///<param name="summary">Defines the short summary or subject for the event. eg: Department Party</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the event than the one provided by the summary. eg: Meeting to provide technical review for 'Phoenix' design.</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">The date and time the event should start. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">The date and time the event should end. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="startDate">The date the all-day event should start. eg: 2022-03-22</param>
///<param name="endDate">The date the all-day event should end (exclusive). eg: 2022-03-23</param>
///<param name="in">Days or weeks that you want to create the event in. eg: {"days": 2} or {"weeks": 2}</param>
///<param name="location">The location of the event. eg: Conference Room - F123, Bldg. 002</param>
///<summary>Get events on a calendar within a time range.</summary>
///<param name="startDateTime">Returns active events after this time (exclusive). When not set, defaults to now. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">Returns active events before this time (exclusive). Cannot be used with 'duration'. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="duration">Returns active events from start_date_time until the specified duration.</param>
///<summary>Get events on a calendar within a time range.</summary>
///<param name="target">The target for this service call</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">Returns active events after this time (exclusive). When not set, defaults to now. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">Returns active events before this time (exclusive). Cannot be used with 'duration'. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="duration">Returns active events from start_date_time until the specified duration.</param>
///<summary>Defines the short summary or subject for the event. eg: Department Party</summary>
///<summary>A more complete description of the event than the one provided by the summary. eg: Meeting to provide technical review for 'Phoenix' design.</summary>
///<summary>The date and time the event should start. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</summary>
///<summary>The date and time the event should end. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</summary>
///<summary>The date the all-day event should start. eg: 2022-03-22</summary>
///<summary>The date the all-day event should end (exclusive). eg: 2022-03-23</summary>
///<summary>Days or weeks that you want to create the event in. eg: {"days": 2} or {"weeks": 2}</summary>
///<summary>The location of the event. eg: Conference Room - F123, Bldg. 002</summary>
///<summary>Returns active events after this time (exclusive). When not set, defaults to now. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</summary>
///<summary>Returns active events before this time (exclusive). Cannot be used with 'duration'. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</summary>
///<summary>Returns active events from start_date_time until the specified duration.</summary>
///<summary>Shows a dashboard view on a Chromecast device.</summary>
///<summary>Launches a conversation from a transcribed text.</summary>
///<param name="text">Transcribed text input. eg: Turn all lights on</param>
///<param name="language">Language of text. Defaults to server language. eg: NL</param>
///<param name="agentId">Conversation agent to process your request. The conversation agent is the brains of your assistant. It processes the incoming text commands. eg: homeassistant</param>
///<param name="conversationId">ID of the conversation, to be able to continue a previous conversation eg: my_conversation_1</param>
///<summary>Launches a conversation from a transcribed text.</summary>
///<param name="text">Transcribed text input. eg: Turn all lights on</param>
///<param name="language">Language of text. Defaults to server language. eg: NL</param>
///<param name="agentId">Conversation agent to process your request. The conversation agent is the brains of your assistant. It processes the incoming text commands. eg: homeassistant</param>
///<param name="conversationId">ID of the conversation, to be able to continue a previous conversation eg: my_conversation_1</param>
///<summary>Transcribed text input. eg: Turn all lights on</summary>
///<summary>Language of text. Defaults to server language. eg: NL</summary>
///<summary>Conversation agent to process your request. The conversation agent is the brains of your assistant. It processes the incoming text commands. eg: homeassistant</summary>
///<summary>ID of the conversation, to be able to continue a previous conversation eg: my_conversation_1</summary>
///<summary>Language to clear cached intents for. Defaults to server language. eg: NL</summary>
///<summary>Conversation agent to reload. eg: homeassistant</summary>
///<summary>Decrements a counter.</summary>
///<param name="target">The target for this service call</param>
///<summary>Records a seen tracked device.</summary>
///<param name="mac">MAC address of the device. eg: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF</param>
///<param name="devId">ID of the device (find the ID in `known_devices.yaml`). eg: phonedave</param>
///<param name="hostName">Hostname of the device. eg: Dave</param>
///<param name="locationName">Name of the location where the device is located. The options are: `home`, `not_home`, or the name of the zone. eg: home</param>
///<param name="gps">GPS coordinates where the device is located, specified by latitude and longitude (for example: [51.513845, -0.100539]). eg: [51.509802, -0.086692]</param>
///<param name="gpsAccuracy">Accuracy of the GPS coordinates.</param>
///<param name="battery">Battery level of the device.</param>
///<summary>MAC address of the device. eg: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF</summary>
///<summary>ID of the device (find the ID in `known_devices.yaml`). eg: phonedave</summary>
///<summary>Hostname of the device. eg: Dave</summary>
///<summary>Name of the location where the device is located. The options are: `home`, `not_home`, or the name of the zone. eg: home</summary>
///<summary>GPS coordinates where the device is located, specified by latitude and longitude (for example: [51.513845, -0.100539]). eg: [51.509802, -0.086692]</summary>
///<summary>Accuracy of the GPS coordinates.</summary>
///<summary>Battery level of the device.</summary>
///<summary>Take in images and answer questions about them</summary>
///<param name="configEntry">The config entry to use for this service</param>
///<param name="model">The model eg: gpt-4-vision-preview</param>
///<param name="prompt">The text to ask about image eg: What’s in this image?</param>
///<param name="images">A list of images that would be asked eg: {"url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Gfp-wisconsin-madison-the-nature-boardwalk.jpg/2560px-Gfp-wisconsin-madison-the-nature-boardwalk.jpg"}</param>
///<param name="maxTokens">The maximum tokens eg: 300</param>
///<summary>Take in images and answer questions about them</summary>
///<param name="configEntry">The config entry to use for this service</param>
///<param name="model">The model eg: gpt-4-vision-preview</param>
///<param name="prompt">The text to ask about image eg: What’s in this image?</param>
///<param name="images">A list of images that would be asked eg: {"url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Gfp-wisconsin-madison-the-nature-boardwalk.jpg/2560px-Gfp-wisconsin-madison-the-nature-boardwalk.jpg"}</param>
///<param name="maxTokens">The maximum tokens eg: 300</param>
///<summary>The config entry to use for this service</summary>
///<summary>The model eg: gpt-4-vision-preview</summary>
///<summary>The text to ask about image eg: What’s in this image?</summary>
///<summary>A list of images that would be asked eg: {"url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Gfp-wisconsin-madison-the-nature-boardwalk.jpg/2560px-Gfp-wisconsin-madison-the-nature-boardwalk.jpg"}</summary>
///<summary>The maximum tokens eg: 300</summary>
///<summary>Sends a restart command to a ffmpeg based sensor.</summary>
///<summary>Reloads Jinja2 templates found in the `custom_templates` folder in your config. New values will be applied on the next render of the template.</summary>
///<summary>Toggles one or more lights, from on to off, or, off to on, based on their current state.</summary>
///<param name="transition">Duration it takes to get to next state.</param>
///<param name="rgbColor">The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</param>
///<param name="kelvin">Color temperature in Kelvin.</param>
///<param name="brightnessPct">Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</param>
///<summary>Turn on one or more lights and adjust properties of the light, even when they are turned on already.</summary>
///<param name="transition">Duration it takes to get to next state.</param>
///<param name="rgbColor">The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</param>
///<param name="kelvin">Color temperature in Kelvin.</param>
///<param name="brightnessPct">Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</param>
///<param name="brightnessStepPct">Change brightness by a percentage.</param>
///<summary>Duration it takes to get to next state.</summary>
///<summary>The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</summary>
///<summary>Color temperature in Kelvin.</summary>
///<summary>Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</summary>
///<summary>Duration it takes to get to next state.</summary>
///<summary>Duration it takes to get to next state.</summary>
///<summary>The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</summary>
///<summary>Color temperature in Kelvin.</summary>
///<summary>Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</summary>
///<summary>Change brightness by a percentage.</summary>
///<summary>Creates a custom entry in the logbook.</summary>
///<param name="name">Custom name for an entity, can be referenced using an `entity_id`. eg: Kitchen</param>
///<param name="message">Message of the logbook entry. eg: is being used</param>
///<param name="entityId">Entity to reference in the logbook entry.</param>
///<param name="domain">Determines which icon is used in the logbook entry. The icon illustrates the integration domain related to this logbook entry. eg: light</param>
///<summary>Custom name for an entity, can be referenced using an `entity_id`. eg: Kitchen</summary>
///<summary>Message of the logbook entry. eg: is being used</summary>
///<summary>Entity to reference in the logbook entry.</summary>
///<summary>Determines which icon is used in the logbook entry. The icon illustrates the integration domain related to this logbook entry. eg: light</summary>
///<summary>Sets the default log level for integrations.</summary>
///<summary>Groups media players together for synchronous playback. Only works on supported multiroom audio systems.</summary>
///<param name="groupMembers">The players which will be synced with the playback specified in `target`. eg: - media_player.multiroom_player2 - media_player.multiroom_player3 </param>
///<summary>Starts playing specified media.</summary>
///<param name="mediaContentId">The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent. eg: https://home-assistant.io/images/cast/splash.png</param>
///<param name="mediaContentType">The type of the content to play. Such as image, music, tv show, video, episode, channel, or playlist. eg: music</param>
///<param name="enqueue">If the content should be played now or be added to the queue.</param>
///<param name="announce">If the media should be played as an announcement. eg: true</param>
///<summary>The players which will be synced with the playback specified in `target`. eg: - media_player.multiroom_player2 - media_player.multiroom_player3 </summary>
///<summary>Target position in the currently playing media. The format is platform dependent.</summary>
///<summary>The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent. eg: https://home-assistant.io/images/cast/splash.png</summary>
///<summary>The type of the content to play. Such as image, music, tv show, video, episode, channel, or playlist. eg: music</summary>
///<summary>If the content should be played now or be added to the queue.</summary>
///<summary>If the media should be played as an announcement. eg: true</summary>
///<summary>Sends a notification that is visible in the notifications panel.</summary>
///<param name="message">Message body of the notification. eg: The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.</param>
///<param name="title">Title of the notification. eg: Your Garage Door Friend</param>
