matt1432 5a067656df
All checks were successful
Discord / discord commits (push) Has been skipped
chore: update sources
Flake Inputs:
    • Updated input 'grim-hyprland':
        'github:eriedaberrie/grim-hyprland' (2024-10-02) rev: db5b1ccdf272d18224d3e5089894a6407e97d9b6
      → 'github:eriedaberrie/grim-hyprland' (2025-03-11) rev: 4a3d6f5b87b01e92c404b9393b79057b85f58c60

    • Updated input 'home-manager':
        'github:nix-community/home-manager' (2025-03-10) rev: 7fb8678716c158642ac42f9ff7a18c0800fea551
      → 'github:nix-community/home-manager' (2025-03-12) rev: 18780912345970e5b546b1b085385789b6935a83

    • Updated input 'hyprland':
        'github:hyprwm/Hyprland' (2025-03-10) rev: e4af4b5e2e3566a5fa95505b0d0ef5e5c9e174b8
      → 'github:hyprwm/Hyprland' (2025-03-12) rev: e86d3a14e46d19d8a47f8ceb6410546715d45f10

    • Updated input 'jovian':
        'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS' (2025-03-10) rev: c769e6fa7ea00689254eb3f8385baec7e2f771cc
      → 'github:Jovian-Experiments/Jovian-NixOS' (2025-03-12) rev: 2f6342dc0cc9ffe5f9be8bd4db6ce43f2c4c1d87

    • Updated input 'kompass':
        'github:kotontrion/kompass' (2025-03-09) rev: ba7cd8f69ade8aade3d354d5f68b4ccec0b4284f
      → 'github:kotontrion/kompass' (2025-03-12) rev: cf6c8b26137adafae845f3905c11c98a197cd6cd

    • Updated input 'minix':
        'github:matt1432/Minix' (2025-03-06) rev: 775f99b1876d0e91d448d6078b9b1beae1f26ee6
      → 'github:matt1432/Minix' (2025-03-11) rev: f54246132bf10b385ed25a9d887e3d982c2c25de

    • Updated input 'nix-gaming':
        'github:fufexan/nix-gaming' (2025-03-10) rev: f627335019cb3395c52d89c72abb353d2456ba16
      → 'github:fufexan/nix-gaming' (2025-03-11) rev: 64a949349294543a48b3f946c9fca84332d1398b

    • Updated input 'nixpkgs':
        'github:NixOS/nixpkgs' (2025-03-09) rev: e3e32b642a31e6714ec1b712de8c91a3352ce7e1
      → 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs' (2025-03-12) rev: 75cd88fa9bfa1cf444a62d5e713fc76bb0fbba6f

    • Updated input 'nixpkgs-wayland':
        'github:nix-community/nixpkgs-wayland' (2025-03-10) rev: 4aa87b0399b9c17aa88a7c8606d41b123bcc7f99
      → 'github:nix-community/nixpkgs-wayland' (2025-03-12) rev: 120cd8e7a8c191e097b663e2cb9a1aa4c2588a31

    • Updated input 'poetry2nix':
        'github:nix-community/poetry2nix' (2025-03-10) rev: ac847558db725d865d44bbd77f894076c4b03ee3
      → 'github:nix-community/poetry2nix' (2025-03-12) rev: f842aae3a72ef764e38eaf3e75aa435fb9861bba

    • Updated input 'sops-nix':
        'github:Mic92/sops-nix' (2025-03-03) rev: 3f2412536eeece783f0d0ad3861417f347219f4d
      → 'github:Mic92/sops-nix' (2025-03-10) rev: e653d71e82575a43fe9d228def8eddb73887b866

    • Updated input 'vimplugin-roslyn-nvim-src':
        'github:seblj/roslyn.nvim' (2025-03-10) rev: 4fd5ab3c3c9ebb3b2c3fc7cc8d05bfb5cb1d1e97
      → 'github:seblj/roslyn.nvim' (2025-03-12) rev: 0d298e68efa511df18a0bd4fd9a0c9bf70ebdbf2

