matt1432 356b1c40ef
All checks were successful
Discord / discord commits (push) Has been skipped
chore: update sources
Flake Inputs:
    • Updated input 'astal':
        'github:Aylur/astal' (2025-02-20) rev: 3620d51bc6c23ada1bd4b7c9cf1c458c138e68df
      → 'github:Aylur/astal' (2025-02-26) rev: b7f10b99bc810e7ad6a949d6670cb440d33045a0

    • Updated input 'home-manager':
        'github:nix-community/home-manager' (2025-02-25) rev: 74f0a8546e3f2458c870cf90fc4b38ac1f498b17
      → 'github:nix-community/home-manager' (2025-02-26) rev: 53c587d263f94aaf6a281745923c76bbec62bcf3

    • Updated input 'jovian':
        'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS' (2025-02-25) rev: b217d3a65d7454192fd90d498012fcce3d08f410
      → 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS' (2025-02-26) rev: 14a125ea5c440c57310dc1bb3acf7641078d783a

    • Updated input 'nh':
        'github:viperML/nh' (2025-02-20) rev: 1ef9f9a94d0e7598ef810f641312169ca008868b
      → 'github:viperML/nh' (2025-02-26) rev: 1b25d633376f50139f7b8fe314c8914711d44b42

    • Updated input 'nix-gaming':
        'github:fufexan/nix-gaming' (2025-02-24) rev: 1e6dc4b9895602f9459d6ff3a11b0cd144321207
      → 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming' (2025-02-26) rev: 452fbd6a30f128dddf26c63f727cf685b5af5658

    • Updated input 'nixpkgs-wayland':
        'github:nix-community/nixpkgs-wayland' (2025-02-25) rev: 880de1fadefa64db2c0699d4e130359061b5af20
      → 'github:nix-community/nixpkgs-wayland' (2025-02-26) rev: ddf8917ab3e6288b361cd8099c69c6e58ba3cc39

    • Updated input 'spotifywebapi-src':
        'github:thlucas1/SpotifyWebApiPython' (2025-02-25) rev: f5263d05e05d7890dce2de19ab6098869f7f25f5
      → 'github:thlucas1/SpotifyWebApiPython' (2025-02-26) rev: 277d36bcfbb945fbb344e46e7aca56ef3913ce78

    • Updated input 'tuya-local-src':
        'github:make-all/tuya-local' (2025-02-24) rev: a26c3be5ffd0db7538b4924aca4a415890ab41b9
      → 'github:make-all/tuya-local' (2025-02-26) rev: 45246a0e24477d7d882a27f5bb094788970682ae

Docker Images:
    • vegardit/gitea-act-runner dind-latest:
     → sha256:fdd813b61602839c0a742e43425d484e44f24d3ab621a81921ed8991ee2e2eaa

    • rssbridge/rss-bridge latest:
     → sha256:f388549e6c92fd14e5f0fe901c8d05a11fc9acbf0e4d397491355b0fcc84d57b

    • nextcloud fpm:
     → sha256:dd76149894cc80b2d55b06d9d3f79a8aacc9d5246161bdcf4e0271406af10c8e