///<param name="data">Some integrations provide extended functionality. For information on how to use _data_, refer to the integration documentation.. eg: platform specific</param>
///<summary>Message body of the notification. eg: The garage door has been open for 10 minutes.</summary>
///<summary>Title of the notification. eg: Your Garage Door Friend</summary>
///<summary>Some integrations provide extended functionality. For information on how to use _data_, refer to the integration documentation.. eg: platform specific</summary>
///<summary>Your notification message.</summary>
///<summary>Title for your notification message.</summary>
///<summary>Sets the value of a number.</summary>
///<param name="target">The target for this service call</param>
///<summary>Shows a notification on the notifications panel.</summary>
///<param name="message">Message body of the notification. eg: Please check your configuration.yaml.</param>
///<param name="title">Optional title of the notification. eg: Test notification</param>
///<param name="notificationId">ID of the notification. This new notification will overwrite an existing notification with the same ID. eg: 1234</param>
///<summary>Starts purge task - to clean up old data from your database.</summary>
///<param name="keepDays">Number of days to keep the data in the database. Starting today, counting backward. A value of `7` means that everything older than a week will be purged.</param>
///<param name="repack">Attempt to save disk space by rewriting the entire database file.</param>
///<param name="applyFilter">Apply `entity_id` and `event_type` filters in addition to time-based purge.</param>
///<summary>Starts a purge task to remove the data related to specific entities from your database.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">List of entities for which the data is to be removed from the recorder database.</param>
///<param name="domains">List of domains for which the data needs to be removed from the recorder database. eg: sun</param>
///<param name="entityGlobs">List of glob patterns used to select the entities for which the data is to be removed from the recorder database. eg: domain*.object_id*</param>
///<param name="keepDays">Number of days to keep the data for rows matching the filter. Starting today, counting backward. A value of `7` means that everything older than a week will be purged. The default of 0 days will remove all matching rows immediately.</param>
///<summary>Number of days to keep the data in the database. Starting today, counting backward. A value of `7` means that everything older than a week will be purged.</summary>
///<summary>Attempt to save disk space by rewriting the entire database file.</summary>
///<summary>Apply `entity_id` and `event_type` filters in addition to time-based purge.</summary>
///<summary>List of entities for which the data is to be removed from the recorder database.</summary>
///<summary>List of domains for which the data needs to be removed from the recorder database. eg: sun</summary>
///<summary>List of glob patterns used to select the entities for which the data is to be removed from the recorder database. eg: domain*.object_id*</summary>
///<summary>Number of days to keep the data for rows matching the filter. Starting today, counting backward. A value of `7` means that everything older than a week will be purged. The default of 0 days will remove all matching rows immediately.</summary>
///<summary>Reloads REST entities from the YAML-configuration.</summary>
///<param name="sceneId">The entity ID of the new scene. eg: all_lights</param>
///<param name="entities">List of entities and their target state. If your entities are already in the target state right now, use `snapshot_entities` instead. eg: light.tv_back_light: "on" light.ceiling: state: "on" brightness: 200 </param>
///<param name="snapshotEntities">List of entities to be included in the snapshot. By taking a snapshot, you record the current state of those entities. If you do not want to use the current state of all your entities for this scene, you can combine the `snapshot_entities` with `entities`. eg: - light.ceiling - light.kitchen </param>
///<summary>List of entities and their target state. eg: light.kitchen: "on" light.ceiling: state: "on" brightness: 80 </summary>
///<summary>Time it takes the devices to transition into the states defined in the scene.</summary>
///<summary>The entity ID of the new scene. eg: all_lights</summary>
///<summary>List of entities and their target state. If your entities are already in the target state right now, use `snapshot_entities` instead. eg: light.tv_back_light: "on" light.ceiling: state: "on" brightness: 200 </summary>
///<summary>List of entities to be included in the snapshot. By taking a snapshot, you record the current state of those entities. If you do not want to use the current state of all your entities for this scene, you can combine the `snapshot_entities` with `entities`. eg: - light.ceiling - light.kitchen </summary>
///<summary>The name of the item to remove. eg: Beer</summary>
///<summary>Whether to sort in reverse (descending) order.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more albums (or the currently playing album) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more albums (or the currently playing album) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more albums (or the currently playing album) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more albums (or the currently playing album) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more artists (or the currently playing artists) is followed in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more artists (or the currently playing artists) is followed in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more artists (or the currently playing artists) is followed in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more artists (or the currently playing artists) is followed in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more audiobooks (or the currently playing audiobook) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more audiobooks (or the currently playing audiobook) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more audiobooks (or the currently playing audiobook) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more audiobooks (or the currently playing audiobook) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more episodes (or the currently playing episode) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more episodes (or the currently playing episode) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more episodes (or the currently playing episode) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more episodes (or the currently playing episode) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more shows (or the currently playing show) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more shows (or the currently playing show) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more tracks (or the currently playing track) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more tracks (or the currently playing track) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</param>
///<summary>Check if one or more tracks (or the currently playing track) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<summary>Check if one or more tracks (or the currently playing track) exists in the current user's 'Your Library' favorites.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</param>
///<summary>Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</param>
///<summary>Add the current user as a follower of a playlist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. `3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n`). If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n</param>
///<param name="public">If true the playlist will be included in user's public playlists, if false it will remain private. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Add the current user as a follower of one or more users.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of the Spotify user IDs (e.g. 'smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4'). A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. eg: smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single album.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="albumId">The Spotify ID of the album. If omitted, the currently playing album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single album.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="albumId">The Spotify ID of the album. If omitted, the currently playing album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the albums saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the albums saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single artist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="artistId">The Spotify ID of the artist. If omitted, the currently playing artist uri id value is used. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single artist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="artistId">The Spotify ID of the artist. If omitted, the currently playing artist uri id value is used. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's albums.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="artistId">The Spotify ID of the artist. If omitted, the currently playing artist uri id value is used. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</param>
///<param name="includeGroups">A comma-separated list of keywords that will be used to filter the response. If not supplied, only `album` types will be returned. Valid values are `album`, `single`, `appears_on`, `compilation`. eg: album</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's albums.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="artistId">The Spotify ID of the artist. If omitted, the currently playing artist uri id value is used. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</param>
///<param name="includeGroups">A comma-separated list of keywords that will be used to filter the response. If not supplied, only `album` types will be returned. Valid values are `album`, `single`, `appears_on`, `compilation`. eg: album</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get the current user's followed artists.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="after">The last artist ID retrieved from the previous request, or null for the first request. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get the current user's followed artists.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="after">The last artist ID retrieved from the previous request, or null for the first request. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the audiobooks saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the audiobooks saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a sorted list of ALL categories used to tag items in Spotify.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="locale">The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example `es_MX`, meaning `Spanish (Mexico)`. Provide this parameter if you want the results returned in a particular language (where available). Note that if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, all strings will be returned in the Spotify default language (American English). eg: es_MX</param>
///<param name="refresh">True to return real-time information from the spotify web api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: False</param>
///<summary>Get a sorted list of ALL categories used to tag items in Spotify.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="locale">The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example `es_MX`, meaning `Spanish (Mexico)`. Provide this parameter if you want the results returned in a particular language (where available). Note that if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, all strings will be returned in the Spotify default language (American English). eg: es_MX</param>
///<param name="refresh">True to return real-time information from the spotify web api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: False</param>
