inputs: let inherit (builtins) removeAttrs; in rec { # Import pkgs from a nixpkgs instance mkPkgs = { system, nixpkgs, cfg ? {}, nix ? null, cudaSupport ? false, }: import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = nixpkgs.lib.unique ([ (inputs.self.overlays.nix-version {inherit nix;}) inputs.self.overlays.misc-fixes inputs.self.overlays.appsPackages inputs.self.overlays.selfPackages inputs.self.overlays.scopedPackages ] ++ (cfg.overlays or [])); config = { inherit cudaSupport; allowUnfree = true; # In case I need an insecure package in my devShells permittedInsecurePackages = [] ++ (cfg.config.permittedInsecurePackages or []); } // (removeAttrs ( if cfg.config or null == null then {} else cfg.config ) ["permittedInsecurePackages"]); }; # Enable use of `nixpkgs.overlays` on both NixOS and NixOnDroid allowModularOverrides = { cudaSupport ? false, system, }: ({config, ...}: let pkgs = mkPkgs { cfg = config.nixpkgs; nix = config.nix.package; inherit system cudaSupport; inherit (inputs) nixpkgs; }; inherit (pkgs.lib) mkForce; in { _module.args.pkgs = mkForce pkgs; }); # Default system mkNixOS = { extraModules ? [], cudaSupport ? false, mainUser ? "matt", }: inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem rec { system = "x86_64-linux"; specialArgs = inputs // {inherit mainUser;}; modules = [ (allowModularOverrides {inherit system cudaSupport;}) inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager {home-manager.extraSpecialArgs = specialArgs;} ] ++ extraModules; }; mkNixOnDroid = extraModules: let system = "aarch64-linux"; in inputs.nix-on-droid.lib.nixOnDroidConfiguration rec { extraSpecialArgs = inputs; home-manager-path = inputs.home-manager.outPath; pkgs = mkPkgs { inherit system; inherit (inputs) nixpkgs; }; modules = [ (allowModularOverrides {inherit system;}) ({ config, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkForce mkOption types; in { # Adapt NixOnDroid to NixOS options options.environment = { variables.FLAKE = mkOption { type = with types; nullOr str; }; systemPackages = mkOption { type = with types; listOf package; default = []; }; }; config.environment.packages = config.environment.systemPackages; # This disables the assertion that fails because of nixpkgs.overlays config._module.args.isFlake = mkForce false; }) {home-manager = {inherit extraSpecialArgs;};} ] ++ extraModules; }; }