Docker Images:
    • latest:
     → sha256:0b3e1b888615cbd32cf879963d041abcf863d15160a9ace2928039a7b00590ef

    • latest:
     → sha256:2100d2cee89da16e7ce4a1169406c7718e6508c86ddc497dfbfdb7d6be2ea0c2

    • latest:
     → sha256:92dc0eb9ba260a11886ac52c3a82c5490769238f120e6312a2793809842021a6

Firefox Addons:
    sponsorblock: 5.11.5 -> 5.11.8

Node modules:
    eslint-plugin-jsdoc: 50.6.3 -> 50.6.6
2025-03-12 13:46:39 -04:00

439 lines
8.3 KiB

inherit (import ./lib.nix) mkInput mkHyprDep mkSrc;
inherit (builtins) listToAttrs map removeAttrs;
# Inputs
mainInputs = {
systems = mkInput {
owner = "nix-systems";
repo = "default-linux";
nixpkgs = mkInput {
owner = "NixOS";
repo = "nixpkgs";
ref = "nixos-unstable-small";
home-manager = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "home-manager";
nix-on-droid = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nix-on-droid";
inputs.home-manager.follows = "home-manager";
sops-nix = mkInput {
owner = "Mic92";
repo = "sops-nix";
secrets = mkInput {
type = "git";
url = "ssh://";
inputs.sops-nix.follows = "sops-nix";
nixTools = {
nix-fast-build = mkInput {
owner = "Mic92";
repo = "nix-fast-build";
nix-eval-jobs = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nix-eval-jobs";
ref = "v2.25.0";
nix-index-db = mkInput {
owner = "Mic92";
repo = "nix-index-database";
nh = mkInput {
owner = "viperML";
repo = "nh";
nurl = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nurl";
poetry2nix = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "poetry2nix";
# These are here to make sure all 'systems' and popular inputs are the same
flake-compat = mkInput {
owner = "edolstra";
repo = "flake-compat";
flake-utils = mkInput {
owner = "numtide";
repo = "flake-utils";
flake-parts = mkInput {
owner = "hercules-ci";
repo = "flake-parts";
inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs";
treefmt-nix = mkInput {
owner = "numtide";
repo = "treefmt-nix";
lib-aggregate = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "lib-aggregate";
nix-github-actions = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nix-github-actions";
pre-commit-hooks = mkInput {
owner = "cachix";
repo = "git-hooks.nix";
inputs.flake-compat.follows = "flake-compat";
overlays = {
nixpkgs-wayland = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nixpkgs-wayland";
nix-gaming = mkInput {
owner = "fufexan";
repo = "nix-gaming";
nvimInputs = {
nixd = mkInput {
owner = "nix-community";
repo = "nixd";
clusterInputs = {
pcsd = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nixos-pcsd";
serviviInputs = {
minix = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "Minix";
pr-tracker = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "pr-tracker";
nosInputs = {
docker-compose = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nixos-docker-compose";
nixos-jellyfin = mkInput {
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nixos-jellyfin";
bazarr-bulk = mkInput {
owner = "mateoradman";
repo = "bazarr-bulk";
desktopInputs = {
hyprlandInputs = {
hyprland = mkInput {
owner = "hyprwm";
repo = "Hyprland";
hyprland-plugins = mkHyprDep {
owner = "hyprwm";
repo = "hyprland-plugins";
hyprgrass = mkHyprDep {
owner = "horriblename";
repo = "hyprgrass";
hyprpaper = mkHyprDep {
owner = "hyprwm";
repo = "hyprpaper";
grim-hyprland = mkInput {
owner = "eriedaberrie";
