
280 lines
14 KiB

<?php const CONFIG = array(
// The type of storage backend Hauk will use. Valid values include:
// For MEMCACHED, you need either the `memcached` or `memcache` extensions
// enabled in PHP.
// For REDIS, you need `redis` extension enabled. Note that `redis` depends on
// `igbinary`, so if you get an error that a redis extension was not found, even
// though you enabled `redis`, you may have to also install and enable
// `igbinary` in PHP.
"storage_backend" => MEMCACHED,
// Connection to memcached for data storage. To connect via UNIX socket instead
// of TCP, set host to 'unix:///path/to/memcached.sock' and port to 0.
"memcached_host" => 'localhost',
"memcached_port" => 11211,
// If you use SASL authentication, change both `memcached_binary` and
// `memcached_use_sasl` to true, and enter your SASL username and password.
// Note: SASL authentication is only supported in the PHP `memcached` extension!
// If you are using `memcache` and need SASL, consider switching to `memcached`.
"memcached_binary" => false,
"memcached_use_sasl" => false,
"memcached_sasl_user" => "",
"memcached_sasl_pass" => "",
// A prefix to use for all variables sent to memcached. Useful if you have a
// shared memcached instance or run multiple instances of Hauk.
"memcached_prefix" => 'hauk',
// Connection to Redis for data storage. To connect via UNIX socket instead of
// TCP, set host to '/path/to/redis.sock'.
"redis_host" => 'localhost',
"redis_port" => 6379,
// If you use password authentication in Redis, set `redis_use_auth` to true and
// enter the password in `redis_auth`.
"redis_use_auth" => false,
"redis_auth" => '',
// A prefix to use for all variables sent to Redis. Useful if you have a shared
// Redis instance or run multiple instances of Hauk.
"redis_prefix" => 'hauk',
// Users must be authenticated to use the Hauk server. The default
// authentication method is using a static server password that is shared by all
// users, without the need for a username. You can, however, use other
// authentication methods. Valid values here include:
// - PASSWORD: Use a static, shared server password for everyone
// - HTPASSWD: Require a username and separate password for each user
// - LDAP: Authenticate users against an LDAP server
"auth_method" => PASSWORD,
// A hashed password that is required for creating sessions and posting location
// data to Hauk. To generate this value on the terminal:
// - MD5 (insecure!): openssl passwd -1
// - bcrypt (secure): htpasswd -nBC 10 "" | tail -c +2
"password_hash" => '$2y$10$4ZP1iY8A3dZygXoPgsXYV.S3gHzBbiT9nSfONjhWrvMxVPkcFq1Ka',
// Default value above is empty string (no password) and is VERY INSECURE.
// Trust me, you really should change this unless you intentionally want a
// public instance that anyone in the world can use freely.
// Also note that users have the option to save the server password locally on
// their devices using a "Remember password" checkbox. If they choose to do so,
// the password will be stored in plain text (unhashed) on their devices. You
// are encouraged to generate a random password to prevent risks associated with
// credential reuse, should the password somehow be leaked from their devices.
// A file that contains a pairing between users and hashed passwords. To
// generate this file on the terminal:
// - htpasswd -cBC 10 /etc/hauk/users.htpasswd <username>
// To add additional users to an existing file:
// - htpasswd -BC 10 /etc/hauk/users.htpasswd <username>
"htpasswd_path" => '/etc/hauk/users.htpasswd',
// URI that points to the LDAP server. Use "ldap://" for unencrypted LDAP as
// well as when using StartTLS, use "ldaps://" for regular LDAP over TLS. Port
// number is typically 389 (ldap) or 636 (ldaps).
"ldap_uri" => 'ldaps://',
// Whether or not you wish to use StartTLS. StartTLS cannot be used in
// combination with `ldaps`.
"ldap_start_tls" => false,
// Base DN to search for users.
"ldap_base_dn" => 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com',
// DN to bind to to perform user search. This should ideally be a read-only
// account as the password is stored in plain-text in this config file.
"ldap_bind_dn" => 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com',
"ldap_bind_pass" => 'Adm1nP4ssw0rd',
// A filter that finds the user trying to authenticate. %s is substituted with
// the username provided by the user in the app.
// You can also use this to restrict access to Hauk to only authorized users if
// you do not wish to grant all LDAP users permission to use your Hauk instance.
// For example, (&(uid=%s)(memberOf=cn=HaukUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com))
// will only let the user connect if they are part of the "HaukUsers" group in
// the "Groups" OU.
"ldap_user_filter" => '(uid=%s)',
// Hauk v1.4 and on allows you to request a custom link ID instead of having the
// server randomly generate one. Custom links can use characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9,
// - (dash), and _ (underscore). If you want to disallow the option to request
// custom links, set this to false.
// If a user requests particular custom link that is already in use, that user
// will not have their request honored and will get a randomly generated link
// instead.
"allow_link_req" => true,
// If you want certain links to only be usable by some users, you can reserve
// them here. The following example reserves
// for user "alice" only, and reserves
// for use by both "bob" and "charlie".
// If you use Tasker or another automation platform to automatically start
// sharing to a specific link ID, it's a good idea to specify it here so that
// others cannot use it while you are inactive.
// Note that for this setting to have any effect, you have to specify an
// auth_method that requires both a username and a password, such as HTPASSWD.