///<summary>Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="categoryId">The Spotify category ID (not name) for the category. eg: dinner</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="categoryId">The Spotify category ID (not name) for the category. eg: dinner</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single episode.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="episodeId">The Spotify ID of the episode. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 26c0zVyOv1lzfYpBXdh1zC</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single episode.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="episodeId">The Spotify ID of the episode. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 26c0zVyOv1lzfYpBXdh1zC</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the episodes saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the episodes saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of Spotify featured playlists.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="locale">The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example `es_MX`, meaning `Spanish (Mexico)`. Provide this parameter if you want the results returned in a particular language (where available). Note that if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, all strings will be returned in the Spotify default language (American English). eg: es_MX</param>
///<param name="timestamp">A timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss). Use this parameter to specify the user's local time to get results tailored for that specific date and time in the day. If not provided, the response defaults to the current UTC time. eg: 2023-10-23T09:00:00</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of Spotify featured playlists.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="country">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="locale">The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example `es_MX`, meaning `Spanish (Mexico)`. Provide this parameter if you want the results returned in a particular language (where available). Note that if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, all strings will be returned in the Spotify default language (American English). eg: es_MX</param>
///<param name="timestamp">A timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss). Use this parameter to specify the user's local time to get results tailored for that specific date and time in the day. If not provided, the response defaults to the current UTC time. eg: 2023-10-23T09:00:00</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get information about a user's available Spotify Connect player devices. Some device models are not supported and will not be listed in the API response.</summary>
///<summary>Get information about a user's available Spotify Connect player devices. Some device models are not supported and will not be listed in the API response.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="refresh">True to return real-time information from the spotify web api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: True</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get information about a user's available Spotify Connect player devices. Some device models are not supported and will not be listed in the API response.</summary>
///<summary>Get information about a user's available Spotify Connect player devices. Some device models are not supported and will not be listed in the API response.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="refresh">True to return real-time information from the spotify web api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: True</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get the object currently being played on the user's Spotify account.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="additionalTypes">A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</param>
///<summary>Get the object currently being played on the user's Spotify account.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="additionalTypes">A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</param>
///<summary>Get information about the user's current playback state, including track or episode, progress, and active device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="additionalTypes">A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</param>
///<summary>Get information about the user's current playback state, including track or episode, progress, and active device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="additionalTypes">A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</param>
///<summary>Get the list of objects that make up the user's playback queue.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<summary>Get the list of objects that make up the user's playback queue.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<summary>Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks; currently doesn't support podcast episodes, and only 50 items may be returned due to spotify limits.</summary>
///<summary>Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks; currently doesn't support podcast episodes, and only 50 items may be returned due to spotify limits.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="after">Returns all items after (but not including) this cursor position, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If `after` is specified, `before` must not be specified. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is `0` (the first item). eg: 1706218456821</param>
///<param name="before">Returns all items before (but not including) this cursor position, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If `before` is specified, `after` must not be specified. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is `0` (the first item). eg: 1706218467821</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks; currently doesn't support podcast episodes, and only 50 items may be returned due to spotify limits.</summary>
///<summary>Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks; currently doesn't support podcast episodes, and only 50 items may be returned due to spotify limits.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="after">Returns all items after (but not including) this cursor position, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If `after` is specified, `before` must not be specified. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is `0` (the first item). eg: 1706218456821</param>
///<param name="before">Returns all items before (but not including) this cursor position, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If `before` is specified, `after` must not be specified. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is `0` (the first item). eg: 1706218467821</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist. If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 5v5ETK9WFXAnGQ3MRubKuE</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="fields">A comma-separated list of fields to return from the Spotify Web API. All fields are returned if omitted. eg: description,id,name,public,snapshot_id,type,uri,tracks(limit,next,offset,previous,total,items(track(id,name,track_number,type,uri,album(id,images,name,total_tracks,type,uri,artists(id,name,type,uri)))))</param>
///<param name="additionalTypes">A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</param>
///<summary>Get a playlist owned by a Spotify user.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist. If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 5v5ETK9WFXAnGQ3MRubKuE</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="fields">A comma-separated list of fields to return from the Spotify Web API. All fields are returned if omitted. eg: description,id,name,public,snapshot_id,type,uri,tracks(limit,next,offset,previous,total,items(track(id,name,track_number,type,uri,album(id,images,name,total_tracks,type,uri,artists(id,name,type,uri)))))</param>
///<param name="additionalTypes">A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single show.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="showId">The Spotify ID of the show. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 5CfCWKI5pZ28U0uOzXkDHe</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single show.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="showId">The Spotify ID of the show. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 5CfCWKI5pZ28U0uOzXkDHe</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about a show's episodes.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="showId">The Spotify ID for the show. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about a show's episodes.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="showId">The Spotify ID for the show. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the shows saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<param name="excludeAudiobooks">True (default) to exclude audiobook shows from the returned list, leaving only podcast shows; otherwise, False to include all results returned by the Spotify Web API. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the shows saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<param name="excludeAudiobooks">True (default) to exclude audiobook shows from the returned list, leaving only podcast shows; otherwise, False to include all results returned by the Spotify Web API. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get information about a specific Spotify Connect player device, and (optionally) activate the device if it requires it.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="deviceValue">The id (e.g. '30fbc80e35598f3c242f2120413c943dfd9715fe') or name (e.g. 'Office') of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If an '*' is specified, then the SpotifyPlus default device is used. eg: Bose-ST10-1</param>
///<param name="verifyUserContext">If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the Spotify Connect user context specified in the SpotifyPlus configuration options. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="verifyTimeout">Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the device to become active in the Spotify Connect device list. This value is only used if a Connect command has to be issued to activate the device. Default is 5; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<param name="refreshDeviceList">True to refresh the Spotify Connect device list; otherwise, False to use the Spotify Connect device list cache. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="activateDevice">True to activate the device if necessary; otherwise, False. eg: True</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing any command to the device. This delay will give the spotify zeroconf api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.25; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.25</param>
///<summary>Get information about a specific Spotify Connect player device, and (optionally) activate the device if it requires it.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="deviceValue">The id (e.g. '30fbc80e35598f3c242f2120413c943dfd9715fe') or name (e.g. 'Office') of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If an '*' is specified, then the SpotifyPlus default device is used. eg: Bose-ST10-1</param>
///<param name="verifyUserContext">If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the Spotify Connect user context specified in the SpotifyPlus configuration options. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="verifyTimeout">Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the device to become active in the Spotify Connect device list. This value is only used if a Connect command has to be issued to activate the device. Default is 5; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<param name="refreshDeviceList">True to refresh the Spotify Connect device list; otherwise, False to use the Spotify Connect device list cache. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="activateDevice">True to activate the device if necessary; otherwise, False. eg: True</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing any command to the device. This delay will give the spotify zeroconf api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.25; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.25</param>
///<summary>Get information about all available Spotify Connect player (both static and dynamic) devices.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="refresh">True (default) to return real-time information from the spotify zeroconf api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: True</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get information about all available Spotify Connect player (both static and dynamic) devices.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="refresh">True (default) to return real-time information from the spotify zeroconf api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: True</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single track.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="trackId">The Spotify ID of the track. If omitted, the currently playing track uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information for a single track.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="trackId">The Spotify ID of the track. If omitted, the currently playing track uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the tracks saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get a list of the tracks saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get audio features for multiple tracks based on their Spotify IDs.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of the Spotify track IDs. Maximum of 100 IDs. Example `7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P,4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ,2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B`. eg: 7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P,4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ,2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B</param>
