packages; speexdsp-ns = pkgs.callPackage ./speexdsp-ns.nix { python3Packages = pyPkgs; }; openwakeword = pkgs.callPackage ./openwakeword.nix { inherit speexdsp-ns; python3Packages = pyPkgs; }; in (pkgs.wyoming-openwakeword.override { python3Packages = pyPkgs; }) .overrideAttrs (o: { src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "rhasspy"; repo = "wyoming-openwakeword"; rev = "synesthesiam-20240627-openwakeword"; hash = "sha256-69oR2LHiUfx8j39nWp7XhG5xTvmOoPCLjSlH1CFvavo="; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [openwakeword pyPkgs.wyoming]; })