{config, ...}: { # The secret that is placed here must take the following form in the # unencrypted yaml for this to work as it's appended directly to the couchdb.ini # configuration via systemd Env statements. The username and password are the # user/pass in your livesync config in obsidian # obsidian: | # [admins] # yourusernamehere = yourpasswordhere sops.secrets.obsidian-livesync = { owner = config.services.couchdb.user; group = config.services.couchdb.group; mode = "440"; }; services.couchdb = { enable = true; bindAddress = ""; port = 5984; configFile = config.sops.secrets.obsidian-livesync.path; # https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync/blob/main/docs/setup_own_server.md#configure extraConfig = { chttpd = { enable_cors = true; max_http_request_size = "4294967296"; require_valid_user = true; }; chttpd_auth = { authentication_redirect = "/_utils/session.html"; require_valid_user = true; }; cors = { credentials = true; headers = "accept, authorization, content-type, origin, referer"; max_age = "3600"; methods = "GET,PUT,POST,HEAD,DELETE"; origins = "app://obsidian.md, capacitor://localhost, http://localhost"; }; couchdb = { max_document_size = "50000000"; single_node = true; }; httpd = { WWW-Authenticate = "Basic realm=\"couchdb\""; enable_cors = true; }; }; }; }