chore(esphome): remove timers from firmware
All checks were successful
Discord / discord commits (push) Has been skipped
All checks were successful
Discord / discord commits (push) Has been skipped
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 14 additions and 611 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
secretsFile = config.sops.secrets.esphome.path;
firmwareConfigs = {
# -------------------------------------------------------------
"AtomEcho" = {
# Device specific settings
api.encryption.key = "!secret api_key";
@ -168,20 +169,6 @@
on_turn_on = [{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}];
on_turn_off = [{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}];
id = "timer_ringing";
internal = true;
optimistic = true;
platform = "template";
restore_mode = "ALWAYS_OFF";
on_turn_on = [
{delay = "15min";}
{"switch.turn_off" = "timer_ringing";}
binary_sensor = [
@ -204,34 +191,26 @@
"then" = [
"if" = {
condition = {"switch.is_on" = "timer_ringing";};
"then" = [{"switch.turn_off" = "timer_ringing";}];
"else" = [
condition = {"switch.is_off" = "use_wake_word";};
"then" = [
"if" = {
condition = {"switch.is_off" = "use_wake_word";};
condition = "voice_assistant.is_running";
"then" = [
"if" = {
condition = "voice_assistant.is_running";
"then" = [
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
"else" = [{"voice_assistant.start" = {};}];
"else" = [
{delay = "1s";}
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
{"script.wait" = "reset_led";}
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
"else" = [{"voice_assistant.start" = {};}];
"else" = [
{delay = "1s";}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
{"script.wait" = "reset_led";}
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
@ -253,18 +232,6 @@
components = ["esp_adf"];
refresh = "0s";
source = "github://jesserockz/esphome-components@main";
components = ["file"];
refresh = "0s";
file = [
file = "";
id = "timer_finished_wave_file";
# Configs
@ -408,573 +375,9 @@
on_timer_finished = [
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{"switch.turn_on" = "timer_ringing";}
{wait_until.not."microphone.is_capturing" = {};}
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
brightness = "100%";
effect = "Fast Pulse";
red = "0%";
green = "100%";
blue = "0%";
while = {
condition = {"switch.is_on" = "timer_ringing";};
"then" = [
{lambda = "id(echo_speaker).play(id(timer_finished_wave_file), sizeof(id(timer_finished_wave_file)));";}
{delay = "1s";}
{wait_until.not."speaker.is_playing" = {};}
{"light.turn_off" = "led";}
{"switch.turn_off" = "timer_ringing";}
"if" = {
condition = {"switch.is_on" = "use_wake_word";};
"then" = [
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
"AtomEchoMicroWakeWord" = {
# Device specific settings
api.encryption.key = "!secret api_key";
ota = [
platform = "esphome";
password = "!secret ota_pass";
wifi = {
ssid = "!secret wifi_ssid";
password = "!secret wifi_password";
manual_ip = {
static_ip = "";
gateway = "";
subnet = "";
ap = {
ssid = "Esp1 Fallback Hotspot";
password = "!secret ap_fallback";
# Hardware Declaration
esphome = {
friendly_name = "M5Stack Atom Echo";
min_version = "2024.7.1";
name = "m5stack-atom-echo";
name_add_mac_suffix = true;
esp32 = {
board = "m5stack-atom";
framework.type = "esp-idf";
esp_adf = {};
micro_wake_word = {
models = [{model = "okay_nabu";}];
on_wake_word_detected = [
{"voice_assistant.start".wake_word = "!lambda return wake_word;";}
vad = {};
button = [
id = "factory_reset_btn";
name = "Factory reset";
platform = "factory_reset";
microphone = [
adc_type = "external";
i2s_din_pin = "GPIO23";
id = "echo_microphone";
pdm = true;
platform = "i2s_audio";
speaker = [
dac_type = "external";
i2s_dout_pin = "GPIO21"; # "GPIO22"; turn off speaker
id = "echo_speaker";
mode = "mono";
platform = "i2s_audio";
i2s_audio = [
id = "i2s_audio_bus";
i2s_bclk_pin = "GPIO19";
i2s_lrclk_pin = "GPIO33";
light = [
id = "led";
name = "None";
entity_category = "config";
chipset = "SK6812";
pin = "GPIO27";
platform = "esp32_rmt_led_strip";
default_transition_length = "0s";
disabled_by_default = false;
num_leds = 1;
rgb_order = "grb";
rmt_channel = 0;
effects = [
pulse = {
name = "Slow Pulse";
max_brightness = "100%";
min_brightness = "50%";
transition_length = "250ms";
update_interval = "250ms";
pulse = {
name = "Fast Pulse";
max_brightness = "100%";
min_brightness = "50%";
transition_length = "100ms";
update_interval = "100ms";
# Home-assistant buttons
switch = [
id = "use_wake_word";
name = "Use wake word";
entity_category = "config";
optimistic = true;
platform = "template";
restore_mode = "RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON";
on_turn_on = [
{lambda = "id(va).set_use_wake_word(true);";}
"if" = {
condition.not = ["voice_assistant.is_running"];
"then" = ["voice_assistant.start_continuous"];
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
on_turn_off = [
{lambda = "id(va).set_use_wake_word(false);";}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
id = "use_listen_light";
name = "Use listen light";
entity_category = "config";
optimistic = true;
platform = "template";
restore_mode = "RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON";
on_turn_on = [{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}];
on_turn_off = [{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}];
id = "timer_ringing";
internal = true;
