
91 lines
2.3 KiB

import { Gtk } from 'astal/gtk4';
import { Binding } from 'astal/binding';
import { EventController } from './controller';
// A mixin class must have a constructor with a single rest parameter of type 'any[]'
// eslint-disable-next-line "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any"
export type MixinParams = any[];
export type BindableChild = Gtk.Widget | Binding<Gtk.Widget>;
export type BindableProps<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: Binding<T[K]> | T[K];
export const noImplicitDestroy = Symbol('no no implicit destroy');
export const setChildren = Symbol('children setter method');
export const childType = Symbol('child type');
export const dummyBuilder = new Gtk.Builder();
export type GenericWidget = InstanceType<typeof Gtk.Widget> & {
[setChildren]: (children: Gtk.Widget[]) => void
export interface AstalifyProps {
css: string
child: Gtk.Widget
children: Gtk.Widget[]
cursorName: Cursor
type SigHandler<
W extends InstanceType<typeof Gtk.Widget>,
Args extends unknown[],
> = ((self: W, ...args: Args) => unknown) | string | string[];
export type ConstructProps<
Self extends InstanceType<typeof Gtk.Widget>,
Props extends Gtk.Widget.ConstructorProps,
Signals extends Record<`on${string}`, unknown[]> = Record<`on${string}`, unknown[]>,
> = Partial<{
// @ts-expect-error can't assign to unknown, but it works as expected though
[S in keyof Signals]: SigHandler<Self, Signals[S]>
}> & Partial<Record<`on${string}`, SigHandler<Self, unknown[]>>> & Partial<BindableProps<Omit<
'cssName' | 'css_name' | 'cursor'
>>> & {
noImplicitDestroy?: true
type?: string
cssName?: string
} & EventController<Self> & {
onDestroy?: (self: Self) => unknown
setup?: (self: Self) => void
export type Cursor =
| 'default'
| 'help'
| 'pointer'
| 'context-menu'
| 'progress'
| 'wait'
| 'cell'
| 'crosshair'
| 'text'
| 'vertical-text'
| 'alias'
| 'copy'
| 'no-drop'
| 'move'
| 'not-allowed'
| 'grab'
| 'grabbing'
| 'all-scroll'
| 'col-resize'
| 'row-resize'
| 'n-resize'
| 'e-resize'
| 's-resize'
| 'w-resize'
| 'ne-resize'
| 'nw-resize'
| 'sw-resize'
| 'se-resize'
| 'ew-resize'
| 'ns-resize'
| 'nesw-resize'
| 'nwse-resize'
| 'zoom-in'
| 'zoom-out';