///<summary>Get audio features for multiple tracks based on their Spotify IDs.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of the Spotify track IDs. Maximum of 100 IDs. Example `7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P,4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ,2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B`. eg: 7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P,4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ,2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B</param>
///<summary>Get the current user's top artists based on calculated affinity.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="timeRange">Over what time frame the affinities are computed. Valid values are `long_term` (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available), `medium_term` (approximately last 6 months), and `short_term` (approximately last 4 weeks). eg: long_term</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get the current user's top artists based on calculated affinity.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="timeRange">Over what time frame the affinities are computed. Valid values are `long_term` (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available), `medium_term` (approximately last 6 months), and `short_term` (approximately last 4 weeks). eg: long_term</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get the current user's top tracks based on calculated affinity.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="timeRange">Over what time frame the affinities are computed. Valid values are `long_term` (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available), `medium_term` (approximately last 6 months), and `short_term` (approximately last 4 weeks). eg: long_term</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Get the current user's top tracks based on calculated affinity.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="timeRange">Over what time frame the affinities are computed. Valid values are `long_term` (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available), `medium_term` (approximately last 6 months), and `short_term` (approximately last 4 weeks). eg: long_term</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="sortResult">True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Activates all Spotify Connect player devices, and (optionally) switches the active user context to the current user context.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="verifyUserContext">If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the specified Spotify Connect user context. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is False. eg: True</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Activates all Spotify Connect player devices, and (optionally) switches the active user context to the current user context.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="verifyUserContext">If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the specified Spotify Connect user context. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is False. eg: True</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Start playing one or more tracks of the specified context on a Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="contextUri">Spotify URI of the context to play (e.g. `spotify:album:6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE`). Valid contexts are albums, artists & playlists. eg: spotify:album:6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE</param>
///<param name="offsetUri">Indicates from what Uri in the context playback should start (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy`. Only available when contextUri corresponds to an artist, album or playlist. The offsetPosition argument will be used if this value is null. eg: spotify:track:1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</param>
///<param name="offsetPosition">Indicates from what position in the context playback should start. The value is zero-based, and can't be negative. Only available when contextUri corresponds to an album or playlist. eg: 3</param>
///<param name="positionMs">The position (in milliseconds) to seek to; must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next track. eg: 0</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Start playing track favorites on the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="shuffle">True to set player shuffle mode to on; otherwise, False for no shuffle. eg: True</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<param name="resolveDeviceId">True to resolve the supplied `deviceId` value; otherwise, False not resolve the `deviceId` value as it has already been resolved. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to retrieve from favorites. Default is 200. eg: 200</param>
///<summary>Start playing one or more tracks on the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="uris">A list of Spotify track URIs to play; can be track or episode URIs. A maximum of 50 items can be added in one request. eg: spotify:track:6zd8T1PBe9JFHmuVnurdRp,spotify:track:1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</param>
///<param name="positionMs">The position (in milliseconds) to seek to; must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next track. eg: 0</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Seeks to the given absolute or relative position in the user's currently playing track for the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<summary>Seeks to the given absolute or relative position in the user's currently playing track for the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="positionMs">The absolute position in milliseconds to seek to; must be a positive number or zero if the `relativePositionMS` argument is specified. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song. Example = `25000` to start playing at the 25 second mark. eg: 25000</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<param name="relativePositionMs">The relative position in milliseconds to seek to; can be a positive or negative number, or zero if the `positionMS` argument is specified. Example = `-10000` to seek behind by 10 seconds; `10000` to seek ahead by 10 seconds. eg: 10000</param>
///<summary>Resolves a Spotify Connect device identifier from a specified device id, name, alias id, or alias name. This will ensure that the device id can be found on the network, as well as connect to the device if necessary with the current user context.</summary>
///<summary>Resolves a Spotify Connect device identifier from a specified device id, name, alias id, or alias name. This will ensure that the device id can be found on the network, as well as connect to the device if necessary with the current user context.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="deviceValue">The device id (e.g. '0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8') or name (e.g. 'Bose-ST10-1') value to resolve. eg: Bose-ST10-1</param>
///<param name="verifyUserContext">If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the user context specified on the class constructor. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="verifyTimeout">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 5.0; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 5.0</param>
///<summary>Resolves a Spotify Connect device identifier from a specified device id, name, alias id, or alias name. This will ensure that the device id can be found on the network, as well as connect to the device if necessary with the current user context.</summary>
///<summary>Resolves a Spotify Connect device identifier from a specified device id, name, alias id, or alias name. This will ensure that the device id can be found on the network, as well as connect to the device if necessary with the current user context.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="deviceValue">The device id (e.g. '0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8') or name (e.g. 'Bose-ST10-1') value to resolve. eg: Bose-ST10-1</param>
///<param name="verifyUserContext">If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the user context specified on the class constructor. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="verifyTimeout">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 5.0; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 5.0</param>
///<summary>Set repeat mode for the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="state">The repeat mode state to set; `track` will repeat the current track; `context` will repeat the current context; `off` will turn repeat off. Default is 'off'. eg: off</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Set shuffle mode for the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="state">True to set player shuffle mode to on; otherwise, False for no shuffle. eg: True</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Set volume level for the specified Spotify Connect device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="volumeLevel">The volume level to set, expressed as a percentage value (e.g. 25). Must be a value from 0 (muted) to 100 (max volume) inclusive. eg: 25</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<summary>Transfer playback to a new Spotify Connect device and optionally begin playback.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="deviceId">The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device on which playback should be started/transferred. If no device is specified, then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</param>
///<param name="play">True (default) to start playback on the new device; otherise, False to keep the current playback state on the existing device. eg: True</param>
///<param name="delay">Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</param>
///<param name="refreshDeviceList">True to refresh the Spotify Connect device list; otherwise, False to use the Spotify Connect device list cache. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<param name="forceActivateDevice">True to issue a Spotify Connect Disconnect call prior to transfer, which will force the device to reconnect to Spotify Connect; otherwise, False to not disconnect. Default is True. eg: True</param>
///<summary>Change a playlist's details (name, description, and public / private state).</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. `5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG`). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</param>
///<param name="name">The updated name of the playlist (e.g. `My Updated Playlist`). This name does not need to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name. eg: My Updated Playlist</param>
///<param name="description">The playlist description, as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API. eg: A Playlist updated by the SpotifyPlus integration</param>
///<param name="public">If true, the playlist will be public; if false, it will be private. eg: False</param>
///<param name="collaborative">If true, the playlist will be collaborative (other users can modify it). To create a collaborative playlist you must also set the public argument to false. eg: False</param>
///<param name="imagePath">The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. Omit this parameter if you do not wish to update the existing playlist image. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</param>
///<summary>Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5v5ETK9WFXAnGQ3MRubKuE</param>
///<param name="imagePath">The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</param>
///<summary>Create an empty playlist for a Spotify user. The playlist will remain empty until you add tracks.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="userId">The user's Spotify user ID (e.g. 32k99y2kg5lnn3mxhtmd2bpdkjfu). Omit this argument to use the Spotify User ID of the player entity_id. eg: 32k99y2kg5lnn3mxhtmd2bpdkjfu</param>
