matt1432 fc712b5223
All checks were successful
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refactor: move mpv scripts and firefox addons to scopes in lgcyPkgs
2024-06-26 14:47:14 -04:00

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My NixOS configs


You might find it weird that most of my config is written in TypeScript. That's because all my desktops run AGS for UI. Click on this to see my configuration.

I'm also a victim of Stockholm syndrome at this point and make my scripts in TypeScript because it's the scripting language I am most comfortable with.



This repo is the complete configuration of machines I own, running NixOS or Nix. I tend to mix Home-Manager and NixOS a lot to make my custom modules by using my global vars system explained here

Flake Location

This git repo will always be located at $FLAKE (config.environment.variables.FLAKE) and symlinked to /etc/nixos to have everything where NixOS tools expect things to be.


sudo rm -r /etc/nixos

echo "$FLAKE" # /home/matt/.nix

sudo ln -sf /home/matt/.nix /etc/nixos

Flake Outputs

Output Description
nixosConfigurations devices' + ISO's configurations
nixOnDroidConfigurations.default Nix-On-Droid's configuration
packages Some custom packages not available in nixpkgs or modified from it
legacyPackages Some custom package scopes not available in nixpkgs or modified from it
formatter I format nix code with alejandra
devShells.default A dev shell to build an ISO from the live-image nixosConfiguration
devShells.ags A dev shell to have a NodeJS env when I enter my AGS's config directory

Flake Inputs

To allow use of the full nix language for my inputs, I use genflake. Therefore, the flake I edit is located at ./

I also prefer using a more descriptive format for my inputs like so:

nixpkgs = {
  type = "github";
  owner = "NixOS";
  repo = "nixpkgs";

  # Branch name
  ref = "nixos-unstable";

  # Pin this input to a specific commit
  rev = "842d9d80cfd4560648c785f8a4e6f3b096790e19";

to make it more clear what is what in the flake URI


All my secrets are in a private git repo that makes use of sops-nix. I generate .sops.yaml from .sops.nix:

  wim = "somekey";
  oksys = "somekey2";
in {
  creation_rules = [
      path_regex = "secrets/[^/]+\\.(yaml|json|env|ini)$";
      key_groups = [
          age = [wim oksys];

which is then converted to .sops.yaml using remarshal and this shell command:

nix eval --json --file ./.sops.nix | remarshal --if json --of yaml > .sops.yaml