repo = "grim-hyprland";
nixcord = mkInput {
owner = "kaylorben";
repo = "nixcord";
agsInputs = {
astal = mkInput {
# owner = "Aylur";
repo = "astal";
owner = "matt1432";
ref = "overlay";
ags = mkInput {
# owner = "Aylur";
repo = "ags";
owner = "matt1432";
ref = "overlay";
inputs.astal.follows = "astal";
kompass = mkInput {
owner = "kotontrion";
repo = "kompass";
inputs.astal.follows = "astal";
virtualkeyboard-adapter = mkInput {
owner = "horriblename";
repo = "fcitx-virtualkeyboard-adapter";
bbsteamieInputs = {
jovian = mkInput {
owner = "Jovian-Experiments";
repo = "Jovian-NixOS";
srcs = [
# Home-assistant
## Components
name = "extended-ollama-conversation-src";
owner = "TheNimaj";
repo = "extended_ollama_conversation";
owner = "make-all";
repo = "tuya-local";
name = "netdaemon-src";
owner = "net-daemon";
repo = "integration";
owner = "osk2";
repo = "yamaha-soundbar";
### SpotifyPlus
name = "spotifyplus-src";
owner = "thlucas1";
repo = "homeassistantcomponent_spotifyplus";
name = "smartinspect-src";
owner = "thlucas1";
repo = "SmartInspectPython";
name = "spotifywebapi-src";
owner = "thlucas1";
repo = "SpotifyWebApiPython";
## Voice
name = "wakewords-src";
owner = "fwartner";
repo = "home-assistant-wakewords-collection";
## Themes
owner = "berti24";
repo = "dracul-ha";
name = "caule-themes-src";
owner = "ricardoquecria";
repo = "caule-themes-pack-1";
## Lovelace Components
owner = "beecho01";
repo = "material-symbols";
owner = "elchininet";
repo = "custom-sidebar";
# Nvim plugins
name = "vimplugin-easytables-src";
owner = "Myzel394";
repo = "easytables.nvim";
name = "vimplugin-ts-error-translator-src";
owner = "dmmulroy";
repo = "ts-error-translator.nvim";
name = "vimplugin-roslyn-nvim-src";
owner = "seblj";
repo = "roslyn.nvim";
name = "nix-develop-nvim-src";
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "nix-develop.nvim";
# Overlays & packages
type = "gitlab";
owner = "rogs";
repo = "subscleaner";
type = "gitlab";
owner = "phoneybadger";
repo = "pokemon-colorscripts";
name = "gpu-screen-recorder-src";
type = "git";
url = "";
owner = "libratbag";
repo = "libratbag";
owner = "libratbag";
repo = "piper";
owner = "gjsify";
repo = "ts-for-gir";
# MPV scripts
name = "modernz-src";
owner = "Samillion";
repo = "ModernZ";
owner = "d87";
repo = "mpv-persist-properties";
owner = "christoph-heinrich";
repo = "mpv-pointer-event";
owner = "christoph-heinrich";
repo = "mpv-touch-gestures";
name = "eisa-scripts-src";
owner = "Eisa01";
repo = "mpv-scripts";
## Theme sources
name = "bat-theme-src";
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "bat";
owner = "Godiesc";
repo = "firefox-gx";
# ref = "v.9.9";
rev = "6f5d07e11e008d6cbf4461e53daf80820afa8418";
name = "git-theme-src";
owner = "dracula";
repo = "git";
name = "gtk-theme-src";
owner = "dracula";
repo = "gtk";
name = "nvim-theme-src";
owner = "Mofiqul";
repo = "dracula.nvim";
owner = "matt1432";
repo = "dracula-plymouth";
name = "sioyek-theme-src";
owner = "dracula";
repo = "sioyek";
flakegen = {
url = "github:jorsn/flakegen"; = "systems";
// mainInputs
// nixTools
// overlays
// nvimInputs
// clusterInputs
// serviviInputs
// nosInputs
// bbsteamieInputs
// desktopInputs.hyprlandInputs
// desktopInputs.agsInputs
// (listToAttrs (map (x: {
name = or "${x.repo}-src";
value = mkSrc (removeAttrs x ["name"]);