///<param name="name">The name for the new playlist (e.g. `My New Playlist`). This name does not need to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name. eg: My New Playlist</param>
///<param name="description">The playlist description, as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API. eg: A Playlist created by the SpotifyPlus integration</param>
///<param name="public">If true, the playlist will be public; if false, it will be private. eg: False</param>
///<param name="collaborative">If true, the playlist will be collaborative (other users can modify it). To create a collaborative playlist you must also set the public argument to false. eg: False</param>
///<param name="imagePath">The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. Omit this parameter if you do not wish to add a playlist image. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</param>
///<summary>Create an empty playlist for a Spotify user. The playlist will remain empty until you add tracks.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="userId">The user's Spotify user ID (e.g. 32k99y2kg5lnn3mxhtmd2bpdkjfu). Omit this argument to use the Spotify User ID of the player entity_id. eg: 32k99y2kg5lnn3mxhtmd2bpdkjfu</param>
///<param name="name">The name for the new playlist (e.g. `My New Playlist`). This name does not need to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name. eg: My New Playlist</param>
///<param name="description">The playlist description, as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API. eg: A Playlist created by the SpotifyPlus integration</param>
///<param name="public">If true, the playlist will be public; if false, it will be private. eg: False</param>
///<param name="collaborative">If true, the playlist will be collaborative (other users can modify it). To create a collaborative playlist you must also set the public argument to false. eg: False</param>
///<param name="imagePath">The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. Omit this parameter if you do not wish to add a playlist image. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</param>
///<summary>Add one or more items to a user's playlist. Items are added in the order they are listed in the `uris` argument.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</param>
///<param name="uris">A comma-separated list of Spotify URIs to add; can be track or episode URIs (e.g. spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh). A maximum of 100 items can be specified in one request. If nothing is specified, then the track (or episode) uri currently playing is used. eg: spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh,spotify:episode:512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ</param>
///<param name="position">The position to insert the items, a zero-based index. For example, to insert the items in the first position use a value of 0; to insert the items in the third position use a value of 2. Omit the parameter to append the items to the end of the playlist. eg: 0</param>
///<summary>Removes (clears) all items from a user's playlist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</param>
///<summary>Remove one or more items from a user's playlist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</param>
///<param name="uris">A comma-separated list of Spotify URIs to remove; can be track or episode URIs (e.g. spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh). A maximum of 100 items can be specified in one request. If nothing is specified, then the track (or episode) uri currently playing is used. eg: spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh,spotify:episode:512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ</param>
///<param name="snapshotId">The playlist's snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes (e.g. `MzgsMWVkNDY3MTQ5YjVjYWE0MzAyNjkyZWMyOThjNjE3YWMwOTY0ZmJjYg==`). The API will validate that the specified items exist and make the changes, even if more recent changes have been made to the playlist. If omitted, the current playlist is updated. eg: MzgsMWVkNDY3MTQ5YjVjYWE0MzAyNjkyZWMyOThjNjE3YWMwOTY0ZmJjYg==</param>
///<summary>Remove one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</param>
///<summary>Remove one or more audiobooks from the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</param>
///<summary>Remove one or more episodes from the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</param>
///<summary>Remove one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</param>
///<summary>Remove one or more tracks from the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</param>
///<summary>Save one or more albums to the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</param>
///<summary>Save one or more audiobook to the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</param>
///<summary>Save one or more episodes to the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</param>
///<summary>Save one or more shows to the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</param>
///<summary>Save one or more tracks to the current user's 'Your Library'.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Albums that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Welcome to the New</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Albums that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Welcome to the New</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Artists that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: MercyMe</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Artists that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: MercyMe</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Audiobooks that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: The Elfstones of Shannara</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Audiobooks that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: The Elfstones of Shannara</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Episodes that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Armchair Anonymous</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Episodes that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Armchair Anonymous</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Playlists that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Daily Mix</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Playlists that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Daily Mix</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Shows that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Dax Shepard</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Shows that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Dax Shepard</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Tracks that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Dear Younger Me</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Get Spotify catalog information about Tracks that match a keyword string.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="criteria">The criteria to search for. eg: Dear Younger Me</param>
///<param name="limit">The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</param>
///<param name="offset">The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</param>
///<param name="market">An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</param>
///<param name="includeExternal">If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</param>
///<param name="limitTotal">The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</param>
///<summary>Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</param>
///<summary>Remove the current user as a follower of a playlist.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="playlistId">The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. `3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n`). If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n</param>
///<summary>Remove the current user as a follower of one or more users.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="ids">A comma-separated list of Spotify user IDs (e.g. `smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4`). A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. eg: smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4</param>
///<summary>Calls the `addUser` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLoginBlob. If successful, the associated device id is added to the Spotify Connect active device list for the specified user account. This will also issue a `resetUsers` call prior to the `addUser` call.</summary>
///<summary>Calls the `addUser` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLoginBlob. If successful, the associated device id is added to the Spotify Connect active device list for the specified user account. This will also issue a `resetUsers` call prior to the `addUser` call.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="hostIpv4Address">IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</param>
///<param name="hostIpPort">Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</param>
///<param name="cpath">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</param>
///<param name="version">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</param>
///<param name="useSsl">True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</param>
///<param name="username">Spotify user name to login with (e.g. 'yourusername@mail.com'). This MUST match the account name (or one of them) that was used to configure Spotify Connect on the manufacturer device. eg: yourusername@mail.com</param>
///<param name="password">Spotify Connect user password to login with. eg: yourpassword</param>
///<param name="loginid">Spotify Connect login id to login with (e.g. '31l77fd87g8h9j00k89f07jf87ge'). This is also known as the canonical user id value. This MUST be the value that relates to the `username` argument. eg: 31l77y75hfnhk79f7gk6jkk878mg</param>
///<param name="preDisconnect">True if a Disconnect should be made prior to the Connect call. This will ensure that the active user is logged out, which must be done if switching user accounts; otherwise, False to not issue a Disconnect call. Default is False. eg: False</param>
///<param name="verifyDeviceListEntry">True to ensure that the device id is present in the Spotify Connect device list before issuing a call to Connect; Connect will not be called if the device id is already in the list; otherwise, False to always call Connect to add the device. Default is False. eg: False</param>
///<summary>Calls the `addUser` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLoginBlob. If successful, the associated device id is added to the Spotify Connect active device list for the specified user account. This will also issue a `resetUsers` call prior to the `addUser` call.</summary>
///<summary>Calls the `addUser` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLoginBlob. If successful, the associated device id is added to the Spotify Connect active device list for the specified user account. This will also issue a `resetUsers` call prior to the `addUser` call.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="hostIpv4Address">IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</param>
///<param name="hostIpPort">Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</param>
///<param name="cpath">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</param>
///<param name="version">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</param>
///<param name="useSsl">True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</param>
///<param name="username">Spotify user name to login with (e.g. 'yourusername@mail.com'). This MUST match the account name (or one of them) that was used to configure Spotify Connect on the manufacturer device. eg: yourusername@mail.com</param>
///<param name="password">Spotify Connect user password to login with. eg: yourpassword</param>
///<param name="loginid">Spotify Connect login id to login with (e.g. '31l77fd87g8h9j00k89f07jf87ge'). This is also known as the canonical user id value. This MUST be the value that relates to the `username` argument. eg: 31l77y75hfnhk79f7gk6jkk878mg</param>
///<param name="preDisconnect">True if a Disconnect should be made prior to the Connect call. This will ensure that the active user is logged out, which must be done if switching user accounts; otherwise, False to not issue a Disconnect call. Default is False. eg: False</param>
///<param name="verifyDeviceListEntry">True to ensure that the device id is present in the Spotify Connect device list before issuing a call to Connect; Connect will not be called if the device id is already in the list; otherwise, False to always call Connect to add the device. Default is False. eg: False</param>