optimistic = true;
platform = "template";
restore_mode = "ALWAYS_OFF";
on_turn_on = [
{delay = "15min";}
{"switch.turn_off" = "timer_ringing";}
select = [
id = "wake_word_engine_location";
name = "Wake word engine location";
entity_category = "config";
initial_option = "On device";
options = ["In Home Assistant" "On device"];
optimistic = true;
restore_value = true;
platform = "template";
on_value = [
"if" = {
condition = {lambda = "return x == \"In Home Assistant\";";};
"then" = [
{delay = "500ms";}
{lambda = "id(va).set_use_wake_word(true);";}
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
"if" = {
condition = {lambda = "return x == \"On device\";";};
"then" = [
{lambda = "id(va).set_use_wake_word(false);";}
{delay = "500ms";}
binary_sensor = [
id = "echo_button";
name = "Button";
entity_category = "diagnostic";
disabled_by_default = false;
platform = "gpio";
pin = {
inverted = true;
number = "GPIO39";
on_multi_click = [
timing = ["ON for at least 50ms" "OFF for at least 50ms"];
"then" = [
"if" = {
condition = {"switch.is_on" = "timer_ringing";};
"then" = [{"switch.turn_off" = "timer_ringing";}];
"else" = [
"if" = {
condition = {"switch.is_off" = "use_wake_word";};
"then" = [
"if" = {
condition = "voice_assistant.is_running";
"then" = [
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
"else" = [{"voice_assistant.start" = {};}];
"else" = [
{delay = "1s";}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
{"script.wait" = "reset_led";}
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
timing = ["ON for at least 10s"];
"then" = [{"" = "factory_reset_btn";}];
# Misc
captive_portal = {};
logger = {};
external_components = [
source = "github://pr#5230";
components = ["esp_adf"];
refresh = "0s";
source = "github://jesserockz/esphome-components@main";
components = ["file"];
refresh = "0s";
file = [
file = "";
id = "timer_finished_wave_file";
# Configs
script = [
id = "reset_led";
"then" = [
"if" = {
condition = [
{lambda = "return id(wake_word_engine_location).state == \"On device\";";}
{"switch.is_on" = "use_listen_light";}
"then" = [
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
brightness = "60%";
effect = "none";
red = "100%";
blue = "71%";
green = "89%";
"else" = [
"if" = {
condition = [
{lambda = "return id(wake_word_engine_location).state != \"On device\";";}
{"switch.is_on" = "use_listen_light";}
"then" = [
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
brightness = "60%";
effect = "none";
red = "0%";
green = "100%";
blue = "100%";
"else" = [{"light.turn_off" = "led";}];
voice_assistant = {
id = "va";
speaker = "echo_speaker";
microphone = "echo_microphone";
auto_gain = "31dBFS";
noise_suppression_level = 2;
vad_threshold = 3;
volume_multiplier = 2;
on_listening = [
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
effect = "Slow Pulse";
green = "0%";
red = "0%";
blue = "100%";
on_stt_vad_end = [
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
effect = "Fast Pulse";
red = "0%";
green = "0%";
blue = "100%";
on_tts_start = [
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
brightness = "100%";
effect = "none";
red = "0%";
green = "0%";
blue = "100%";
# Play audio from bluetooth speaker
on_tts_end = [
"homeassistant.service" = {
service = "media_player.play_media";
data = {
entity_id = "media_player.music_player_daemon";
media_content_id = "!lambda \"return x;\"";
media_content_type = "music";
announce = "\"true\"";
on_end = [
{delay = "100ms";}
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{wait_until.not."voice_assistant.is_running" = {};}
{wait_until.not."switch.is_on" = "timer_ringing";}
"if" = {
condition = {lambda = "return id(wake_word_engine_location).state == \"On device\";";};
"then" = [
{"micro_wake_word.start" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
"else" = [
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
on_error = [
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
brightness = "100%";
effect = "none";
red = "100%";
green = "0%";
blue = "0%";
{delay = "2s";}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
on_client_connected = [
{delay = "2s";}
"if" = {
condition = {lambda = "return id(wake_word_engine_location).state == \"On device\";";};
"then" = [{"micro_wake_word.start" = {};}];
"else" = [
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
on_client_disconnected = [
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{"micro_wake_word.stop" = {};}
on_timer_finished = [
{"voice_assistant.stop" = {};}
{"micro_wake_word.stop" = {};}
{"switch.turn_on" = "timer_ringing";}
{wait_until.not."microphone.is_capturing" = {};}
"light.turn_on" = {
id = "led";
brightness = "100%";
effect = "Fast Pulse";
red = "0%";
green = "100%";
blue = "0%";
while = {
condition = {"switch.is_on" = "timer_ringing";};
"then" = [
{lambda = "id(echo_speaker).play(id(timer_finished_wave_file), sizeof(id(timer_finished_wave_file)));";}
{delay = "1s";}
{wait_until.not."speaker.is_playing" = {};}
{"light.turn_off" = "led";}
{"switch.turn_off" = "timer_ringing";}
"if" = {
condition = {lambda = "return id(wake_word_engine_location).state == \"On device\";";};
"then" = [
{"micro_wake_word.start" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
"else" = [
{"voice_assistant.start_continuous" = {};}
{"script.execute" = "reset_led";}
# -------------------------------------------------------------
Add table
Reference in a new issue