matt1432 24aa4b9842
All checks were successful
Discord / discord commits (push) Has been skipped
refactor: make modules independant and exposed in the flake for outside use
2024-08-02 22:32:29 -04:00

62 lines
1.4 KiB

{osConfig, ...}: {
config = let
inherit ( xkb;
inherit (osConfig.roles.desktop) mainMonitor;
miceNames = [
mkConf = name: {
inherit name;
sensitivity = 0;
accel_profile = "flat";
in {
wayland.windowManager.hyprland = {
settings = {
device = map (d: (mkConf d)) miceNames;
cursor = {
no_hardware_cursors = osConfig.nvidia.enable;
hide_on_touch = true;
exec-once =
if mainMonitor != null
then ["hyprctl dispatch focusmonitor ${mainMonitor}"]
else [];
input = {
# Keyboard
kb_layout = xkb.layout;
kb_variant = xkb.variant;
numlock_by_default = true;
repeat_rate = 25;
# Mouse
follow_mouse = true;
# Touchpad
touchpad = {
natural_scroll = true;
disable_while_typing = false;
drag_lock = true;
tap-and-drag = true;
bind = [
",XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause"
",XF86AudioStop, exec, playerctl stop"
",XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next"
",XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous"
# For accurate stack trace
_file = ./inputs.nix;