///<summary>Calls the `resetUsers` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLogout. The currently logged in user (if any) will be logged out of Spotify Connect, and the device id removed from the active Spotify Connect device list.</summary>
///<summary>Calls the `resetUsers` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLogout. The currently logged in user (if any) will be logged out of Spotify Connect, and the device id removed from the active Spotify Connect device list.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="hostIpv4Address">IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</param>
///<param name="hostIpPort">Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</param>
///<param name="cpath">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</param>
///<param name="version">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</param>
///<param name="useSsl">True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</param>
///<summary>Calls the `resetUsers` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLogout. The currently logged in user (if any) will be logged out of Spotify Connect, and the device id removed from the active Spotify Connect device list.</summary>
///<summary>Calls the `resetUsers` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to issue a call to SpConnectionLogout. The currently logged in user (if any) will be logged out of Spotify Connect, and the device id removed from the active Spotify Connect device list.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="hostIpv4Address">IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</param>
///<param name="hostIpPort">Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</param>
///<param name="cpath">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</param>
///<param name="version">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</param>
///<param name="useSsl">True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</param>
///<summary>Calls the `getInfo` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to return information about the device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="hostIpv4Address">IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</param>
///<param name="hostIpPort">Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</param>
///<param name="cpath">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</param>
///<param name="version">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</param>
///<param name="useSsl">True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</param>
///<summary>Calls the `getInfo` Spotify Zeroconf API endpoint to return information about the device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="hostIpv4Address">IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</param>
///<param name="hostIpPort">Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</param>
///<param name="cpath">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</param>
///<param name="version">Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</param>
///<param name="useSsl">True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</param>
///<summary>Discover Spotify Connect devices on the local network via the ZeroConf (aka MDNS) service, and return details about each device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the ZeroConf service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="timeout">Maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) for the discovery to complete. Default is 5, range is 1 thru 10. eg: 5.0</param>
///<summary>Discover Spotify Connect devices on the local network via the ZeroConf (aka MDNS) service, and return details about each device.</summary>
///<param name="entityId">Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the ZeroConf service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</param>
///<param name="timeout">Maximum amount of time to wait (in seconds) for the discovery to complete. Default is 5, range is 1 thru 10. eg: 5.0</param>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. `3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n`). If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n</summary>
///<summary>If true the playlist will be included in user's public playlists, if false it will remain private. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of the Spotify user IDs (e.g. 'smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4'). A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. eg: smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the album. If omitted, the currently playing album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the artist. If omitted, the currently playing artist uri id value is used. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the artist. If omitted, the currently playing artist uri id value is used. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of keywords that will be used to filter the response. If not supplied, only `album` types will be returned. Valid values are `album`, `single`, `appears_on`, `compilation`. eg: album</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The last artist ID retrieved from the previous request, or null for the first request. eg: 6APm8EjxOHSYM5B4i3vT3q</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example `es_MX`, meaning `Spanish (Mexico)`. Provide this parameter if you want the results returned in a particular language (where available). Note that if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, all strings will be returned in the Spotify default language (American English). eg: es_MX</summary>
///<summary>True to return real-time information from the spotify web api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify category ID (not name) for the category. eg: dinner</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the episode. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 26c0zVyOv1lzfYpBXdh1zC</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The desired language, consisting of a lowercase ISO 639-1 language code and an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, joined by an underscore. For example `es_MX`, meaning `Spanish (Mexico)`. Provide this parameter if you want the results returned in a particular language (where available). Note that if locale is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, all strings will be returned in the Spotify default language (American English). eg: es_MX</summary>
///<summary>A timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss). Use this parameter to specify the user's local time to get results tailored for that specific date and time in the day. If not provided, the response defaults to the current UTC time. eg: 2023-10-23T09:00:00</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>True to return real-time information from the spotify web api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Returns all items after (but not including) this cursor position, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If `after` is specified, `before` must not be specified. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is `0` (the first item). eg: 1706218456821</summary>
///<summary>Returns all items before (but not including) this cursor position, which is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If `before` is specified, `after` must not be specified. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is `0` (the first item). eg: 1706218467821</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist. If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 5v5ETK9WFXAnGQ3MRubKuE</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of fields to return from the Spotify Web API. All fields are returned if omitted. eg: description,id,name,public,snapshot_id,type,uri,tracks(limit,next,offset,previous,total,items(track(id,name,track_number,type,uri,album(id,images,name,total_tracks,type,uri,artists(id,name,type,uri)))))</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of item types that your client supports besides the default track type. Valid types are 'track' and 'episode'. eg: episode</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the show. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 5CfCWKI5pZ28U0uOzXkDHe</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID for the show. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>True (default) to exclude audiobook shows from the returned list, leaving only podcast shows; otherwise, False to include all results returned by the Spotify Web API. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The id (e.g. '30fbc80e35598f3c242f2120413c943dfd9715fe') or name (e.g. 'Office') of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If an '*' is specified, then the SpotifyPlus default device is used. eg: Bose-ST10-1</summary>
///<summary>If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the Spotify Connect user context specified in the SpotifyPlus configuration options. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is True. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for the device to become active in the Spotify Connect device list. This value is only used if a Connect command has to be issued to activate the device. Default is 5; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>True to refresh the Spotify Connect device list; otherwise, False to use the Spotify Connect device list cache. Default is True. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>True to activate the device if necessary; otherwise, False. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing any command to the device. This delay will give the spotify zeroconf api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.25; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.25</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>True (default) to return real-time information from the spotify zeroconf api and update the cache; otherwise, False to just return the cached value. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the track. If omitted, the currently playing track uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of the Spotify track IDs. Maximum of 100 IDs. Example `7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P,4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ,2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B`. eg: 7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P,4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ,2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>Over what time frame the affinities are computed. Valid values are `long_term` (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available), `medium_term` (approximately last 6 months), and `short_term` (approximately last 4 weeks). eg: long_term</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>Over what time frame the affinities are computed. Valid values are `long_term` (calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available), `medium_term` (approximately last 6 months), and `short_term` (approximately last 4 weeks). eg: long_term</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>True to sort result items by name prior to returning to the caller; otherwise, False to return results in the order that the Spotify Web API returned them. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the specified Spotify Connect user context. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is False. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>Spotify URI of the context to play (e.g. `spotify:album:6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE`). Valid contexts are albums, artists & playlists. eg: spotify:album:6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE</summary>
///<summary>Indicates from what Uri in the context playback should start (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy`. Only available when contextUri corresponds to an artist, album or playlist. The offsetPosition argument will be used if this value is null. eg: spotify:track:1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</summary>
///<summary>Indicates from what position in the context playback should start. The value is zero-based, and can't be negative. Only available when contextUri corresponds to an album or playlist. eg: 3</summary>
///<summary>The position (in milliseconds) to seek to; must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next track. eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>True to set player shuffle mode to on; otherwise, False for no shuffle. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>True to resolve the supplied `deviceId` value; otherwise, False not resolve the `deviceId` value as it has already been resolved. Default is True. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to retrieve from favorites. Default is 200. eg: 200</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A list of Spotify track URIs to play; can be track or episode URIs. A maximum of 50 items can be added in one request. eg: spotify:track:6zd8T1PBe9JFHmuVnurdRp,spotify:track:1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy</summary>
