import Service from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service.js'; import { subprocess } from 'resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/utils.js'; const SCREEN = '/dev/input/by-path/platform-AMDI0010\:00-event'; const GESTURE_VERIF = [ 'LR', // Left to Right 'RL', // Right to Left 'DU', // Down to Up 'UD', // Up to Down 'DLUR', // Down to Left to Up to Right (clockwise motion from Down) 'DRUL', // Down to Right to Up to Left (counter-clockwise from Down) 'URDL', // Up to Right to Down to Left (clockwise motion from Up) 'ULDR', // Up to Left to Down to Right (counter-clockwise from Up) ]; const EDGE_VERIF = [ '*', // Any 'N', // None 'L', // Left 'R', // Right 'T', // Top 'B', // Bottom 'TL', // Top left 'TR', // Top right 'BL', // Bottom left 'BR', // Bottom right ]; const DISTANCE_VERIF = [ '*', // Any 'S', // Short 'M', // Medium 'L', // Large ]; // TODO: add actmode param // TODO: support multiple daemons for different thresholds class TouchGestures extends Service { static { Service.register(this, { 'daemon-started': ['boolean'], 'daemon-destroyed': ['boolean'], }); } #gestures = new Map(); /** @type typeof */ #gestureDaemon; get gestures() { return this.#gestures; } get gestureDaemon() { return this.#gestureDaemon; } addGesture({ name, nFingers = '1', gesture, edge = '*', distance = '*', command, }) { gesture = String(gesture).toUpperCase(); if (!GESTURE_VERIF.includes(gesture)) { logError('Wrong gesture id'); return; } edge = String(edge).toUpperCase(); if (!EDGE_VERIF.includes(edge)) { logError('Wrong edge id'); return; } distance = String(distance).toUpperCase(); if (!DISTANCE_VERIF.includes(distance)) { logError('Wrong distance id'); return; } if (typeof command !== 'string') { globalThis[name] = command; command = `ags -r "${name}()"`; } this.#gestures.set(name, [ '-g', `${nFingers},${gesture},${edge},${distance},${command}`, ]); if (this.#gestureDaemon) { this.killDaemon(); } this.startDaemon(); } startDaemon() { if (this.#gestureDaemon) { return; } let command = [ 'lisgd', '-d', SCREEN, // Orientation '-o', '0', // Threshold of gesture recognized '-t', '125', // Leniency of gesture angle '-r', '25', // Timeout time '-m', '3200', ]; this.#gestures.forEach((gesture) => { command = command.concat(gesture); }); this.#gestureDaemon = subprocess( command, () => { /**/ }, ); this.emit('daemon-started', true); } killDaemon() { if (this.#gestureDaemon) { this.#gestureDaemon.force_exit(); this.#gestureDaemon = null; this.emit('daemon-destroyed', true); } } } const touchGesturesService = new TouchGestures(); export default touchGesturesService;