Node modules:
    @stylistic/eslint-plugin: 4.0.1 -> 4.1.0

nix-update executions:
    jmusicbot: ->
2025-02-26 15:56:47 -05:00

439 lines
8.3 KiB

inherit (import ./lib.nix) mkInput mkHyprDep mkSrc;
inherit (builtins) listToAttrs map removeAttrs;
# Inputs
mainInputs = {
systems = mkInput {
owner = "nix-systems";
repo = "default-linux";
nixpkgs = mkInput {
owner = "NixOS";
repo = "nixpkgs";
ref = "nixos-unstable";
home-manager = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "home-manager";
nix-on-droid = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nix-on-droid";
inputs.home-manager.follows = "home-manager";
sops-nix = mkInput {
owner = "Mic92";
repo = "sops-nix";
secrets = mkInput {
type = "git";
url = "ssh://";
inputs.sops-nix.follows = "sops-nix";
nixTools = {
nix-fast-build = mkInput {
owner = "Mic92";
repo = "nix-fast-build";
nix-eval-jobs = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nix-eval-jobs";
ref = "v2.25.0";
nix-index-db = mkInput {
owner = "Mic92";
repo = "nix-index-database";
nh = mkInput {
owner = "viperML";
repo = "nh";
nurl = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nurl";
poetry2nix = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "poetry2nix";
# These are here to make sure all 'systems' and popular inputs are the same
flake-compat = mkInput {
owner = "edolstra";
repo = "flake-compat";
flake-utils = mkInput {
owner = "numtide";
repo = "flake-utils";
flake-parts = mkInput {
owner = "hercules-ci";
repo = "flake-parts";
inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs";
treefmt-nix = mkInput {
owner = "numtide";
repo = "treefmt-nix";
lib-aggregate = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "lib-aggregate";
nix-github-actions = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nix-github-actions";
pre-commit-hooks = mkInput {
owner = "cachix";
repo = "git-hooks.nix";
inputs.flake-compat.follows = "flake-compat";
overlays = {
nixpkgs-wayland = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nixpkgs-wayland";
nix-gaming = mkInput {
owner = "fufexan";
repo = "nix-gaming";
nvimInputs = {
nixd = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nixd";
clusterInputs = {
pcsd = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nixos-pcsd";
serviviInputs = {
minix = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "Minix";
pr-tracker = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "pr-tracker";
nosInputs = {
docker-compose = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nixos-docker-compose";
jellyfin-flake = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nixos-jellyfin";
bazarr-bulk = mkInput {
owner = "mateoradman";
repo = "bazarr-bulk";
desktopInputs = {
hyprlandInputs = {
hyprland = mkInput {
owner = "hyprwm";
repo = "Hyprland";
# FIXME: Wait for plugins to chase 6787fe8933b54f9e68f123df457e502dee9be13a
rev = "f0850905f0275922340035f62b6d808c2980ceda";
hyprland-plugins = mkHyprDep {
owner = "hyprwm";
repo = "hyprland-plugins";
hyprgrass = mkHyprDep {
owner = "horriblename";
repo = "hyprgrass";
hyprpaper = mkHyprDep {
owner = "hyprwm";
repo = "hyprpaper";
grim-hyprland = mkInput {
owner = "eriedaberrie";
repo = "grim-hyprland";
nixcord = mkInput {
owner = "kaylorben";
repo = "nixcord";
agsInputs = {
astal = mkInput {
owner = "Aylur";
repo = "astal";
ags = mkInput {
owner = "Aylur";
repo = "ags";
inputs.astal.follows = "astal";
kompass = mkInput {
owner = "kotontrion";
repo = "kompass";
inputs.astal.follows = "astal";
gtk-session-lock = mkInput {
owner = "Cu3PO42";
repo = "gtk-session-lock";
virtualkeyboard-adapter = mkInput {
owner = "horriblename";
repo = "fcitx-virtualkeyboard-adapter";
bbsteamieInputs = {
jovian = mkInput {
owner = "Jovian-Experiments";
repo = "Jovian-NixOS";
srcs = [
# Home-assistant
## Components
name = "extended-ollama-conversation-src";
owner = "TheNimaj";
repo = "extended_ollama_conversation";
owner = "make-all";
repo = "tuya-local";
name = "netdaemon-src";
owner = "net-daemon";
repo = "integration";
owner = "osk2";
repo = "yamaha-soundbar";
### SpotifyPlus
name = "spotifyplus-src";
owner = "thlucas1";
repo = "homeassistantcomponent_spotifyplus";
name = "smartinspect-src";
owner = "thlucas1";
repo = "SmartInspectPython";
name = "spotifywebapi-src";
owner = "thlucas1";
repo = "SpotifyWebApiPython";
## Voice
name = "wakewords-src";
owner = "fwartner";
repo = "home-assistant-wakewords-collection";
## Themes
owner = "berti24";
repo = "dracul-ha";
name = "caule-themes-src";
owner = "ricardoquecria";
repo = "caule-themes-pack-1";
## Lovelace Components
owner = "beecho01";
repo = "material-symbols";
owner = "elchininet";
repo = "custom-sidebar";
# Nvim plugins
name = "vimplugin-easytables-src";
owner = "Myzel394";
repo = "easytables.nvim";
name = "vimplugin-ts-error-translator-src";
owner = "dmmulroy";
repo = "ts-error-translator.nvim";
name = "vimplugin-roslyn-nvim-src";
owner = "seblj";
repo = "roslyn.nvim";
name = "nix-develop-nvim-src";
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nix-develop.nvim";
# Overlays & packages
type = "gitlab";
owner = "rogs";
repo = "subscleaner";
type = "gitlab";
owner = "phoneybadger";
repo = "pokemon-colorscripts";
name = "gpu-screen-recorder-src";
type = "git";
url = "";
owner = "libratbag";
repo = "libratbag";
owner = "libratbag";
repo = "piper";
owner = "gjsify";
repo = "ts-for-gir";
# MPV scripts
name = "modernz-src";
owner = "Samillion";
repo = "ModernZ";
owner = "d87";
repo = "mpv-persist-properties";
owner = "christoph-heinrich";
repo = "mpv-pointer-event";
owner = "christoph-heinrich";
repo = "mpv-touch-gestures";
name = "eisa-scripts-src";
owner = "Eisa01";
repo = "mpv-scripts";
## Theme sources
name = "bat-theme-src";
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "bat";
owner = "Godiesc";
repo = "firefox-gx";
# ref = "v.9.9";
rev = "6f5d07e11e008d6cbf4461e53daf80820afa8418";
name = "git-theme-src";
owner = "dracula";
repo = "git";
name = "gtk-theme-src";
owner = "dracula";
repo = "gtk";
name = "nvim-theme-src";
owner = "Mofiqul";
repo = "dracula.nvim";
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "dracula-plymouth";
name = "sioyek-theme-src";
owner = "dracula";
repo = "sioyek";
flakegen = {
url = "github:jorsn/flakegen"; = "systems";
// mainInputs
// nixTools
// overlays
// nvimInputs
// clusterInputs
// serviviInputs
// nosInputs
// bbsteamieInputs
// desktopInputs.hyprlandInputs
// desktopInputs.agsInputs
// (listToAttrs (map (x: {
name = or "${x.repo}-src";
value = mkSrc (removeAttrs x ["name"]);