///<summary>The position (in milliseconds) to seek to; must be a positive number. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next track. eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The absolute position in milliseconds to seek to; must be a positive number or zero if the `relativePositionMS` argument is specified. Passing in a position that is greater than the length of the track will cause the player to start playing the next song. Example = `25000` to start playing at the 25 second mark. eg: 25000</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>The relative position in milliseconds to seek to; can be a positive or negative number, or zero if the `positionMS` argument is specified. Example = `-10000` to seek behind by 10 seconds; `10000` to seek ahead by 10 seconds. eg: 10000</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The device id (e.g. '0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8') or name (e.g. 'Bose-ST10-1') value to resolve. eg: Bose-ST10-1</summary>
///<summary>If True, the active user context of the resolved device is checked to ensure it matches the user context specified on the class constructor. If False, the user context will not be checked. Default is True. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 5.0; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 5.0</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The repeat mode state to set; `track` will repeat the current track; `context` will repeat the current context; `off` will turn repeat off. Default is 'off'. eg: off</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>True to set player shuffle mode to on; otherwise, False for no shuffle. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The volume level to set, expressed as a percentage value (e.g. 25). Must be a value from 0 (muted) to 100 (max volume) inclusive. eg: 25</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device this command is targeting. If not supplied, the user's currently active device is the target. If no device is active (or an '*' is specified), then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the command to the player. This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The id or name of the Spotify Connect Player device on which playback should be started/transferred. If no device is specified, then the SpotifyPlus default device is activated. eg: 0d1841b0976bae2a3a310dd74c0f337465899bc8</summary>
///<summary>True (default) to start playback on the new device; otherise, False to keep the current playback state on the existing device. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Time delay (in seconds) to wait AFTER issuing the final Connect command (if necessary). This delay will give the spotify web api time to process the device list change before another command is issued. Default is 0.50; value range is 0 - 10. eg: 0.50</summary>
///<summary>True to refresh the Spotify Connect device list; otherwise, False to use the Spotify Connect device list cache. Default is True. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>True to issue a Spotify Connect Disconnect call prior to transfer, which will force the device to reconnect to Spotify Connect; otherwise, False to not disconnect. Default is True. eg: True</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. `5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG`). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</summary>
///<summary>The updated name of the playlist (e.g. `My Updated Playlist`). This name does not need to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name. eg: My Updated Playlist</summary>
///<summary>The playlist description, as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API. eg: A Playlist updated by the SpotifyPlus integration</summary>
///<summary>If true, the playlist will be public; if false, it will be private. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>If true, the playlist will be collaborative (other users can modify it). To create a collaborative playlist you must also set the public argument to false. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. Omit this parameter if you do not wish to update the existing playlist image. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5v5ETK9WFXAnGQ3MRubKuE</summary>
///<summary>The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The user's Spotify user ID (e.g. 32k99y2kg5lnn3mxhtmd2bpdkjfu). Omit this argument to use the Spotify User ID of the player entity_id. eg: 32k99y2kg5lnn3mxhtmd2bpdkjfu</summary>
///<summary>The name for the new playlist (e.g. `My New Playlist`). This name does not need to be unique; a user may have several playlists with the same name. eg: My New Playlist</summary>
///<summary>The playlist description, as displayed in Spotify Clients and in the Web API. eg: A Playlist created by the SpotifyPlus integration</summary>
///<summary>If true, the playlist will be public; if false, it will be private. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>If true, the playlist will be collaborative (other users can modify it). To create a collaborative playlist you must also set the public argument to false. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>The fully-qualified path of the image to be uploaded (e.g. `www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png`). The image must be in PNG or JPEG format, and cannot exceed 256KB in Base64 encoded size. Omit this parameter if you do not wish to add a playlist image. eg: www/images/spotify_playlist_default_image.png</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify URIs to add; can be track or episode URIs (e.g. spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh). A maximum of 100 items can be specified in one request. If nothing is specified, then the track (or episode) uri currently playing is used. eg: spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh,spotify:episode:512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ</summary>
///<summary>The position to insert the items, a zero-based index. For example, to insert the items in the first position use a value of 0; to insert the items in the third position use a value of 2. Omit the parameter to append the items to the end of the playlist. eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG). eg: 5AC9ZXA7nJ7oGWO911FuDG</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify URIs to remove; can be track or episode URIs (e.g. spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh). A maximum of 100 items can be specified in one request. If nothing is specified, then the track (or episode) uri currently playing is used. eg: spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh,spotify:episode:512ojhOuo1ktJprKbVcKyQ</summary>
///<summary>The playlist's snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes (e.g. `MzgsMWVkNDY3MTQ5YjVjYWE0MzAyNjkyZWMyOThjNjE3YWMwOTY0ZmJjYg==`). The API will validate that the specified items exist and make the changes, even if more recent changes have been made to the playlist. If omitted, the current playlist is updated. eg: MzgsMWVkNDY3MTQ5YjVjYWE0MzAyNjkyZWMyOThjNjE3YWMwOTY0ZmJjYg==</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify album id's (e.g. `6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track album uri id value is used. eg: 6vc9OTcyd3hyzabCmsdnwE,382ObEPsp2rxGrnsizN5TX</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify audiobook id's (e.g. `3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing audiobook uri id value is used. eg: 3PFyizE2tGCSRLusl2Qizf,7iHfbu1YPACw6oZPAFJtqe</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify episode id's (e.g. `3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing episode uri id value is used. eg: 3F97boSWlXi8OzuhWClZHQ,1hPX5WJY6ja6yopgVPBqm4</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify show id's (e.g. `6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing show uri id value is used. eg: 6kAsbP8pxwaU2kPibKTuHE,4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify track id's (e.g. `1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing context uri id value is used. eg: 1kWUud3vY5ij5r62zxpTRy,4eoYKv2kDwJS7gRGh5q6SK</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: Welcome to the New</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: MercyMe</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: The Elfstones of Shannara</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: Armchair Anonymous</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: Daily Mix</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: Dax Shepard</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The criteria to search for. eg: Dear Younger Me</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return in a page of items when manual paging is used. Default is 20, Range is 1 to 50. See the limit_total argument for automatic paging option. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>The page index offset of the first item to return. Use with limit to get the next set of items. Default is 0 (the first item). eg: 0</summary>
///<summary>An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. If a country code is specified, only content that is available in that market will be returned. The country associated with the Spotify user account will take priority over this parameter. eg: ES</summary>
///<summary>If 'audio' is specified it signals that the client can play externally hosted audio content, and marks the content as playable in the response. By default externally hosted audio content is marked as unplayable in the response. Allowed values are 'audio'. eg: audio</summary>
///<summary>The maximum number of items to return for the request. If specified, this argument overrides the limit and offset argument values and paging is automatically used to retrieve all available items up to the specified limit total. eg: 20</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify artist id's (e.g. `2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk`). A maximum of 50 id's may be specified. If omitted, the currently playing track artist uri id value is used. eg: 2CIMQHirSU0MQqyYHq0eOx,1IQ2e1buppatiN1bxUVkrk</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>The Spotify ID of the playlist (e.g. `3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n`). If omitted, the currently playing playlist uri id value is used. eg: 3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify Web API. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>A comma-separated list of Spotify user IDs (e.g. `smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4`). A maximum of 50 IDs can be sent in one request. eg: smedjan,3758dfdsfjk435hjk6k79lm0n3c4</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</summary>
///<summary>Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</summary>
///<summary>True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</summary>
///<summary>Spotify user name to login with (e.g. 'yourusername@mail.com'). This MUST match the account name (or one of them) that was used to configure Spotify Connect on the manufacturer device. eg: yourusername@mail.com</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect user password to login with. eg: yourpassword</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect login id to login with (e.g. '31l77fd87g8h9j00k89f07jf87ge'). This is also known as the canonical user id value. This MUST be the value that relates to the `username` argument. eg: 31l77y75hfnhk79f7gk6jkk878mg</summary>
///<summary>True if a Disconnect should be made prior to the Connect call. This will ensure that the active user is logged out, which must be done if switching user accounts; otherwise, False to not issue a Disconnect call. Default is False. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>True to ensure that the device id is present in the Spotify Connect device list before issuing a call to Connect; Connect will not be called if the device id is already in the list; otherwise, False to always call Connect to add the device. Default is False. eg: False</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</summary>
///<summary>Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</summary>
///<summary>True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</summary>
///<summary>Entity ID of the SpotifyPlus device that will make the request to the Spotify ZeroConf API service. eg: media_player.spotifyplus_username</summary>