"reserved_links" => [
'WheresAlice' => ['alice'],
'TheRealBob' => ['bob', 'charlie'],
// If you want to enable pre-approved custom links only, you can choose to
// enable reservation whitelist mode. If this setting is set to true, custom
// link IDs will only be accepted if they are present in the reserved_links
// array above - requests to share to other links than those in the array will
// not be honored.
"reserve_whitelist" => false,
// The type of links to generate when making new links for shares. Can be any
// of the following:
// | Link style | Example | No. of combinations | Avg. bruteforce time |
// +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------+
// | LINK_4_PLUS_4_UPPER_CASE | V8LQ-H2UM | 1.79 * 10^12 (34^8) | 28.3 years |
// | LINK_4_PLUS_4_LOWER_CASE | qae3-ulna | 2.82 * 10^12 (36^8) | 44.7 years |
// | LINK_4_PLUS_4_MIXED_CASE | HEq3-tgJ1 | 1.28 * 10^14 (58^8) | 2030 years |
// | LINK_UUID_V4 | 09c8a3b1-e78f-48b1-a604-0da49e99cb5d | 5.32 * 10^36 (2^122) | 84.2 septillion years |
// | LINK_16_HEX | 6cde14c4c6551b41 | 1.84 * 10^19 (2^64) | 292 million years |
// | LINK_16_UPPER_CASE | WVHA2FNMRT9HSKJK | 3.19 * 10^24 (34^16) | 50.6 trillion years |
// | LINK_16_LOWER_CASE | bdyslxszs14cj359 | 7.95 * 10^24 (36^16) | 126 trillion years |
// | LINK_16_MIXED_CASE | 1Ayh2yUXDe3sdF3S | 1.64 * 10^28 (58^16) | 260 quadrillion years |
// | LINK_32_HEX | 22adf21f11491ae8f3ae128e23a6782f | 3.40 * 10^38 (2^128) | 5.39 octillion years |
// | LINK_32_UPPER_CASE | R88M1Z2KPL27XN8MF73KCRYPHJD4QQMT | 1.02 * 10^49 (34^32) | 161 undecillion years |
// | LINK_32_LOWER_CASE | itgbolrbq1c02eot5o46c5wixhdrdb5m | 6.33 * 10^49 (36^32) | 1 duodecillion years |
// | LINK_32_MIXED_CASE | qf5pqr2UKTUT6vREPPSTuqSKkCMojF17 | 2.69 * 10^56 (58^32) | 4.26 quattuordecillion years |
// For any MIXED_CASE variants, upper-case I and lower-case L will not appear
// because they are visually very similar and are easily confused. For the same
// reason, MIXED_CASE and UPPER_CASE variants will not generate 0 and O.
// The default value is LINK_4_PLUS_4_UPPER_CASE, which is still considered very
// secure. The bruteforce times in the table below are the average time it would
// take to find a valid sharing link, when there is one link active, at 1000
// guesses per second. For the default setting, this means it would take almost
// 45 years to find the link.
// This is assuming that the link is active 24/7 for that entire time. If you
// only have a link active 2% of the time, it would take over 2200 years.
// At 1000 guesses per second, you will likely notice that your server is
// noticeably slower and rapidly filling up with access logs.
// Very long links are also time-consuming to type, should you find yourself
// in need of typing in a link manually on another computer. This is the reason
// that short links are default.
// ---- PLEASE NOTE ----
// This option is provided to you only because several people have requested it
// as a convenience. You are free to change it, but you should know that
// changing the default here gives you, for all intents and purposes, no
// security advantage in practice.
"link_style" => LINK_4_PLUS_4_UPPER_CASE,
// Leaflet tile URI template for the map frontend. Here are some examples:
// - OpenStreetMap directly:
// https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png
// - Mapbox:
// - Thunderforest:
// https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY
// - Esri:
// - OpenMapSurfer:
// - Hydda (OSM Sweden):
// https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png
// Make sure you have permission to use the source you choose, and also use a
// proper attribution for that provider.
"map_tile_uri" => 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
// Attribution HTML code to be displayed in the bottom right corner of the map.
// The default value is suitable for OpenStreetMap tiles.
"map_attribution" => 'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>',
// Default and maximum zoom levels allowed on the map (0-20), higher value means
// closer zooming.
"default_zoom" => 14,
"max_zoom" => 19,
// Maximum duration of a single location share, in seconds.
"max_duration" => 604800,
// Minimum time between each location update, in seconds.
"min_interval" => 1,
// The time that should pass without any location updates received, in seconds,
// before the user is marked "offline" on the map.
"offline_timeout" => 30,
// The timeout in seconds for map update requests from the map view. If a web
// request takes this long without a response, the map viewer is considered
// offline and will get a warning notifying them that they have lost their
// network connection.
"request_timeout" => 10,
// Maximum number of data points stored for each share before old points are
// deleted. Map clients will see up to this amount of data points when they load
// the page.
"max_cached_pts" => 3,
// Maximum number of data points that may be visible on the map at any time.
// This is used to draw trails behind the current location map marker. Higher
// values will show longer trails, but may reduce performance.
"max_shown_pts" => 100,
// Number of seconds of data that should be used to calculate velocity.
"v_data_points" => 2,
// The color of the marker trails. HTML color name or #rrggbb hex color code.
"trail_color" => '#d80037',
// The unit of measurement of velocity. Valid are:
"velocity_unit" => KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR,
// The publicly accessible URL to reach Hauk, with trailing slash.
"public_url" => ''