wip: woork on pointer service

This commit is contained in:
matt1432 2023-10-15 12:41:13 -04:00
parent b93b29722e
commit 844b0cfdfb

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@ -12,150 +12,95 @@ Libinput.instance.connect('device-init', () => {
// WIP
Utils.execAsync('hyprctl layers -j').then(layers => {
layers = JSON.parse(layers);
Utils.execAsync('hyprctl cursorpos -j').then(pos => {
pos = JSON.parse(pos);
Object.values(layers).forEach(key => {
key['levels']['3'].forEach(l => {
if (pos.x > l.x && pos.x < l.x + l.w &&
pos.y > l.y && pos.y < l.y + l.h)
print('inside window');
else {
print('outside window');
// TODO: use hyprctl layers to determine if clicks were on a widget
// read /dev to recalculate devices and remake subprocess
const { Service, Utils } = '../imports.js';
import GLib from 'gi://GLib';
import Gio from 'gi://Gio';
import GObject from 'gi://GObject';
class DebugInstance extends GObject.Object {
static {
Signals: {
'changed': {},
'closed': {},
'new-line': {},
}, this);
devices = [];
name = '';
lastLine = '';
readOutput(stdout, stdin) {
stdout.read_line_async(GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, null, (stream, result) => {
try {
const [line] = stream.read_line_finish_utf8(result);
if (line !== null) {
this.lastLine = line;
this.readOutput(stdout, stdin);
} catch (e) {
getOutput(devs) {
try {
let args = [];
devs.forEach(dev => {
if (dev.Kernel) {
const proc = Gio.Subprocess.new(['libinput', 'debug-events', ...args],
Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDIN_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE);
// Get the `stdin`and `stdout` pipes, wrapping `stdout` to make it easier to
// read lines of text
const stdinStream = proc.get_stdin_pipe();
const stdoutStream = new Gio.DataInputStream({
base_stream: proc.get_stdout_pipe(),
close_base_stream: true,
// Start the loop
this.readOutput(stdoutStream, stdinStream);
} catch (e) {
constructor(name, devs) {
this.devices = devs;
this.name = name;
class LibinputService extends Service {
class PointersService extends Service {
static {
Service.register(this, {
'device-init': ['boolean'],
'instance-closed': ['string'],
'instance-added': ['string'],
'log-started': ['boolean'],
'device-fetched': ['boolean'],
debugInstances = new Map();
output = "";
devices = new Map();
get devices() { return this._devices; }
get log() {return this.log;}
get output() {return this.output;}
get devices() {return this.devices;}
parseOutput(output) {
let lines = output.split('\n');
let device = null;
parseDevices() {
Utils.execAsync(['libinput', 'list-devices']).then(out => {
let lines = out.split('\n');
let device = null;
let devices = new Map();
lines.forEach(line => {
let parts = line.split(':');
lines.forEach(line => {
let parts = line.split(':');
if (parts[0] === 'Device') {
device = {};
this.devices.set(parts[1].trim(), device);
else if (device && parts[1]) {
let key = parts[0].trim();
let value = parts[1].trim();
device[key] = value;
if (parts[0] === 'Device') {
device = {};
devices.set(parts[1].trim(), device);
else if (device && parts[1]) {
let key = parts[0].trim();
let value = parts[1].trim();
device[key] = value;
this.devices = devices.filter(dev => dev.Capabilities && dev.Capabilities.includes('pointer'));
this.emit('device-fetched', true);
startLog() {
let args = [];
this.devices.forEach(dev => {
if (dev.Kernel) {
this.emit('device-init', true);
constructor() {
this.debugInstances = new Map();
Utils.execAsync(['libinput', 'list-devices'])
.then(out => this.parseOutput(out))
addDebugInstance(name, devs) {
if (this.debugInstances.get(name))
devs = Array(devs);
if (devs.some(dev => dev.Capabilities && dev.Capabilities.includes('pointer'))) {
const debugInst = new DebugInstance(name, devs);
debugInst.connect('closed', () => {
this.emit('instance-closed', name);
this.debugInstances.set(name, debugInst);
this.emit('instance-added', name);
return debugInst;
export default class Libinput {
static { Service.Libinput = this; }
static instance = new LibinputService();
static get devices() { return Libinput.instance.devices; }
static get debugInstances() { return Libinput.instance.debugInstances; }
static addDebugInstance(name, dev) {
return Libinput.instance.addDebugInstance(name, dev);
this.log = Utils.subprocess(
['libinput', 'debug-events', ...args],
(output) => {
this.output = output;
(err) => logError(err)
this.emit('log-started', true);