///<summary>IPV4 address at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. ''). eg:</summary>
///<summary>Port number at which the Spotify Connect Zeroconf API can be reached on the Spotify Connect device (e.g. 8200). eg: 8200</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect Zeroconf API CPath property value (e.g. '/zc'). eg: /zc</summary>
///<summary>Spotify Connect Zeroconf API version number that the device supports (e.g. '1.0'). eg: 1.0</summary>
///<summary>True if the host device utilizes HTTPS Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support; otherwise, False to utilize HTTP. Default is False (HTTP). eg: False</summary>
///<param name="item">The name that represents the to-do item. eg: Submit income tax return</param>
///<param name="dueDate">The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</param>
///<param name="dueDatetime">The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</param>
///<summary>Update an existing to-do list item based on its name.</summary>
///<param name="item">The name for the to-do list item. eg: Submit income tax return</param>
///<param name="rename">The new name of the to-do item eg: Something else</param>
///<param name="status">A status or confirmation of the to-do item. eg: needs_action</param>
///<param name="dueDate">The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</param>
///<param name="dueDatetime">The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</param>
///<summary>The name that represents the to-do item. eg: Submit income tax return</summary>
///<summary>The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</summary>
///<summary>The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</summary>
///<summary>A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</summary>
///<summary>Only return to-do items with the specified statuses. Returns not completed actions by default. eg: needs_action</summary>
///<summary>The name for the to-do list items.</summary>
///<summary>The name for the to-do list item. eg: Submit income tax return</summary>
///<summary>The new name of the to-do item eg: Something else</summary>
///<summary>A status or confirmation of the to-do item. eg: needs_action</summary>
///<summary>The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</summary>
///<summary>The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</summary>
///<summary>A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</summary>
///<summary>Removes all cached text-to-speech files and purges the memory.</summary>
///<param name="target">The ICalendarEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="summary">Defines the short summary or subject for the event. eg: Department Party</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the event than the one provided by the summary. eg: Meeting to provide technical review for 'Phoenix' design.</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">The date and time the event should start. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">The date and time the event should end. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="startDate">The date the all-day event should start. eg: 2022-03-22</param>
///<param name="endDate">The date the all-day event should end (exclusive). eg: 2022-03-23</param>
///<param name="in">Days or weeks that you want to create the event in. eg: {"days": 2} or {"weeks": 2}</param>
///<param name="location">The location of the event. eg: Conference Room - F123, Bldg. 002</param>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<ICalendarEntityCore> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="summary">Defines the short summary or subject for the event. eg: Department Party</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the event than the one provided by the summary. eg: Meeting to provide technical review for 'Phoenix' design.</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">The date and time the event should start. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">The date and time the event should end. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="startDate">The date the all-day event should start. eg: 2022-03-22</param>
///<param name="endDate">The date the all-day event should end (exclusive). eg: 2022-03-23</param>
///<param name="in">Days or weeks that you want to create the event in. eg: {"days": 2} or {"weeks": 2}</param>
///<param name="location">The location of the event. eg: Conference Room - F123, Bldg. 002</param>
///<summary>Get events on a calendar within a time range.</summary>
///<param name="target">The ICalendarEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">Returns active events after this time (exclusive). When not set, defaults to now. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">Returns active events before this time (exclusive). Cannot be used with 'duration'. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="duration">Returns active events from start_date_time until the specified duration.</param>
///<summary>Get events on a calendar within a time range.</summary>
///<param name="target">The ICalendarEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">Returns active events after this time (exclusive). When not set, defaults to now. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">Returns active events before this time (exclusive). Cannot be used with 'duration'. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="duration">Returns active events from start_date_time until the specified duration.</param>
///<summary>Get events on a calendar within a time range.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<ICalendarEntityCore> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="startDateTime">Returns active events after this time (exclusive). When not set, defaults to now. eg: 2022-03-22 20:00:00</param>
///<param name="endDateTime">Returns active events before this time (exclusive). Cannot be used with 'duration'. eg: 2022-03-22 22:00:00</param>
///<param name="duration">Returns active events from start_date_time until the specified duration.</param>
///<summary>Toggles one or more lights, from on to off, or, off to on, based on their current state.</summary>
///<param name="target">The ILightEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="transition">Duration it takes to get to next state.</param>
///<param name="rgbColor">The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</param>
///<param name="kelvin">Color temperature in Kelvin.</param>
///<param name="brightnessPct">Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</param>
///<summary>Toggles one or more lights, from on to off, or, off to on, based on their current state.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<ILightEntityCore> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="transition">Duration it takes to get to next state.</param>
///<param name="rgbColor">The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</param>
///<param name="kelvin">Color temperature in Kelvin.</param>
///<param name="brightnessPct">Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</param>
///<summary>Turn on one or more lights and adjust properties of the light, even when they are turned on already.</summary>
///<param name="target">The ILightEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="transition">Duration it takes to get to next state.</param>
///<param name="rgbColor">The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</param>
///<param name="kelvin">Color temperature in Kelvin.</param>
///<param name="brightnessPct">Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</param>
///<param name="brightnessStepPct">Change brightness by a percentage.</param>
///<summary>Turn on one or more lights and adjust properties of the light, even when they are turned on already.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<ILightEntityCore> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="transition">Duration it takes to get to next state.</param>
///<param name="rgbColor">The color in RGB format. A list of three integers between 0 and 255 representing the values of red, green, and blue. eg: [255, 100, 100]</param>
///<param name="kelvin">Color temperature in Kelvin.</param>
///<param name="brightnessPct">Number indicating the percentage of full brightness, where 0 turns the light off, 1 is the minimum brightness, and 100 is the maximum brightness.</param>
///<param name="brightnessStepPct">Change brightness by a percentage.</param>
///<summary>Groups media players together for synchronous playback. Only works on supported multiroom audio systems.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IMediaPlayerEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="groupMembers">The players which will be synced with the playback specified in `target`. eg: - media_player.multiroom_player2 - media_player.multiroom_player3 </param>
///<summary>Groups media players together for synchronous playback. Only works on supported multiroom audio systems.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<IMediaPlayerEntityCore> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="groupMembers">The players which will be synced with the playback specified in `target`. eg: - media_player.multiroom_player2 - media_player.multiroom_player3 </param>
///<summary>Starts playing specified media.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IMediaPlayerEntityCore to call this service for</param>
///<param name="mediaContentId">The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent. eg: https://home-assistant.io/images/cast/splash.png</param>
///<param name="mediaContentType">The type of the content to play. Such as image, music, tv show, video, episode, channel, or playlist. eg: music</param>
///<param name="enqueue">If the content should be played now or be added to the queue.</param>
///<param name="announce">If the media should be played as an announcement. eg: true</param>
///<summary>Starts playing specified media.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<IMediaPlayerEntityCore> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="mediaContentId">The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent. eg: https://home-assistant.io/images/cast/splash.png</param>
///<param name="mediaContentType">The type of the content to play. Such as image, music, tv show, video, episode, channel, or playlist. eg: music</param>
///<param name="enqueue">If the content should be played now or be added to the queue.</param>
///<param name="announce">If the media should be played as an announcement. eg: true</param>
///<param name="target">The TodoEntity to call this service for</param>
///<param name="item">The name that represents the to-do item. eg: Submit income tax return</param>
///<param name="dueDate">The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</param>
///<param name="dueDatetime">The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</param>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<TodoEntity> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="item">The name that represents the to-do item. eg: Submit income tax return</param>
///<param name="dueDate">The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</param>
///<param name="dueDatetime">The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</param>
///<summary>Update an existing to-do list item based on its name.</summary>
///<param name="target">The TodoEntity to call this service for</param>
///<param name="item">The name for the to-do list item. eg: Submit income tax return</param>
///<param name="rename">The new name of the to-do item eg: Something else</param>
///<param name="status">A status or confirmation of the to-do item. eg: needs_action</param>
///<param name="dueDate">The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</param>
///<param name="dueDatetime">The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</param>
///<summary>Update an existing to-do list item based on its name.</summary>
///<param name="target">The IEnumerable<TodoEntity> to call this service for</param>
///<param name="item">The name for the to-do list item. eg: Submit income tax return</param>
///<param name="rename">The new name of the to-do item eg: Something else</param>
///<param name="status">A status or confirmation of the to-do item. eg: needs_action</param>
///<param name="dueDate">The date the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17</param>
///<param name="dueDatetime">The date and time the to-do item is expected to be completed. eg: 2023-11-17 13:30:00</param>
///<param name="description">A more complete description of the to-do item than provided by the item name. eg: A more complete description of the to-do item than that provided by the summary.</param>