
386 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-05-28 18:05:51 -04:00
(defwidget header []
(box :class "headerbox"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
(box :class "userbox"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:halign "start"
:valign "center"
:spacing 10
(box :class "pfp"
:style "background-image: url('${pfp}');")
(box :class "pcname"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
(label :text "${rawuser}" :class "username")
(label :text "@" :class "sep")
(label :text "${hostname}" :class "hostname")
(box :class "searchbox"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:halign "end"
:hexpand true
:valign "center"
(button :class "searchinput"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/exec rofi -show drun"
(box :class "searchinput-content"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:hexpand true
:halign "start"
:valign "center"
:vexpand true
(label :text "" :class "icon")
(label :text "Search Applications" :class "placeholder")
(defwidget usercard []
(box :class "usercard"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
(box :class "user-content"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:vexpand true
:spacing 15
(box :class "pfp"
:style "background-image: url('${pfp}');")
(box :class "info"
:hexpand true
:vexpand true
:valign "center"
:halign "start"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 3
(label :text "${username}" :class "username" :halign "start")
(label :text "${uptime}" :class "uptime" :halign "start")
(box :class "user-powerbuttons"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:hexpand true
:halign "end"
:valign "end"
:spacing 5
(button :class "reboot"
:onclick "doas poweroff"
(button :class "poweroff"
:onclick "doas poweroff"
(defwidget control [name icon tooltip onclick active]
(box :class "control-container"
:orientation "h"
:hexpand true
:valign "center"
:space-evenly true
(button :class "control-item ${name} ${active ? 'active' : ''}"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:halign "center"
:hexpand false
:valign "center"
:onclick "${onclick}"
:tooltip "${tooltip}"
(label :text "${icon}" :class "control-icon")
(defwidget quicksettings []
(box :class "controlscard"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 20
(box :class "firstrow"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
(control :name "network${network_status == 'Connected' ? '' : '-disconnected'}"
:icon "${network_icon}"
:tooltip "Toggle network"
:active "${network_status == 'Connected' ? 'true' : 'false'}"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/ toggle")
(control :name "airplane"
:icon "${network_radio == 'on' ? '' : ''}"
:tooltip "Airplane Mode"
:active "${network_radio == 'on' ? false : true}"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/ toggle-radio")
(control :name "volume${is_muted == 'yes' ? '-muted' : ''}"
:icon "${volume_icon}"
:tooltip "Toggle muted"
:active "${is_muted == 'yes' ? false : true}"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/ toggle-muted")
(control :name "mic${mic_status == 'yes' ? '-on' : ''}"
:icon "${mic_status == 'yes' ? '' : ''}"
:tooltip "Toggle microphone"
:active "${mic_status == 'yes' ? true : false}"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/mic toggle")
(box :class "lastrow"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
(control :name "redshift${redshift_state == 'on' ? '-on' : ''}"
:icon "${redshift_state == 'on' ? '' : ''}"
:tooltip "Toggle night light"
:active "${redshift_state == 'on' ? true : false}"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/redshift toggle")
(control :name "bluetooth${bluetooth_state == 'on' ? '-on' : ''}"
:icon "${bluetooth_state == 'on' ? '' : ''}"
:tooltip "Toggle bluetooth"
:active "${bluetooth_state == 'on' ? true : false}"
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/bluetooth toggle")
(control :name "fullscreensht"
:icon ""
:tooltip "Take a full screenshot"
:active false
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/screensht full")
(control :name "areascreensht"
:icon ""
:tooltip "Take a screenshot of a selected area"
:active false
:onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/screensht area")
(defwidget sliders []
(box :class "slidersbox"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 25
(box :orientation "h"
:space-evenly "false"
:class "vol-slider"
(scale :value volume_value
:onchange "~/.config/eww/scripts/ set {}"
:min 0
:max 101)
(label :class "vol-label"
:text "${volume_icon} "
:valign "top"
:halign "start")
(box :orientation "h"
:space-evenly "false"
:class "br-slider"
(scale :value br
:onchange "~/.config/eww/scripts/ set {}"
:min 0
:max 101)
(label :class "br-label"
:text "${br_icon} "
:valign "top"
:halign "start")
(box :orientation "h"
:space-evenly "false"
:class "mic-slider"
(scale :value mic
:onchange "~/.config/eww/scripts/mic set {}"
:min 0
:max 101)
(label :class "mic-label"
:text "${mic_status == 'yes' ? '' : ''} "
:valign "top"
:halign "start")
(defwidget music []
(box :class "musicbox"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
(box :class "firstrow"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:vexpand true
(box :class "picbox"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly true
:style "background-image: url('${music_url}');"
(box :class "info"
:space-evenly false
:hexpand true
:valign "center"
:orientation "v"
:spacing 5
(label :text "${music_title}" :class "music-title")
(label :text "${music_artist}" :class "music-artist")
(box :class "lastrow"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
(box :class "controls-container"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
(button :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music/ prev"
:class "previousbutton"
:halign "center"
(button :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music/ play-pause"
:class "pausebutton ${music_status == 'Playing' ? 'playing' : ''}"
:halign "center"
"${music_status == 'Playing' ? '' : ''}"
(button :onclick "~/.config/eww/scripts/music/ next"
:class "nextbutton"
:halign "center"
(defwidget chart [label value icon icon-class]
(box :class "chart-container"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
(box :class "header"
:space-evenly true
:orientation "v"
(label :text "${label}" :class "label" :halign "start")
(box :class "body"
:space-evenly true
:orientation "h"
(box :class "container"
:space-evenly true
:halign "center"
:hexpand true
:orientation "h"
(box :class "chart-container" :space-evenly false
(circular-progress :value value
:thickness 50
:class "chart"
:start-at 75
(label :text "L")
(label :text "${icon}" :class "chart-icon ${icon-class}")
(defwidget charts []
(box :class "chartsbox"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 25
(box :class "firstrow"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:spacing 25
(chart :label "Cpu" :icon "" :icon-class "cpu" :value cpu)
(chart :label "Ram" :icon "" :icon-class "ram" :value ram)
(box :class "lastrow"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:spacing 25
(chart :label "Temp" :icon "" :icon-class "temp" :value temp)
(chart :label "Disk" :icon "" :icon-class "disk" :value disk)
(defwidget footer []
(box :class "footer"
:space-evenly true
:orientation "h"
:valign "end"
(box :class "protipbox"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly false
:halign "center"
:spacing 15
(label :text "ﯦ " :class "icon")
(label :text "Press the menu icon again to close this popup." :class "placeholder")
(defwidget content []
(box :class "content-container"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
(box :class "contentbox"
:orientation "h"
:space-evenly true
:spacing 25
:vexpand true
(box :class "firstcol"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 25
(box :class "lastcol"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
:spacing 25
(defwidget dashboard []
(box :class "dashboardbox"
:orientation "v"
:space-evenly false
(defwindow dashboard
:monitor 0
:geometry (geometry :x "6px"
:y "-44px"
:width "10px" ; automatically adjusted by eww
:height "10px" ; automatically adjusted by eww
:anchor "bottom center")
:type "dock"
:wm-ignore false